This year, we celebrated the Eid for the second time in the land of the long clouds. Ramadhan has been beautifully and solemnly observed and I have to admit that this year, the fasting month went so well. Busy days at the office and schools in the case of my kids didn't dampen our spirits to really enjoy the holy month. It's been colorful and for sure rewarding.
Our colorful days during Ramadhan 1444H |
My husband and I even managed to join many ifthar gatherings and taraweh prayer with UMI or Umat Muslim Indonesia in Wellington. Every weekend, we had the ifthar gatherings and every Saturday, in different places that had been arranged with the committee, consisting of ummah living in particular neighborhood in Wellington.
This year has been a blessing and again, I would like to once again extend the warmest Eid greetings to all my moslem sisters and brothers, wherever you are. I trust you all are enjoying this precious time with your loved ones. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
So, we isolated at home and probably it's like the blessing in disguise. Good thing we were not heavily impacted by the symptoms this time. So, we both had time to cook extra.
some of the cookies we made |
We really ended up with kastengels, nastar, lidah kucing, and kacang goreng. Plus rendang, opor ayam, sambal goreng udang, acar dan ketupat instan. Sounds like a feast, right! A lot to cook and a lot to share as well.
Sehat2 mba Indah sekeluarga, Minal Aidin Walfaidzin, di sini juga beberapa kerabatada yang terkena covis, sepertinya memang mulai marak lagi ya
ReplyDeleteRendang, opor, sambal hati memang makanan yang dinanti saat lebaran. Aku bahkan di rumah bikin nastar dan kastangel juga dibantu anak2.. Mohon maaf lahir batin ya Mbak Indah.
ReplyDeleteeid mubarak Mba Indah dan keluarga. senang sekali pastinya bisa ada kesempatan untuk masak dan bikin2 kue lebaran lagiii
ReplyDeleteMinal aidzin wal faidzin untuk Mbak Indah sekeluarga... Keren nih lebaran juga suasana tetap beraroma ungu ya...
ReplyDeleteWah sempat kena covid ya, Mbak Indah. Wis tetap jaga kesehatan ya dan berhati-hati, meski katanya sekarang covid sudah kayak flu biasa. Btw, minal aidzin wal faidzin ya, Mbak, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
ReplyDeleteDaku lebaran lagi nggak bikin rendang daging kak, karena mepet waktunya hehe (sok sibuk banget deh hehe).
ReplyDeleteTapi Alhamdulillah yang penting inti lebaran dan silaturahmi ini ya yg utama
Biarpun di negri orang tapi tetap saudara sesama muslim dan saudara setanah air yang terus menjalin silahturahmi .
ReplyDeletepengen bisa bikin kue lebaran sendiri tapi belum kesampaian mba diriku. Kapan-kapan bagi resep ya mba. Ada yang ga dioven ga sih, soalnya ga punya oven. Maap lahir batin ya mba Indah sekeluarga
ReplyDeletelooks very nice