Halloween Night 2017


Happy Halloween!

Halloween is way back couple weeks ago but I feel like I have to write it here in My Purple World :). 

This Halloween, NYC was celebrating it in a somber mood.
On the very same day, the city has another terror attack in Lower Manhattan, causing casualities and another wave of anger towards this cowardly act of terror.

But the spirit was soaring high!
#NYCStrong and the annual NYC Halloween Parade continued.
We didn't joined it this year as it was school night and with the kids, I preferred staying near our safe neighborhood.  Besides, it would be our last Halloween here in NYC. Next year we will be back to Indonesia. I know, I know...we don't really celebrate Halloween back home because it is not part of our culture nor religion values, but we just enjoy the moment for fun. Nothing more :).

So there I was, running from the office at 6 PM and went straight home to meet my kids and my cousins who happened to be staying in our house. We all were so excited to see the Halloween and I have seen some houses were going all out for the ghostly decoration, including ours!

the scary doll I bring back home for Halloween :)

I took sometimes to dress my self up and got some make-up done.
I really wanted to do those cute mermaid make-up but I guess I was not that skilfull hahaha.

So I ended up having those teal and purplish eye shadow painted on my face and got the burgundy lipstick, my favorite as  always. Put on my purple wig and purple cape, like the one I have for the New York Comic Con and voile, I'm all set.

Obi just wanted to be the cat, just like last year, although I have got her a popcorn dress and a unicorn! While Bo was pretty much too 'cool' to dress up (Mom, I'm in IS already!)  and he just put that giant blue squid hat on his head and bundled up with his matching fleece jacket. Well, that would do :).

We got ourselves ready, walking around the neighborhood   

Some of the decorations were indeed super serious!

I bet they have spent so much money on those giant jack-o-lantern,  flying dragons, skeleton bands, laughing witches, cemetery setup, the smoke and lighting, and more.
See some of the snaps I took during that night!
Creepily cool. 
The kids love them for sure.

We ended up feeling hungry after walking around 10 blocks (so ambitious) and get ur pumpkin buckets filled. So we had our Halloween dinner at our favorite Greek Taverna. Perfect Halloween night indeed.

How was your Halloween?
What's your costumes?
Do you like spending money for the decorations and costumes as well?

Mari Berburu Sepatu Pria

Okay, my husband loves shoes!

Nothing’s wrong with that, right.
And that makes us equal, as I am crazy about shoes as well.
As crazy as I am for lipsticks, purple stuff and comics!

And I just realized that he has a lot of them!
Different kinds, different colors, for different ocassions.

Jadi ceritanya begini.
Kami akan segera kembali ke tanah air karena tahun depan, saya dijadwalkan pulang ke Jakarta.
Rencana kembali yang semula bulan Februari berubah menjadi bulan Juli karena Dubes saya meminta saya untuk diperpanjang hingga kampanye pencalonan Indonesia sebagai Negara Anggota Tidak Tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB selesai di bulan Juni 2018.
Karena waktunya sudah tidak lama lagi, aku sudah mulai packing dong!
Bebenah segala pernak-pernik dan ‘harta karun’ yang kami ‘kumpulkan’ selama 4 tahun tinggal di New York City.
Dan belum apa-apa, aku sudah berhasil mengumpulkan 20 kardus besar, yang isinya mostly oleh-oleh dan sepatu!

Oh I gotta remind you. Salah satu godaan terbesar di sini adalah BELANJA!
Well, godaan pertama: belanja. Godaan kedua: belanja. dan godaan ketiga: belanja.
Iya, belanja, alias shopping.
Apa pun itu bentuknya.
Be it online, directly at the flagship store, visiting the department store, thrift store alias toko pre-loved, maupun belanja via telpon, katalog, dan bahkan iklan di TV!
Nakutin ya, haha #garukgarukkepala.

Dan kalau virus SALE sudah merajalela, kami pun hanya bisa berdoa #sambillirikdompet. 

Kalau saya lemah hati di beauty products (dan juga tas, sepatu, baju plus pernak-pernak rumah lucu warna ungu :)), suami saya ngga tahan *NGGA TAHAN* sama sepatu.

So, mari kita  berburu sepatu pria!

You know what you want?
What's your favorite? 
Boat? Oxford? Chelsea? or Wing tip?
Or loafer? monk strap? Brogue? or Derby?

