THE 42nd ASEAN SUMMIT - Behind the scene story

Hi everyone..

Cheers from ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting venue at Ayana Komodo, Labuan Bajo

I hope all is well and kali ini saya ingin berbagi cerita di balik layar saat ditugaskan untuk membantu pelaksanaan KTT ASEAN ke-42 yang berlangsung di Labuan bajo, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Mungkin teman - teman sempat melihat exposure dan berbagai pemberitaan mengenai pelaksanaan KTT ASEAN tersebut di berbagai media massa dan media sosial. Pelaksanaan yang dapat dikatakan berhasil dengan baik dan menghasilkan banyak kesepakatan penting ini berlangsung berkat kerja sama dan kerja keras banyak pihak, terutama dari kantor saya, Kementerian Luar Negeri.

cheers from Labuan Bajo

Saya termasuk beruntung dapat bergabung dengan tim Kemlu dalam persiapan dan pelaksanaan KTT kali ini. Penugasan ini termasuk salah satu penugasan yang cukup mendadak karena saya mendapat informasinya sekitar 2 minggu setelah libur dan cuti bersama Lebaran, jadi hanya beberapa hari sebelum bertolak ke Indonesia. Alhamdulillah persiapan menuju perjalanan ke Labuan Bajo, Indonesia berjalan lancar. 

gearing up to welcome all the ASEAN Leaders

I flew from Wellington on May 5 and had a short transit in Jakarta, before flying to labuan Bajo the next day. I stayed in Labuan Bajo from May 6th - 13th, then heading back to Wellington on May 16th. It was a very intensive week with lots of meeting, coordinations, general rehearsals and last-minute adjustments for the series of meetings we had to go through during the Summit. Again, it was crazily busy and I take it as a rewarding experience.

some member of the team and all of us were posted in Indonesian Mission in New York

KTT ASEAN ke-42 dimulai dengan rangkaian pertemuan di beberapa tingkat, antara lain Committee of Permanent Representatives of ASEAN, Senior Official Meeting, and Foreign Ministers meetings and related meetings at ministerial level, before the Summit commenced. We were welcoming ASEAN Leaders,- Prime Ministers, Sultan and the likes, as well as members of their delegations. 

ready to rumble... usai MC untuk ASEAN Foreign Minister Meeting

Chef Arnold juga ikutan berpartisipasi 

With Minister for Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi

Bersama Pak Sandiaga Uno yang juga hadir dalam salah satu pertemuan

The Summit itself was very packed with meetings. Di hari pertama KTT yang dipimpin oleh Pak Presiden Joko Widodo, ada 5 pertemuan yang berlangsung secara bergantian. Semuanya di tingkat kepala negara. Di hari kedua KTT, pertemuan berlangsung hingga tengah hari, yang kemudian ditutup dengan press briefing yang dipimpin langsung oleh Presiden Jokowi dan didampingi oleh Menteri Luar Negeri dan Menteri Sekretaris Negara, dengan dihadiri menteri lainnya seperti Pak Siandiaga Uno. 

bertugas sebagai MC saat KTT ASEAN 

Di luar pertemuan resmi, terdapat rangkaian pertemuan bilateral antara Presiden Jokowi dengan pemimpin negara ASEAN lainnya, serta kegiatan menikmati matahari terbenam di kapal Phinisi serta Gala Dinner dengan pertunjukan kesenian yang menakjubkan garapan Pak Wisnuthama. It was really a series of remarkable gatherings.

collage keseruan welcoming dinner yang dituanrumahi Pak Jokowi

Saya bergabung dengan tim acara dan persidangan, di mana passion dan pengalaman saya dalam dunia MC atau Master of Ceremony benar- benar terpakai. 

the food served during the VVIP Luncheon

Jadi de ja vu dan seperti mengulang masa - masa di mana saya masih aktif di radio dan memenuhi kontrak MC di hotel berbintang di masa muda. Hahaha...kalau bicara begini rasanya seperti sudah tua karena pengalaman - pengalaman tersebut terjadi belasan tahun yang lalu. 

But in short, I coordinated intensively with the main team of conference officers as well as Presidential protocol team to ensure the smooth conduct of the events. Here are some of the additonal photos from behind the scene.

