PS 122 Dance Festival

It's certainly the time of the year again when we have our annual dance festival at Bo et Obi's school.

How exciting!

Musim panas akhirnya tiba. Setelah NYC penuh dengan kegalauan cuaca yang membuat kami berpikir kalau musim dingin tidak akan pergi, akhirnya matahari tidak lagi malu-malu bersinar. 

Seperti biasa, musim panas identik dengan kegiatan outdoor dan aneka festival. Termasuk di sekolah anak-anak. Kali ini, seperti juga tahun lalu, PS 122 kembali menggelar festival dansa tahunan yang melibatkan seluruh anak-anak dari kelas pre-K sampai kelas 8.

Pasti dong! 
Apalagi karena diadakan di halaman sekolah plus di tengah bulan Ramadhan, bagi kami yang menjalani :).

Last year, we have the same festival and Bo participated in that collosal dancing exercise. Obi was still at her pre-K in Mushroom Daycare at that time so she didn't join this event.

But this year, both of them are participating in the festival and they love it, although they never wanted to practice that at home as they didn't want to 'spoil the fun."

The theme for this year's dance is Beach Party Bonanza.
Hmmm.. What would you like to have in this beach-themed dance? I suppose they have all those up-beat songs and properties 

We have two sessions of the festival.
One started at 8.45 for Pre-K to the 3rd Grade, which include Obi's kindergarten class. The big classes' performance started at 9.45. So we had an interval in between.

And how we loved the show.
Tell you something.. In an event like this, parents are flocking since early morning and some of them have brought folded chairs and sat there in the front part. I came on time but it was considered late so that I couldn't get the best spot for taking pictures and recording videos. Lucky me, there's a bench near the yard so I stood up there and got a better view :). 

Obi was dancing to the song "Twist your frown upside down" from the Teen Beach 2 movie.

I can see Obi really love to dance. Although she was busy keeing her blue hat from falling but she was dancing alright. Good job, Obi :).

And our DJ was surely having fun that day, making sure all those lovely beats accompany the steps and movement of our kids.

Next, we had the big kids' performance, starting from the 4th grade, including Bo's class.

So, don't you think we all were having fun in this dance festival? We sure were!
And we just can't wait what the kids will have next year.

Do you have dance festival as well in you kids' school? How do you like it?

Crispy Morning at Central Park

Central Park.

What do you have in mind when you hear  about this place?

Clear blue sky?
Beautiful lines of trees?
Doozing off in the Sheep Meadows?
Wonderful statutes and kids plazing zone?
Climbing rocks and hilly steps overlooking Manhattan?
Rocking the boat on the lake while waiting for sunset?
Or simply leisure walk from on corner to another?

Or perhaps, all of the above?

Winter, spring, summer or fall, Central Park will always be a perfect sanctuary for those who seek peaceful moments amidst the comforting beauty of green lush trees.

Central Park memang merupakan kebanggaan masyarakat kota New York yang benar-benar menjadi jantung kota megapolitan ini. Entah berapa juta manusia yang mengunjungi taman cantik ini.

Tidak pernah ada rasa bosan setiap kali menjejakkan kaki di taman kota yang super luas dan penuh denyut kehidupan. Apapun musimnya, kapan pun waktunya, Central Park selalu memberikan kenyamanan untukku dan keluargaku, dan juga untuk banyak warga New York City maupun mereka yang tengah berada di kota ini.

No wonder whenever I have friends coming and visiting NYC, they make sure that Central Park is in their itinerary. 

So one crispy morning, Bo and I managed to stroll around Central Park, enjoyed the cool breeze and took a view photos. 

Udi dropped us there because it was a bit cold and my friend only had a few hours before leaving NYC. Subway was there but taking the car on Sunday morning was easy.
We got ample time to catch up and take a walk around the park.

Bahagia rasanya.
Bisa menikmati birunya langit, hijaunya pohon dan segarnya udara pagi.
Merci ya Rabb.

Central Park in the morning

Do you like walking in the park early in the morning as well?

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy fantastic sky from many parts of the world

Check out more story on my Steller :)

WW: Midtown Manhattan in Black and White

Just a little stroll around the city
On the second day of Ramadhan :).

The sky was super cloudy and resulted in gray scale hue in my phone.
Well, Midtown Manhattan in Black and White is not that bad after all...

in BW..

the shapes..

before the crossing ..

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and feel free to link up 

Ada Apa dengan Aku, Roos, dan Lipstick?

"The most beautiful make-up of a woman is passion. 
But cosmetics are easier to buy."
 Yves Saint Laurent

Make-up, make-up, make-up.
Kata sederhana yang bisa membuat hati berbunga-bunga.
Dan tersenyum lebar.
Seperti Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland:).

Yup, surga kecil untuk seorang mamah (yang ngakunya) muda seperti saya ini sering muncul dalam bentuk satu pouch imut yang kalau dibuka isinya tumpah dengan barang-barang kesayangan.