Are you familiar with all those names and terms?
Or just like me, I swear I don't know many of them!

Aku pikir itu tadinya nama tempat (dan memang ada yang seperti nama kota kan ya). Ternyata, saudara-saudari, itu adalah nama jenis sepatu laki-laki.
I learnt that from my hubby, who obviously learnt it from Mr. Google.
Mau liat seperti apa model sepatu yang aku sebut di atas?
Here's what I found in Pinterest!

got it  from pinterest :)

See, there are obviously tons of them.
In term of the models, they also have the one with lace, or whole cute, plain toe, cap toe or wing tip
Dan saya mulai pegangan. 
Pusiiing, cyin!

Yang pasti, jenis sepatu pria biasanya dibedakan antara untuk setingan formal atau informal. Untuk acara formal pun jenis sepatu yang disarankan pun bermacam-macam, meskipun rata-rata klasik seperti Oxford, Brogued cap toes, atau opera pump.
Tergantung apakah akan menggunakan black tie, suits atau pasangan jas, atau dress trousers yang juga sering dikenal sebagai two-tone karena warna jas dan celananya berbeda.
Kalau  untuk informal atau casual, pilihannya lebih banyak lagi.
Dan kalau aku intip, they come up with shoes such as espadrilles, blucher mocs, chukkas, or plimpsolls.
Okay, somebody explains this to me, please!

Untuk sepatu laki-laki, aku dengan manisnya hanya tau boots, sneakers dan pantofel.
Paling ditambah dengan sepatu olah raga (yang juga berbeda untuk lari, jogging, tenis, basket, naik sepeda, main bola, yoga, panjat tebing, dan kawan-kawannya)
Udah itu aja.  
Well, mentok-mentok tau dan punya juga jenis loafer dan oxford yang memang banyak tersedia untuk perempuan juga.

Walhasil, saat packing beberapa pasang (atau tepatnya berkardus-kardus) sepatu suamiku tercinta, saya baru sadar kalau Rudi ternyata sama gilanya dengan saya untuk urusan sepatu!
Aneka bentuk, aneka bahan, aneka warna.
Well, mostly in black, grayish black, tan, dark brown charcoal, navy blue, white, and dark (and neon) green. 

Dari segala jenis sepatu yang disebut di atas, ternyata Udi punya banyak chunky sneakers, boat shoes, Chelsea boots, black Oxford, Wingtip boots, Penny loafers and sport shoes, terutama untuk lari dan naik sepeda.

Penuh cinta dia bersihkan semua sepatu itu satu per satu, menggunakan agen pembersih dan alat pembersih khusus sesuai jenis sepatu, dan juga diganjel dengan alat khusus yang menjaga bentuk sepatu agar tidak berubah , sebelum semuanya masuk kardus-masing-masing dan disimpan untuk kami bawa pulang ke Indonesia.

Dan sama seperti alasan saya yang perlu gonta-ganti sepatu setiap hari (dan setiap ganti baju, tas, or event yang akan saya datangi), Rudi, my hubby, pun bilang kalau dirinya pun sama! Setiap ocassion dan kostum yang digunakan perlu sepatu yang sesuai. Dan bahkan dengan PDnya dia menenangkan aku, kalau sepatu-sepatu ini nantinya bisa diwariskan ke Bo yang memang sudah menunjukkan tanda-tanda akan memiliki kaki besar :).
Saya cuma bisa tepok jidat, dan sadar diri kalau sebenarnya  I am doing exactly the same thing! So, who's laughing now. 

Sebelnya, sambil asyik bebersihan, dia pun sibuk ingatkan aku untuk lakukan hal yang sama karena sepatu-sepatu kami tercinta ini akan mengalami perubahan iklim dan kelembaban yang besar potensinya akan merusak kondisi sepatu-sepatu ini. Tapi, dia ngga mau bantu aku membersihkan sepatuku yang bejibun itu, hiks. Malah wanti-wanti kalau tidak segera dibersihkan nanti sepatunya tambah rusak, jadi tidak bisa diwariskan ke Obi. 

Well-noted, Pak!

Next time, aku cerita soal drama koleksi sepatuku deh!

Dan pssst...virus doyan sepatu ini sepertinya sudah menular ke Obi >_<

Jadi, sudah siap berburu sepatu pria (lagi)!
Which one is your favorite?