Indonesian desk

cheers dari Labuan Bajo

Bersama dengan salah satu rekan MC yang datang dari perwakilan RI di Wina, saya berbagi tugas untuk berbagai acara di atas. Saya bertugas di saat sunset reception and welcoming dinner untuk para Menteri Luar Negeri ASEAN, rangkaian Foreign Ministers' Meeting; ASEAN Political and Security Community dan ASEAN Coordinating Council, serta rangkaian KTT dan juga VVIP Luncheon yang dituanrumahi Presiden Jokowi dan Press Conference . Again, seminggu di Bajo jadi tak terasa karena hampir setiap hari penuh dengan kegiatan dan koordinasi. Pheeew, setelah acara resmi ditutup baru terasa melelahkan. But then again, it was all rewarding. 

the collage ohotos from the VVIP luncheon... 

more from the VVIP Luncheon

Saya kembali ke Jakarta pada tanggal 13 Mei dan setelah menghabiskan akhir pekan sejenak bersama keluarga di Jakarta, saya kembali ke Wellington pada tanggal 15 Mei. 

Well, itulah sedikit cerita pelaksanaan KTT ASEAN ke-42 di Labuan Bajo and again, I am very privilege to be there and hope I can come back there soon with my family, this time for a full-pledge vacation.

See you on the next adventures yaaaa.

Postcards from Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Welcome back and hope you all have a great break after Lebaran Day.

For me, it's straight back to work at the Embassy and I even had a sudden assignment to Indonesia, supporting the 42nd ASEAN Summit at Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara. 

Cheers from me and mini-me at ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting

I have to say I am totally blessed with this opportunity to see this amazing part of Indonesia while getting a rewarding experience of an international conference with the team from my office.

morning jog at Marina Komodo, Labuan Bajo. East Nusa Tenggara

This is not my first visit to East Nusa Tenggara province, as I have visited Kupang, the capital of the province, and Atambua, the city bordering with Timor-Leste, before. Nevertheless, I was so excited to come and visit Labuan Bajo, which is famously known for its spectacular landscapes, amazing underwater world, unique cultures and traditions, as well as friendly, warm-hearted people. I bet you have heard of Komodo, Pink Beach, Padar and Rinca Island, Manta point diving site, and more! Those are some of the amazing spots in Labuan Bajo.

one of the traditional boats near the marina

So, before I share more stories, let's enjoy some photos I took during my stay in Labuan Bajo.

Let's say, some postcards from Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

busy Marina at Labuan Bajo

Pink beach, babe...

morning jog at Labuan Bajo

dancing with the manta at Makassar Reef, Labuan Bajo

Pink beach in one fine afternoon

saying hi to one female Komodo at Komodo Island

taking picture with the Komodo from the safe distance

Nanti saya akan ceritakan keseruannya saat berada di Labuan Bajo dengan segala aktivitas dan tempat - tempat yang luar buasa untuk dikunjungi.

See you on the next post!

WW: Lebaran Day Feast

Eid Mubarak!

Here's a little photo album of the food that we prepared and enjoyed during the celebration of Eid al Fitr in Wellington. 

Get yourselves ready!

Can you tell me what we have on the dining table? 

Lot's of familiar things I believe!

I bet you cook many special food as well for Eid celebration. Which one is your favorite and who do you cook it with? 

Eid Mubarak from Aotearoa

Eid Mubarak, everyone!

Happy to send the greetings from Aotearoa for the victorious day of Eid Al Fitr from my family to you all.

This year, we celebrated the Eid for the second time in the land of the long clouds. Ramadhan has been beautifully and solemnly observed and I have to admit that this year, the fasting month went so well. Busy days at the office and schools in the case of my kids didn't dampen our spirits to really enjoy the holy month. It's been colorful and for sure rewarding.

Our colorful days during Ramadhan 1444H

My husband and I even managed to join many ifthar gatherings and taraweh prayer with UMI or Umat Muslim Indonesia in Wellington. Every weekend, we had the ifthar gatherings and every Saturday, in different places that had been arranged with the committee, consisting of ummah living in particular neighborhood in Wellington.

This year has been a blessing and again, I would like to once again extend the warmest Eid greetings to all my moslem sisters and brothers, wherever you are. I trust you all are enjoying this precious time with your loved ones. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

By the way, nearing the D-day, about 8 days before lebaran, my hubby got COVID-19. I did the test and mine got back with 2 lines as well although I have no symptoms. Udi had been coughing and having cold, then on the 3rd day he lost the taste. That was when we took the test and it was positive. 

So, we isolated at home and probably it's like the blessing in disguise. Good thing we were not heavily impacted by the symptoms this time. So, we both had time to cook extra.

some of the cookies we made

We really ended up with kastengels, nastar, lidah kucing, and kacang goreng. Plus rendang, opor ayam, sambal goreng udang, acar dan ketupat instan. Sounds like a feast, right! A lot to cook and a lot to share as well. 

