Cherry blossoms and spring are like pack and parcel.
It beautifully comes together.
As this is our first spring in the Big Apple, forgive me for bombarding you with pictures of flowers here and there...
I just can't fight it, taking picture all the time, in many corners of the city :).
They might look the same, but taken in different spots in NYC.
Mudah-mudahan belum boseeen ya liat postingan bunga di blogku ini.
I know, I know...udah ada banyak yang cerita dan share mengenai musim semi di berbagai belakang dunia. Dan saya pun tidak Kuasa menolak hasrat hati untuk foto di sana sini dan jalan ke sana ke mari setelah lumayan lama 'disetrap' oleh musim dingin yang seriusan dinginnya :). So, bear with me, okaaay ..
I know, I know...udah ada banyak yang cerita dan share mengenai musim semi di berbagai belakang dunia. Dan saya pun tidak Kuasa menolak hasrat hati untuk foto di sana sini dan jalan ke sana ke mari setelah lumayan lama 'disetrap' oleh musim dingin yang seriusan dinginnya :). So, bear with me, okaaay ..
This time, I'll show you the cerry blossoms at Corona Park, Flushing Meadows, Queens.
There, in Corona Park, Flushing Meadows, Quens..
Hanya berjarak kurang lebih 30 menit dengan mobil dari rumah, kami memang sering main ke Corona park. Apalagi karena taman ini letaknya satu kompleks denan Museum Queens yang pernah saya ceritakan di sini.
It was a bright lovely day and Bo et Obi just couldn't resist the temptation to play outside. Packing the toys, drinks and some munchies, off we went to the park just to be owed by the this particular spot filled with blossoming cherry trees...
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Obi dan gayanyaaaa :) |
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Bo was so happy to be outside... |
So, as we arrived at this park, we immediately went to the cherry tree.
Although I haven't been there before...
Again, as I told you in my previous story, Missing the Alien at Flushing Meadow, and Queens Museum in Winter, this area used to be the site of the 1964 World Fair. And apparently, the Japanese American Association of New York has presented these trees in conjuction to the fair.
Like Bo, Obi also enjoyed her time outdoor...
She didn't forget to bring her Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony and both of them were having fun under, between and amidst the trees.
For sure, the cherry blossoms really worth a wait. After such a prolonged winter, we are now embracing oursleves in the world of vivid colors and bursts of happiness :)
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The white one.. |
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the Men in Black Tower at Corona Park... |
Ada banyak tempat yang cantik dan penuh dengan cherry blossoms di NYC.
Tapi saya baru sempat mengunjungi Corona park ini dan UN Headquarters. Mudah-mudahan masih diberi kesempatan untuk melihat cherry blossoms di sekitar kota ini, seperti di Brooklyn, Central Park dan New York Botanical Garden dan juga New Jersey.
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salam dari Bo :)...
Do you have cherry blossoms as well near you place? How do you like it?
HUaaaaa,....rumah barunya mak indah kereennn dan aku sukaaa deh ^_^
ReplyDeletedan lalu terpesona sama keindahan musim semi di NYC. Bo et Obi kok perasaan keliatannya cepet besar2 gitu yaaa.... obi cantikk dan abang Bo selalu keren aj gayanya...
Mak indahhhh....kangen deh, smg kita bisa ketemu lagi yaa :)
makasih mak Irmaaa...main-main ke sini yaaa :)...aku juga kangeeeen..
DeleteBUnganya ungu pas banget sama warna kesukaan Mbak Indah
ReplyDeleteiya mak...dipas-pasin memang hehehe
Deletecantiknyaaa..aku pengen foto disitu juga :)
ReplyDeleteayo mak Dwiii...ditungguuuu...
DeleteNice pictures with these exquisite spring flowers, a delight! Beautiful portraits!
ReplyDeleteThanks Leovi..
Deletecantiiik pemandangannya, mba indah juga cantiik....suka foto-fotonya mba :*
ReplyDeleteMakasiiiih was a lovely daaay :)
DeleteDon't you just wish they flowered like that year round? It seems like you blink and then they are gone. It's a great thing you got so many beautiful photos before the flowers all fall off!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I do, Theresaaa....but they don;t stay that long..better seize the moment :)
DeleteHuaaaaaaa.....ini pohon dan bunga kesukaankuuuuu... blog aku temanya cherry blossom... aku suka pake banget dengan warna bunga dan bentuk mungilnya.... sayang ih jepang tidak menghadiahkan pohon ini ke Indonesia.... eh... dia bisa tumbuh gak ya di tropis?
ReplyDeleteIy amak Adeeee..aku pikir mungkin bisa ya tumbuh di Indonesia..hmm..atau ngg bisa ya hehehe
DeleteSooo beautifuuuul..... Ternyata memang hadiah dr Jepang ya. Kirain lg family vacation ke Jepang :D
ReplyDeleteIyaaa mak Lusi...sepertinya semua diawali dari hadiah Jepaaang :)
DeleteAku suka banget bunga ini, meski baru lihat lewat foto atau youtube temen. Doakan ya mbak, bisa lihat ini langsung pas musim semi di negerinya, aamiin :D
ReplyDeleteaamiiin mba..insya Allah doanya dikabulkan yaaa..
Deletecantik banget mak bunga2nya mau tiduran di situ seharian deh rasanya heheh
ReplyDeletehahaha..iya..aku juga betah bangeet nih :)
DeleteYa Allah Indahnyaaa.. seindah senyum mak Indah yg merekah.. kok ya kebetulan say askrng juga pake lipstik merah *gak nyambung :)
ReplyDeleteWah indah banget bunga sakuranya.