Let's Get Connected

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored post, but all stories and opinion are 100% my own.

"Mamaaaaa...Om Ajay is calling" jerit Bo suatu pagi saat saya sedang asyik mempersiapkan sarapan anak-anak.

Ajay, adik bungsu saya di Jakarta, memang menelpon lewat line video call.

Terhitung sering malah, karena selain bertukar kabar khususnya tentang mama dan keluarga besar di tanah air, kami juga banyak kepentingan lain, termasuk titipan lipkit Kylie cosmetics  yang tiada habis-habisnya itu hehehehe.

si Kylie :)

Pagi itu Ajay mengabari mama yang sedang traveling ke Sukabumi.
Aaah.. Sukabumi..
Kampung mama kami tercinta yang asli bikin kangen!
Ada sepupu kami yang akan segera melangsungkan pernikahan di Wanayasa, Sukabumi. Kebetulan ayah pengantin wanita adalah om kami yang besar di Lampung dan pernah tinggal bersama di rumah kami.Really miss them. 

Dan Sukabumi, buat saya, memang selalu identik pemandangan hijau nan sejuk di sana serta aneka kuliner lokal yang luar biasa mantaaaap. Ada simping, kupat tahu, ranginang, pindang, oncom, goreng seupi et masih banyak lagi. Asli kangeeeeen! #dantibatibalapar #baladajauhdaritanahair

So back to our video call, lagi asyik-asyik ngobrol via facetime tiba-tiba gambar menghilang. All black et reconnecting..
Mendadak gelaaaap ...

Padahal kami sedang asyik-asyik ngegosip hehehehe.

Saya coba telpon kembali, hasilnya sama.

Setelah tunggu beberapa lama, muncul pesan singkat dari istri adikku tercinta itu.

"Paket internetnya habis, teh. 
Lagi di jalan, nanti sambung lagi.

Ya ampuuuuun >_<

Ini serius paket internetnya habis?

Padahal kan aku pengen tau cerita di resepsi pernikahan kemarin. Pakai baju apa, siapa aja yang dateng, makanannya  enak ngga, foto-foto ngga..
Juga pengen tau ada kabar apalagi dari rumah.
Plus siapa lagi yang mau pesen tas Kate Spade dari NYC hehehe.

Hari gini rasanya gemeeees banget ngga siiih kalau sedang asyik ber-video call ria terus pret terputus. 
Padahal sekarang sudah jaman 5G LTE  hehehee :).

Saya mau ingatkan Ajay deeeh untuk pakai paket internet terbaik telkomsel 

Udah pada tau doooong paket internet terbaik telkomsel ? Go ahead and check it out right away to know all the facilities and bonuses that you can get. Saat di tanah air, saya memang salah satu pelanggannya. So far selalu menikmati kualitas jaringan yang ok dan bisa diandalkan. 

Jadi, tidak lama kemudian, muncul pesan pendek WA lagi.. Masih dari istri adikku.

"Udah isi pulsa, beli paket internet. Tapi hp lowbat."

Duuuh Ajaaay ;p

WW: In Pink We Trust

I'm still celebrating #breastcancerawarenessmonth in this beautiful October :).

Check out some cool merchandises I got from cancer.org.

I'm a survivor..

I stand for hope..

I am also getting ready for my Making Strides against Breast Cancer at Central Park this weekend! Join my team if you're around :).

And have fun bloghopping by linking up with me yooo :)

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Hello, everyone ...
How's October so far?

The UN Committee meetings are in full swings and I have no better choice but enjoy it :). Up till Thanksgiving we will negotiate, break a while, then continue till Christmas eve. Well, well...

the meeting of the 4th Committee
But on weekend, we managed to see the Indonesian Film Week New York 2016. 
It was a great movie marathon indeed! Particularly for us who have been away from home for quite some times :).

so many beautiful movies to watch..

And on our way back, I found John Derian vintage shop and so in love with all they have there, including this amazing mask! 
Perfect for Halloween indeed.
Obi and I happily explored the shop and had fun buying some stuff here :).


So that's what I have this week so far.
But now... Let's party together!

“Welcome to Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful” Wednesday’s »
This is our 41st Linky Party in 2016 and it our purpose to share with you some great blogs that linked up with us from last week's party. And this week we have so many great fall ideas and recipes, we hope you will enjoy! Then for you to join us and share what you have going on your blogs.
Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WW 200x200

We Hope While You Party With Us, You will follow our Hostesses!