Apalagi kalau bukan make-up, khususnya lipstick.
Saya punya lipstik banyak.
Jangan ditanya ada berapa, karena saya sendiri sudah tidak tau ada berapa koleksi lipstik yang saya punya.
Paling tidak yang selalu ada di make-up pouch saya sehar-hari at least ada 6 warna dengan berbagai warna, berbagai merk dan beraneka jenis.

Saya pernah bertanya pada diri sendiri. Untuk apa lipstik sebanyak itu? Kenapa belum habis sudah tergoda membeli lagi ya lain. Apalagi jika sedang melihat sale atau launching warna baru yang kalau di NYC, bisa diibaratkan seperti makan Chiki. Pengen lagi, lagi, dan lagi.

I know it might sound crazy but I just can't help it. And I know for sure that I am not alone :).
Although I am not a beauty blogger per se, but I love reading all those fabulous posts from them.
Including one of my newfound blogger friends, Roosvansia 

Just a few clicks and two in her blog, saya seperti menemukan teman sehati.
Pecinta dan penggila lipstick.
Penikmat kosmetik dan segala pernak-perniknya.
At least in my swift observation through her blog

Go ahead click it.

Saya langsung berasa di rumah sendiri, menikmati sajian penuh warna dari review Roos yang beragam soal aneka produk kecantikan.
Mulai dari lipstik (my favorite!), compact powder,cosmetic set, parfum, produk rambut, perawatan kuku sampai beberapa beauty classes and beauty meet-up yang seru banget. 
Dan Roos juga canggih deh dandannya :). 
Beda dengan aku. Kalau aku, seneng belanjanya doang hihihi.
Kemampuan dandannya masih perlu dipoleh banget. Makanya seneng dapet banyak ilmu dari Roos.

Saya menikmati jugaaa baca cerita Roos tentang Pernikahan Adat Batak. Aaah, kebayang serunya cewek-cewek Batak yang heboh untuk segera menikah. Atau pengalaman Roos mencicipi kuliner di sana sini ataupun tempat gaul yang baru dan asyik. Banyak acara-acara asyik yang Ross share juga di blognya. 

Pokoknya seru deh.
Dijamin suka kalau mampir ke sini.

Just like Monsieur Saint Laurent said, Roos is very passionate about it and that's what makes her (and her blog) beautiful.

Saya sukaaaaa. 

Apalagi liat foto-fotonya.
Seperti ini misalnya:

Kereen kan.
Macam poster-poster film Hollywood itu lho :).

some of the achievements :)

Jangan heran kalau konsistensi dan keseriusan Roos di dunia beauty blogging sudah menuai hasil manis. Lihat deretan panjang achievementsnya di 2 tahun terakhir ini. 
Takut saya melihatnya. 
Banyaaak banget :). 
Kereeen deh.
I am so proud to see that.

So, kesimpulannya, aku bahagia ketemu temen baru di arisan kali ini. Roos yang baru berusia 29 tahun ini begitu penuh canda dan semangat hidup, cocok dengan saya yang berhati muda ini #eeeh

Roos, main ke sini dong.
Saya pengen ketemuan lho :).
Nanti kita sama-sama 'lupa daratan' di setiap beuaty corner yang ada di NYC yuuuk. Sembari berbagi trik dandan dan tukeran koleksi lipstik.

Aaah pasti seru abiiis :)

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

It's been quite a week for us.
We went to Bo's spring concert and watched him play his trombone together with the fourth grade band.

Spring concert :)

They played two scores and it was lovely indeed.

congrats Boooo :)
After that we had a lovely Greek dinner in one of the tavernas near our house.
It was very yummy and healthy indeed. I really enjoyed the greek salad, grilled calamari and the lemon chicken and rice soup. Delicious :).

Greek salad, anyone..
I was not feeling very well last week.
My condition dropped thanks to the fever and horrible sore throat :(.
I took some medicines and spent 2 day almost sleeping and resting.
After quite sometimes never felt like it (it's kinda remind me of my chemo session), I had some rest and thank God I got better in two days.

So now, let's get ready for our weekely party here :)

"Welcome to Oh My Heartsie Girls "Wonderful" Wednesday's Linky Party #105!

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday 

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Hostesses Linky

Karren Haller | Oh My Heartsie Girl | Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In
Christine Mello | Must Love Home | Tw | Bl | In | FB | Pin
Evija Roberts | From Evija With Love | Tw | Bl | G+ | Fb | Pin | In
Donna Wirthlin | Two Chicks And A Mom | Tw | Bl | Fb | Pin | In
Ashleigh Wright | Simply Wright | Fb | G + | Pin | In | Bl
Susan Mead | Susan B Mead | Tw | Bl | Fb | In | Pin
Kelly LaFollette | Raising Samuel's Home-School | Tw | Fb | In | Pin
Indah Nuria Savitri | My Purple World | Tw | Fb | Pin | In
Maxine White | Studio Paint Design | Tw | Fb | In | Pin | BL
Amy Lyon | Country Mouse City Spouse |Tw | Bl | In | FB | Pin
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Mia Bella Passions Must Have Flowers - Always ( Re-Pin )
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