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

What a wonderful, busy week I have here!

After our lovely Halloween, last weekend I joined UN Run and volunteered for NYC Marathon!
How was your Halloween, by the way?

As for the 5K run and the volunteering, it was really an experience of a life time indeed.
From a mere spectator on TV, I finally decided to join the 5K and then volunteer at NYC Marathon Marshall Zone 3, near the finish line.

7 hours standing, rain or shine, and happily cheering those marathoners as well as providing directions.
It was super tiring but fun!

Shout out to all volunteers and of course marathoners :)

So, now..I am happy to invite you all again to our weekly party, Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls!

And I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to one of our Hosts, dearest Evija! 
Congratulations to Evija for winning the Amara Blog Award For The Best Craft Blog!! 
Ready to party and share you beautiful week as well? Come aboard..
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My Purple World 

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Evija Won The Amara Blog Award For The Best Craft Blog!! 

Evija Roberts | Evija With Love // I Won Amara Blog Award For The Best Craft Blog!! | Tw | Bl | G+ | Fb | Pin | In » Repin From Original
Susan B Mead 

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 Three Great Ways to Look and Feel Younger 

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The Dedicated House Fall Home Decor Tour 2017 
Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh my Heartsie Girl The Dedicated House //Fall Home Decor Tour 2017  The Scrap Shoppe 25 Fall Book Page Crafts

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  The Bearded Hiker Sweet Potto Dal

Feature Chosen by Susan // Susan B Mead The Bearded Hiker //Sweet Potato Dal Tea Cottage Mysteries Apple Tea Cakes 

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Tea Cottage Mysteries //Apple Tea Cakes Mrs. Kringles Kitchen Roasted Pears with Cinnamon-Honey and Pecans 
Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Mrs. Kringles Kitchen //Roasted Pears with Cinnamon-Honey and Pecans

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But Now......
Lets Party...... 

WW: UN Run - Abbott Dash to the Finish Line 5K

Abbott Dash to Finish Line 5 K is back and I am once again joining the UN team.

Run Together!
That’s the theme that we have this year.

I finish the 5K for 50 minutes hahahaha.
Too many photos and stops here and there :).
But it was really a fun and healthy well-spent Saturday indeed. 

With the Erma and Angie from the office and Thomas and his wife from Singapore Mission

join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the linky party!

Fall Foliage at Central Park

Fall is almost finished.
But its beauty lingers.

Every October and November, I always have great chances to enjoy the beauty  of Fall in a healthy way.
In October, I joined Making Strides against Breast Cancer.
We walked 5 miles in Central Park to join the survivors and the big families of supporters for this charity event,
On the second week of November, a day before NYC marathon, I was joining the UN Run or Abbott Dash to Finish Line 5K again this year.
Two beautiful events here in  NYC that I don't want to miss.

And as the finish line was in Central Park, I get a chance to enjoy the eternal beauty of this wonderful park during my favorite season, Fall.

My favorite spot..Bethesda Fountain..
One of my favorite spots of all time in Central Park is Bethesda Fountain and Terrace.
I can never get bored of taking some times strolling around this popular spot.
This majestic fountain is famous not only for all its angel of waters and some cute little angels on the lower part of the statue.
If you notice further, the angel holds  lily flowers, which represent the water's purity.
As I read further on Central Park website, the statue was beautifully made by Emma Stebbins, under the commission of New York City. She happens to be the first female sculptor being commissioned by the City.

While resting for  while after the 5K that day, we stopped at Bethesda Fountain to enjoy the incredibly blue sky and the fall foliage near the lake. 
We also stopped at the same spot during Making Strides against Breast Cancer.
As you see, we have the lake near the fountain. 
The trees around the lake have yellow leaves already and look beautiful.

When we walked along the Mall, it was even lovelier to see those yellowing trees.
Lines of  American Elms are magnificently framing the Literary walk, where we have statues of great poets and authors, plus Christopher Columbus as an exception.
Such a wonderful walk in the middle of the lungs of New York City.

Ah..the beauty of Fall.
I just can't help but capturing all this wonderful creations of the Almighty with my phone.

So, Fall is indeed my favorite season :).
And I am forever grateful for those magnificent trees and the wonderful sky above our head.
Do you manage to see the fall foliage this season?