Bakery Style Halloween Cookies // Two Chicks and a Mom 

♥ Donna Wirthlin | Bakery Style Halloween Cookies // Two Chicks And A Mom |Tw | Bl | Fb | Pin | In Bakery Style Halloween Cookies // Two Chicks and a Mom
  Halloween Glitter Skull // From Evija With Love 

Allison Avery Bundle Giveaway // Oh My Heartsie Girl 

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Feature Picks From Last Weeks Entires

We Would Love It If You Would Pin Your Favorite - Opens In A New Window

Quilted Apple Pillow 

(Re-Pin It) Feature Chosen By Indah with My Purple World Quilted Apple Pillow // Woods of Bell Trees
Easy DIY Halloween EEK Sign// Lolly Jane 

Feature Chosen by Donna with Two Chicks and a Mom Easy DIY Halloween EEK Sign // Lolly Jane (Re-Pin It) Ammunition Crate Table//Sweet Pea 

Feature Chosen by Evija of Evija With Love Ammunition Crate Table // Sweet Pea (Re-Pin It
Fall Felt Playmat & Smiles with my Kids //Nap Time Creations 

No-Sew-Poncho-Ghost-Costumes BombShell Bling 

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Disclaimer for OMHGWW 

But Now.....Open for a Week you are welcome to share all posts, YES, Linky Parties and Giveaways. Comments Are Appreciated after Linking Up!!

Let us know that you are following us so we can do the same! You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Tablescapes, Garden Ideas, Recipes, Reviews, Giveaways or Challenges, As many as you like. Tweet Our Party To Help Us Grow! And Thank you!
If you missed our party last week you can check it out Here 10/4/2016

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday

But Now.....Let's Party!!….

Party Linky

Sate Padang - Padangnese Satay

Helo, everyone...
How's your Fall? cooler temperature is the perfect time for hot food, right :)

As culinary haven, Indonesia has endless offer when it comes to delicious food.
The perfect ingredients combined with distinct spices brings bold and rich flavor on every plate.
Just like one recipe that I am about to share with you.

Have you heard of this before?
Have you tried this one?

Back home, sate padang or the Padangnese satay, is quite famous. 
Originated from Padang in West Sumatera, this sate is different from the usual Indonesian satay you have in the restaurant or on your favorite street vendor. Made of beef or ox tongue,- yes, originally it was the tongue,- this grilled satay is marinated with different mixture of Indonesian traditional herbs and spices, with a very special sauce too.

Here in NYC, we are lucky to have on Padangnese Restaurant, Upi Jaya, which serves this menu. We also have some other Indonesian restaurant having sate padang on their menus. We even have the famous Singkuan family, who has been staying in NYC for generations and famously known for their exquisite sate padang. Even on the last Indonesian Street Festival, their booth was the one with the longest queue :).

Read: New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016

So, I tried to cook it myself and I guess I nailed it :).
Not as authentic but at least it tastes yuuum and I am using no MSG!
Let's give it a try.

First, let's get the ingredients.


2-3 lbs of Beef - the best, tender part, cut into cube. Or if you dare, try tongue :).
Sate skewers

Spices to grind:

3 Shallots
1 Onion
3 cloves of  Garlic
3-5 fresh chili *if you like it to be spicy
4 Candle nut
1 Cardamon
1 teaspoon Turmeric
1 teaspoon Coriander 
Salt and Pepperas needed
2 stalks of l emon grass
5-10 Lime leaves

1 piece of Ginger - bruised/pressed
2 Galangal, frozen or fresh - bruised-pressed

For the sauce:

Ground spice above
Rice flour
Beef broth

Ketupat or rice cake - I usually buy the instant, ready-to-cook one.
Fried onion - found in Asian groceries

some of the ingredients :)

How to cook:

There are 2 separate steps that we have to do here. Well, actually 3 if you want to cook the rice cake or lontong as well.

