WW: Queenstown from Above - Road Trip in South Island NZ

Still on my series of stories about the Frakarsas' road trip in South Island, Aotearoa New Zealand and this time I will share some photos of Queenstown, particularly the view from above. 

Many have claimed that coming to New Zealand is not complete without visiting this remarkable city. Queenstown has certainly won many people's hearts due to its remarkable landscapes (one of the mountain areas here is named the Remarkables! ), tranquil ambience, clear blue sky, hiking trails and tons of adrenaline - junkie and back to - nature activities you can do here.

For me, our last summer road trip in the South Island was my second chance to visit Queenstown. Last November, I managed to visit this place and enjoyed some parts of it, amidst the meetings that I have to make  together with my Ambassador and my team.

So this time, when I visited Queenstown again with my family, we ensured that we went to Skyline Queenstown. This is the popular place to those loving adventures, including riding the luges and trying bungee jumping! Well, I skipped the bungy jumping but we all took the gondola up to the higher ground and enjoyed unlimited luge rides!  We did try the Skyline luge in Rotorua back in 2022 but at that time, we didn't take the unlimited one because we went to the Hobbiton, the movie set of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbits on the same day. So, my kids had specifically requested to have more time in the Skyline luge Queenstown and indeed, tt was really fun to do so

These are some of the photos I took up there, on top of Skyline Queenstown, showing Queenstown from above.

Cheers from the Frakarsas

the other side of Queenstown

We certainly had so much fun here, with the whole morning gone with endless climbing up the gondola and go with the luge again and again. We took many pictures as the view from up there is amazing.

Queenstown, or Tahuna in Māori, is indeed beautiful. 

I’ll be more than happy to go back again here, preferably during winter or fall, to see different faces of this picturesque city.

Btw, for our summer adventures, You can see the short video I prepared from the action camera we put on my son's helmet while enjoying the luge ride here in Skyline Queenstown

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the linking party


  1. The awesome scenery I think
    Wish be there with my fams too
    Enjoying the blue sky by traveling

  2. wow, so all those pictures was taken while riding the gondola? Loves the scenery and such a clear blue sky ^_^

    1. indeed mba... as well as the view from platform they have near the luge and the restaurant

  3. Queenstown from above looks like the picture that I used to see on computer's desktop. Hihi. It's so beautiful, this must be the unforgettable trip, ya, Mbak.

    1. really mba? hehehe... the bird's eye view is indeed mesmerizing. Truly something that we will always treasure

  4. The scenery makes me want to visit it right away, ahaha. I really enjoying your journey mak. can't wait to see this place on winter. Hope you really go there later on winter yaa :D

  5. what a beautiful Queenstown, blue sky n blue sea...such remarkable scenery indeed..

  6. Penasaran sama sejarah penamaan Queenstown ya. Apakag dulunya dihuni para ratu? 🤭

    1. hehehe kayaknya ngga mba.. tapi mungkin dulu banyak penghormatan yang diberokan kepada Ratu Inggris sebagai penguasa motherland :). sepertinya begitu yaaa

  7. Mbak Insav thank you so much to put the photos bigger than before. Awesome blue sky and lake. Although just through photos, I enjoy queenstown from above too.

    1. Happy to do so mba... aku selalu taruh foto dengan ukuran besar namun entah kenapa beberapa teman melihatnya kecil yaaa

  8. Petualangan yang sangat menyenangkan sekalugus mengesankan. Melihat pemandangan yang indah tak afdol rasanya jika belum diabadikan dengan foto dan Mbak Indah berhasil mengambilnya dengan apik.

    1. alhamdulillaaah.. diberi kesempatan untuk melihat semua keindahan ini mbaaa

  9. aku terpukau sama keindahan langitnya mba Indah. Aku berharap suatu saat nanti bisa melihat, menghirup udara disitu

  10. Wow indah sekali pemandangan di Queenstown kak. Lautnya jernih ya. Awalnya aku pikir seperti lukisan. Perjalanan yang menyenangkan ya kak

  11. Masya Allah so beautiful mba, traveling memang membuka mata bahwa ciptaan Tuhan luar biasa indah ya mba..

  12. cakep banget pemandangannya. ngomong-ngomong itu danau atau sungai ya, mbak? luas banget euy kayaknya bisa buat mancing

  13. Exploring New Zealand is really fun ya mbak. Especially to tourist destination, so if i go to New Zealand i have recommendation from you.

