WW: Teaching Nadine the Joy of Cycling

 Hi everyone…

We have been enjoying some sunny winter days here in Wellington, which are a bit rare. This July we have seen so many stormy and freezing days, although there’s no snow in windy Welly.

So, while having the sunshine, we decided to go out and had a little hike in Skyview pathway near our house and taught Nadine, my girl, how to bike. 

Yes.. biking! Nadine hasn’t really get a chance to learn how to bike properly and my hubby thought that this would be the perfect time for her to learn it properly. We have two mountain bikes at home and soon we will have the fun bike as well as part of the celebration of our Independence Day.

hold it steady, love..

Then off we went to have a little hike and enjoy the sunset while at the same time teach Nadine how to bike. She surely need to practise more and more. My son Bo has been helping a lot as well and they really had a lot of fun laughing each other 🥰

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the link party.


  1. Mantap nih, masih belajar udah berani bersepeda di gunung, ya. Semangat, Nadine!

  2. senangnya kalau liat adik kakak akur ya mba, apalagi kayak abang Bo dan Nadine gitu hehee

  3. So happy bisa sepedaan di bukit deket rumah.
    Tapi sepedaan off road gitu agak susah medannya, yang penting pakai helm.

  4. Semangat belajar bersepedanya ya Nadine.
    Setelahnya bisa menjelajah dengan sepeda di seputar tempat jadi lebih seru. Hunting foto-foto kece :)

  5. Pemandangan Wellington bagus bangeett. Makasih mbak Indah sudah diajak jalan-jalan ke Wellington. Btw Nadine ayok semangat. Kalau udah bisa, bisa sepeda an sama keluarga. Waahhh

  6. Mbak itu di foto konturnya berbukit gitu kah? Wah pertama gowes di jalan gak rata nih, cukup menantang hehe.
    Anak2ku juga termasuk yang terlambat bisa roda dua dibanding anak seusianya. EH begitu bisa, kerjaannya gowes mulu mpe item kulitnya :D

  7. Wow bakalan ada fun bike nanti august mba? Seru banget :) kebayang sih gmn obi sama nadine ketawa ketiwi. Jadi inget aku sm adikku dlu :D

  8. sunset di pantai emang paling ciamik dan perfect combination deh mbaa.. so lucky and i guess you had a great time there!

  9. Seru banget bisa belajar sepeda di tempat yang pemandangannya bagus gitu mbak 😍. Aku jadi inget waktu pertama belajar naik sepeda sampai jatuh juga sepeda menimpa badan hehe

  10. Bersepeda dengan pemandangan yang indah begitu makin menyenangkan ya. Cuaca bagus, makin betah saja. Kirain di luar negeri gak berbukit dan tanah gitu lokasinya
    Ga jauh beda dengan kontur desa saya di Cianjur hehehe

  11. Udaranya terlihat lebih hangat ya, Mbak. Waktu yang pas buat bersepeda

    Semangat belajar bersepeda ya, Nadine. Kamu pasti bisa

  12. Yay, go fighting Nadine.
    As soon as you know how to ride a bike, there will be much of fun await.
    Biking itself, one of best ways to enjoy many beautifull tourist spots around Lombok ^^

  13. Belajar sepedaannya di tempat datar dulu, Mba. Kalau langsung banyak jendolan jalan kayak di perbukitan gitu ntar malah takut jatuh Obi-nya. :)
    Enjoy your cycling time, Obi...

  14. Seru banget disana bisa sepedaan naik bukit pasti lebih menegangkan dan seru ya

  15. Senangnya bisa bersepeda di tengah pemandangan yang indah. Tapi agak susah memang ya kalau bersepeda di bukit atau dataran tinggi ya mbak.

  16. aahh seru banget belajar naik sepeda apalagi di tempat yg pas dengan view yg menakjubkan.. enjoy Nadine :)

  17. Enjoy the sunset while at the same time teach Nadine how to bike.... What a wonderful time. That was a precious time...

  18. Oh kalau bersepeda dengan medan yang sulit seperti ini, harus menggunakan sepeda khusus yaa, kak Indah?
    Aku lihat ukuran rodanya beda dengan jeruji yang terlihat sangat tangguh.
    Happy cycling, Nadine.

  19. It must be fun learn to bike near hill like that! The scenery is great and it feels like I can feel the fresh air in Wellington

  20. Met belajar bersepeda kak Nadine. Semoga makin lancar ya. Tempatnya bagus banget mba, MashaAllah 🤗


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