First, we will prepare the meat.
Put all the cube beef, mix the ground spice well, and add water. Cook it in medium stove until the beef is tender and well cooked, with the ground spices well mixed. Once it's done, put it aside until it's cool enough. Put the beef in bamboo skewer and grill it to your preferences. Best is not too well-done.
Ready to grill 
rick in sauce :)

Then we will prepare the special sauce or gravy.
This is the best part for me as I love it sooooo much :).
 Put the beef broth on a pot, add the ground spices and once it's boiling, put the rice flour little by little and stir it well until it gets thick. 
here's the gravy :)

Once it's done, put the grilled sate padang on a plate and pour the special sauce on top of it. 
You can eat it with ketupat or rice cake, or just like that!

it's ready yummy indeed :)

Bon appetit and I hope you enjoy sate Padang as much as we do :).

And as this is October, join my Giveaways and support the #breastcancerawareness campaign :). Check it out in Giveaway #breastcancerawareness #finishthefight #gopink 

Kenal Lebih Dekat dengan Susan Indriany

Kenal lebih dekat dengan Susan Indriany

Do you feel like writing is a quick gateway from the hectic life of motherhood or your day-to-day routines?
When life seems to be so stuffy and full of its endless hustles and bustles?

Then join me and my dear friend from Arisan, Susan Indriany.

Rasanya tidak bosan-bosan saya sampaikan bahwa teman adalah harta tak ternilai harganya. Termasuk teman bloggers. Dari komunitas dan lingkar pertemanan, aneka keseruan, suka duka, dan cerita kehidupan menjadi bagian berwarna dari kehidupan kami. Saling berbagi cerita, tawa, air mata dan juga rezeki. I am truly blessed to have so many blogger friends indeed.

So this time, allow me to introduce Susan Indriany with her blog www.dekathati.com.

Being a stay-at-home mom of 2 wonderful kids, Abby and Nolan, Susan is part of our fun, fearless Arisan group. Wanna know more about her?

Let's get a closer look :).

say hi to Susan :)

Melihat dari archive yang dimiliki Susan, she has started blogging since 2012. Or maybe even way before that. Dan menulis memang memiliki efek istimewa bagi perempuan cantik ini. 

Being a mom of two, blog Susan banyak diisi dengan aneka tips dan posts yang bermanfaat bagi ibu dan anak-anak, seperti masalah kesehatan, ketrampilan anak-anak di sekolah dan rumah, hingga cerita anak-anak sehari hari dan pola pengasuhan yang diterapkan Susan kepada kedua anaknya.

Ada beberapa posts yang menarik perhatian saya.
Salah satunya ketika Susan mengajarkan anak-anaknya untuk berani, to stand up for themselves. Di situ Susan bercerita bagaimana Abby kecil berani bilang tidak kepada kakak kelas yang memaksakan kehendaknya. Hal sederhana tapi mengandung pelajaran penting yang menjadi bekal utama anak-anak dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam hidup mereka nanti.

Satu lagi cerita Susan mengenai percakapan tentang Tuhan dan Abby, anaknya yang berusia 8 tahun.  Tentang doa dan pengharapan seorang anak agar doanya langsung terkabul. Tentang Tuhan yang mengingatkan kita untuk bisa bersabar lewat cara-caranya yang istimewa. Lewat cerita Abby, dara cantik putri pertama Susan, yang terus berdoa agar gatal-gatal di tubuhnya bisa hilang, saya turut belajar untuk menghargai pelajaran berharga yang diberikan oleh Gusti lewat berbagai cara, termasuk lewat penyakit. Ah nak...tante pun banyak mendapat pencerahan dari Yang Kuasa lewat kanker payudara yang diberikan oleh-Nya :). So hangin' there, kiddos ...

Another thing that grabbed my attention is the hashtag #7haritakteriak or #7daysnoyelling. Interesting indeed!  Di rangkaian post ini, Susan bercerita tentang perjuangannya untuk tidak membentak kedua anak-anaknya. Bukan hal yang mudah..apalagi anak-anak yang masih mudah seringkali menguji kesabaran ayah bundanya lewat aneka tingkah maupun tutur kata mereka. Satu hal yang pasti, sebagai orang tua, kita pun belajar banyak dari anak-anak  yang seringkali tanpa sadar, kita, orang dewasa, melupakannya.

Ah Susan...you have taught me a lot!
Thank you for sharing all those great posts!
And we have so many more to read on your blog :).

Dan ada masih banyak lagi cerita menarik yang bisa kita nikmati di blog ini.
So, jangan ragu untuk mengunjungi Susan di www.dekathati.com ya.

Happy browsing :)