  14. Luar biasa indah pemandangannya. Mbak Indah kenapa melewatkan bungy jumping? Padahal seru banget itu, walau aku sendiri ga berani, tapi liat orang melakukannya aku seneng :D

  15. Wow, what a treat, Skyline Queenstown. Perfect for adventurers! We can bungee jump or ride a gondola to a higher place and enjoy the rides! It's very nice, Ms. Indah. Also, what a beautiful view all around

  16. Same like heaven, queenstown look beautiful. It's truly like a queen. I am always happy seeing your travelling content. Good job sist indah..

  17. Terima kasih makasih ogah banget kalau disuruh coba budgee jumping .mpo takut ketinggian. Mpo lihat kebawah aja merinding apalagi loncat

  18. Wah cakep banget view Queenstown dari atas. Happy pasti ya Mba jalan-jalan ke sini bareng keluarga. Jadi pengen deh ngunjungin Queenstown juga suatu hari nanti.

  19. Masya Allah, indah bangeeettt... Btw Mak Insav, gimana rasanya naik gondola? Deg-degan ngga? Atau biasa aja karena udah sering? Gara-gara nonton sebuah film, aku pengen rasain naik gondola juga. Semoga one day bisa terwujud. Aamiin...

  20. Seru banget Mba Indah, mana viewnya Masya Allah, bikin mupeng dan ngangenin deh tempat-tempat kayak gini. Suka banget dengan biru langitnya Mba, apalagi berpadu dengan gunung dan air yang juga biru :)

  21. Masya Allah, pemandangan New Zealand memang selalu cakep yaa? Sudah kayak lukisan saja.

  22. wow... the scenery is amazing and not many people come, so it's comfortable to walk around in this place.. I wish one day I'll be there

  23. Wah, seru kak Indah..
    Bolak-balik naik gondola ini free kah?
    Serius ada bungy jumping?
    Sungguh menantang sekaliii.. Aku juga takut, tapi beneran penasaran. Deg-degan dari ujung kaki sampai kepala..huhuhu..

  24. Wow they also named one of the mountains with Remarkables! Surely it is beyond beauty! Wish someday I'll be there in NZ :)

  25. Wah kalau ke sini pasti auto banyak stok foto landscape dan pengen foto dengan latar belakang pemandangannya juga. Selain itu pasti nggak berhenti mengagumi keindahan pemandangannya.

  26. masha Allah, mama Bo looks so happy. I hope one day I can visit the beautiful place

  27. Woow...keren2 banget fotonyaa.. Paling suka deh klo lihat foto Langi cantik apalagi di sini yg cantik nggak hanya langitnya tp juga foto air/lautnya.. terimakasih sdh berbagi foto & kisah indah ini mba..

  28. Wah, aku pun pasti bakal bersenang-senang sepuasnya kalau ke sana, ajak anakku naik gondolan dan melihat semuanya dari atas, pasti seru bangeeet

  29. Cantik banget ya view di Queenstown. Semoga masih banyak foto2 lagi di blog ini yang menunjukkan syahdunya kota ini.

  30. Mbakuu aku menunggu youtubemu di maori village aish jadi penasaran pengen menyambangi kesana nyesel juga sih kenapa kmrn ga ngrayu suami padahl q brkt ma plg dah nunjuk lihat bentar yukss🤭

  31. Kapan ya bisa ikut keseruan road trip seperti ini? Hehhe. Apalagi bersama keluarga semakin menyenangkan :)

  32. if i goes up the skyline hemm, it will get goosebumps and pounding but at the same time enjoy the beautiful atmosphere hehe. I hope someday I can go Queenstown

  33. Wah anak saya pasti pengen banget nyobain luge ridenya. View dari atas gondolanya juga keren banget Mba. Walau kalau buat saya ya agak ngeri-ngeri sedap sih he he.

  34. Masyaallah langit biru cerahnya Queenstown bikin mata membelalak, mbak. Ditambah pemandangan alam lainnya,. Cocok buat healing nih
    Apalagi lihat sekitar dari Gondola, ahhh sungguh indah pasti dilihat dari atas

  35. Oh my God, very beautiful place. I hope I can go there. Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad.

  36. The view of the Queenstown skyline is really beautiful. Hope one day I can travel here with my family too. There's a lake there, can't we swim?

  37. Mbak aku terpukau lihat bentang alamnya, benar-benar pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Dari fotonya aja udah waw banget apalagi bisa menikmati langsung dengan mata kepala sendiri. Berharap juga bisa jalan-jalan ke QueenStown ini

  38. Seru sekali queenstown ya. Tapi aku takut bungy jumping. Mending naik skyline atau luge aja. Bisa tenang memandangi keindahan alamnya.


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