Jones Beach, New York, in Pictures

We have been enjoying beautiful beaches  in NYC and the surrounding cities.

One of the latest one we visited was Jones Beach. Located in Wantagh, New York, it took us around 40 minutes by car to here.

Jones Beach is one of the state parks of the New York state and it's beautifully facing the Atlantic Ocean. Its wide open ocean and deep sea is pretty tempting to those who enjoy a good swimming session.

welcome to Jone Beach
Its soft, white sand beach streching around 6.5 miles or approximately 10.5 km in length certainly makes Jones Beach a popular destination in summer. There are six spots where you can get the parking spots and beautiful lines of beaches.
Jones Beach is also famous for its swimming pool at West Bath House pool. Too bad when we were there it was almost close, so we didn't to get a chance to try the pool.

care to swim with me?

Apparently, around 6 million people visit this lovely spot every year. When we were there on one sunny Saturday, it was quite packed with visitors enjoying beautiful day with the family and loved ones. Happy kids were running around and screams of joy were heard as people welcomed the cold waves of the ocean.

enjoying the wave

My kids truly enjoyed our time on this beach. Running and swimming around, taking pictures here and there, eating snacks and fruits, and even rolling down on the sand were parts of our itinerary that day. It was awesome!

Bo enjoying the beach

Bo et Obi at Jones Beach

mango time :)

Near the beach, there are a few cute wooden houses.

read the rules...

At the end of the day, we just sat down and enjoyed the sunset.

Glorious sky will always be fascinating to see. Always.

welcoming sunset

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy beautiful skies from every corner of the world.


  1. Duh, jadi kepengen ke pantai. Udah lama banget ke 'mantai' apalagi cuaca di indonesia sering ga bersahabat. Tiba2 ujan trus ga lama panas terik. Huhuhuu, jadi masih maju mundur pengen berangkatnya.

    Foto2nya keren mbaa :)

    1. Makasiiih Ipeeeh.. Pantai Indonesia bikin kangeeen dan asli kereen :)

  2. Love the first shot,best composition

  3. Indah sekali ya, Mbak, apalagi sambil menikmati mangga dengan potongan omah tawon gitu, hmmm.... :)

  4. foto senja yang pertama itu cakep banget
    burung 2yang terbang pulang itu pun jelas banget, burung apa itu mbak?

  5. Wah senengnya main di pantai! Pantainya cantik Mama Bo, main pasir juga nggak? Anak-anakku kalo ke pantai pasti mainan pasir :)

  6. Great sunset and beach fun shots. I especially loved the first with the warm sun glow dipping in the horizon, birds in flight, and the boat resting on the sand. :)

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  7. The beach is my happy place. Jones beach sounds like it gets busy, but after seeing your photos, I see why. It does look like a fun place to spend the day.

  8. Ombaknya gede juga yak...
    Tapi seneng juga lihat ada mango di sana..xixixi

  9. I bet that sand felt nice on your feet!

    I love mangos. Usually I stock up on them, cut them up to put them in the freezer. Then use them for smoothies. Nom Nom!


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