Cozy Lunch at Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Cozy lunch at Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington

Wellington has been known for being the coolest little capital, packed with wonderful eateries to explore and enjoy. Whenever possible, I try to stroll and discover new places to eat in Wellington, usually for the lunch break.

This time, after browsing in Google maps and read people's reviews, my friends and I decided to try Prefab Coffee Bar, one of the cafes as well as the house for the coffee roastery, ACME. I read many great reviews about their bakery and coffee. as a big fan of sourdough and rustic bread, I am pretty much intrigued to try Acme bakery products. I have to say by the time I try their Olio roll with mozzarella and vegetables, I'm sold!

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
some of the sandwiches there... looking yum!

We came here during peak lunch hour, yet we are lucky enough to get the table for 3 right away. We got the seat with high chairs but it's comfy enough. The place is packed with customers, enjoying their lunches and coffees, happily chatting and enjoying the lovely weather. As you know, Wellington is now entering summer season, so we have more sunny days coming. It is not always sunny but whenever we have the sunshine, we'll definitely enjoy it outside.

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington

It didn't take long before we got the menu from our waiter. We had our mozzarella and tomato Oli Rolls, margaritha pizza, peach danish pastry, and flat white. We didn't have to wait too long either until our food arrived. I have to say my rolls are super yuuum and the pizza is also perfect! the dough is not too thin, yet crispy and the mozzarella as well as the parmesan cheese melt in our mouth. The pastry is also yummy! We definitely eat them all! 

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
the danish pastry

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Margarita pizza, anyone

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
flat white for you to enjoy

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
All the flowers are fresh!

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
such a temptation!

I ended up going homing bring a loaf of sourdough and oli rolls as well. The do have varieties of bread, coffee beans, preserves, jams, and more for you to enjoy at home.

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Cute Pin0cchio 

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
I brought them home for sure :)

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
More to buy and bring home

So if you happen to come to Wellington and looking for a coffee bar, Prefab can be a great choice!

Cheers and see you on the next culinary adventures in Wellington.


  1. pemandangan indah, bangunan cantik, dan makanan lezat. Emang surgawi banget ya Wellington ini

  2. Pastry memang menggoda apalagi kalau kulitnya berasa gurih alias pakai keju.mpo demen dah makannya sama teh aja sudah cukup

  3. catet ah, nanti besok kalau ada kesempatan ke Wellington, mau ah ngopi di sini. Penasaran sama margarita pizza, kayanya crunchy gitu pinggirannya. wow, kalau disigar eh ditugel eh dipotong gitu dalemnya gimana ya, Mbak? Ada isiannya kah sampai kelihatan tebal gitu. Btw makasih mbak Indah sudah diajak jalan lagi di Wellington. Happy selalu buat mbak Indah dan keluarga yak aamiin

  4. Danish Pastry dan Margarita Pizza-nya enak banget itu kayaknya... hahaha. Aku baca pas tengah malam lagi di sini, jadinya langsung kerucukan perutnya. Seru banget ini ya menikmati kopi dan camilan enak di Prefab Coffee bar.

  5. Tempting lihat sandwich dan aneka roti di sana. Eh Danish pastry-nya juga. Dicatat dulu yaa ACME & Co. Bismillah siapa tahu 2023 bisa ke Wellington.

  6. Roti sama pizzanya bikin ngiler mba indah, apalagi di sini juga lagi musim hujan, enak bgt kayaknya makan roti+pizza anget2

  7. Menyenangkan~
    Vibesnya yang hommie ini salah satu ciri khas cafe di Wellington ya, kak Indah.
    Selain makan dengan hangat walau ada di musim dingin, juga bisa sekalian berbelanja untuk cemal-cemil di rumah.

  8. Nyaaamm aku paling suka makan roti2an sambil ngopi mbak. Wah ada menu pizza-nya juga ya di sana. ilihannya banyak mau makan yang asin atau yang manis yaa. Moga kelak bisa nyicipin hidangan di sana jg aamiin yang kenceng :D

  9. Margarita pizza looks so tempting, this is the first time I know this kind of pizza

  10. Asyik, bisa jadi rekomendasi kafe yang didatangi nih kalau suatu saat ke Wellington. Kopi dan bakery tuh dua hal yang saya suka banget, apalagi kalau disantapnya di kafe.

  11. Wow, looks yummy mam makanannya. Vibesnya juga homey ya, suka kalau datang ke tempat seperti ini karena nyaman rasanya

  12. Duh lihatnya jd lapar, cafenya menyenangkan sekali ya Mba ..jd berharap bs ke sana deh..hihi

  13. So temptinggg

    Kuliner d New Zealand pastinya seruuu ya mba.

    Enak nih buat nongkrong ama teman dan keluarganya so yummyyy

  14. Wellington indah banget ya mbak, banyak restoran-restoran yang indah untuk dijelajahi dan dinikmati. Aku liatnya pengen mampir ke sana ahaha

  15. The sandwich corner are so tempting Mba, kaga ada sayurnya wkwk


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