Then on the D-day, we all gathered in Karori Normal School Hall which has been rented by UMI for the venue of this year's Eid Al Fitr prayer. Beautiful shermont was given and aroun 300 of us gathered in here and enjoyed Eid. After that, we visited some houses of our seniors and elderies in Wellington. It's great to come and meet them and also keep our silahturahmi. When the time is slightly noon, as we have 5 hours different with Wellington ahead, I have a video call with my family in Indonesia. That completed our day of Eid celebration this year! 

The next day, we had some guests coming and we hiked afterwards! How's your lebaran day? Share with me in the comments ya.

Ramadhan cooking with the Frakarsas

Ramadhan cooking with the Frakarsas

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

I hope your Ramadhan goes well and this blessed month will give us ample time to reflect and revisit our journey in this life, so that we can be a better person.

Ramadhan has always successfully brought my family together. I manage to go home early, prepare the meals with my hubby and my kids, and as much as we can, we always pray together in jamaah. The sense of togetherness and family spirit really brings us together and that what makes Ramadhan special.

Ramadhan cooking with the Frakarsas

Salah satu kegiatan favorit yang kerap saya lakukan bersama anak - anak dan juga suami adalah berkreasi di dapur. 

Entah kenapa, saat Ramadhan, kami sering sekali berkumpul di pojok ini sambil memikirkan apa yang akan disiapkan dan dimasak. Mungkin karena saat Ramadhan jam kerja kantor juga lebih pendek sehingga bisa pulang lebih awal atau karena menahan lapar, jadi berbagai kreatifitas dan keinginan memasak pun muncul. Entahlah. Yang pasti, kami berempat menikmatinya dan saat di dapur ini pun kami banyak bertukar cerita, sharing berbagai hal termasuk hal - hal penting dalam Islam dan dalam berpuasa, maupun bercanda sambil menunggu waktu berbuka. 

Saat berada di Indonesia, kita seringkali dimanjakan dengan berbagai kemudahan, termasuk jajan takjil atau makanan berbuka. Bahkan sampai makanan utama pun banyak yang menjualnya dan rasanya enak serta harganya juga bervariasi. Tapi saat di luar negeri, seperti di New Zealand, kami seringkali membuat sendiri makanan yang ingin kita makan, terutama makanan Indonesia. Memang ada yang menjualnya atau membuka PO, tapi biasanya harganya lumayan banget dan juga tidak selalu ada. So, pilihannya adalah masak sendiri deh.

Nadine was preparing for kaastengels

Biasanya kami masak setelah selesai sholat Ashar berjamaah. Atau kalau di waktu weekend, selesai dzuhur bersama, kalau ada masakan atau kue yang akan dibuat, kami pun mulai memasaknya bersama. Tidak jarang kami recook atau memasak ulang beberapa resep keluarga yang banyak diwariskan dari mama saya ataupun almarhumah mama Rudi, my hubby.  There are times when we called our family back home just to have a chat or ask about the recipes. It was fun indeed!

Karenanya, saya jarang berbuka di luar rumah selama di Wellington. Selain sulit memastikan makanan yang kita beli dan santap 100% halal, berbagai restoran di Wellington tidak memiliki tempat sholat. Bahkan di mall sekalipun, yang hanya ada satu di antero kota Wellington (nanti saya cerita lebih banyak lagi ya :)), tidak ada mushola atau tempat untuk sholat. Well, tidak heran sih karena memang Wellington dan New Zealand pada umumnya memang negara sekuler. Pilihan berbuka di rumah, atau bersama komunitas muslim adalah yang paling tepat memang.

Here are some of the food that The Frakarsas managed to cook during this Ramadhan. Can you guess what they are?

Pastel for Ifthar

Besides the food for our sahoor and ifthar, we had cooked some cookies for Lebaran or Eid al Fitr as well. We usually cook kaastengels or the cheese cookies, nastar or the pineapple jam cookies, and putri salju or cookies with icing sugar.

our favorite kaastengel..

don't you just love the chilies!

And psst, my hubby is a great cook as well. He got so excited in creating his late mom's recipes that we all miss from home. Sometimes he checks the Cookpad and YouTube as well to get some inspirations. I love working with him in the kitchen. He can be super meticulous (and noisy) but the results are usually superb as well. Thanks, love!

can you guess what he was making?

Udi really loves meat.. so he's very good at preparing them

So, that's a little story from our family in this Ramadhan. We are truly enjoying our family time in the kitchen. But of course we didn't spend the entire time in the kitchen as Ramadhan is the perfect month to enhance our observance, worship and prayers to the Almighty. 

Do you love cooking as well? Any particular dishes you and your family love to make during Ramadhan? Share the stories with us at the comment ya.

See you on the next post!

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh