This week marks our third week in Wellington and almost a month in New Zealand.
We are still living in our temporary apartment - hotel in the city and one attraction near here that I have tried is the Wellington Cable Car.
It was said that your visit to (or stay in) Wellington will not be complete without trying this legendary red cable car. Running from the city center Lambton Quay to Kelburn, which happens to be the area where the Embassy is located, the cable car is indeed one of tourists' favorite landmarks as well as handy mode of transport to those living or working around the area.
The ticket costs NZD 9 for return and NZD 5 for one-way. You can have family package as well for NZD 16 return for 1 adult and up to 3 kids or NZD 22 return for 2 adults and up to 4 kids. As for students, the ticket is NZD 6 for return and NZD 3.5 for one way. Child age 5-15 will be NZD 4.5 and NZD 2.5. Very affordable indeed. As for the time table, there are many adjustments made due to the holidays. So better check the website.
The cable car has only 5 stops, starting from Lambton Quay and ends at Kelburn. On top of the cable car stop, you can definitely enjoy the view of the city. Once we have arrived at the top of the cable car, we can also visit the museum, souvenir shop and the cafe. You can also catch the shuttle to Zealandia or head to Botanic Garden and Space Place. The view from the top is surely amazing!
That’s a little story about our first days in Wellington. More to come for sure and stay healthy, everyone!
Asyiknya lagi cerah di sana. Jadi bisa menikmati pemandangan yang super asri itu, ya
ReplyDeleteiyaaa mba alhamdulillah cuaca lagi enak
DeleteJika dengar Wellington ingat sama Daniel Wellington mbak, jam favorit saya. Btw seru juga naik cable car ini dan menikmati pemandangan indah kota Wellington.
ReplyDeleteiya yaa mba.. aku baru ngeh hehehe. Naik Cable car memang asyik nih
DeleteWah.. mulai eksplore Wellington ya, Mbak. Terima kasih sudah berbagi keadaan di sana. Jadi berasa ikut jalan-jalan di Wellington, deh hehehe
ReplyDeleteiyaaa mbaa... sedikit - sedikit udah mulai explore kotanyaaa
Deletecantiknyaa.. baik pemandangan maupun cable carnya. more videos or photos dong mbaa.. aku juga dari dulu kepengin bisa jelajah wellington lho
ReplyDeletehehe iyaaa mba. will do.. I have shared some shorts dan video in my YT channel.. mampir yaaa
DeleteWah asyik banget lagi di New Zealand nih ..salah satu negara yang ingin saya kunjungi...Asyik sementara baca2 cerita Mba Indah di sana aja dulu
ReplyDeleteBulan Desember di New Zealand itu masuknya musim dingin yaa, kak Indah?
ReplyDeleteAsikya berlibur dan menikmati cable car, bisa banyak yang dilihat dari atas.
How a wonderful city mba. There are many interesting places to visit, maybe one day i can enjoy it
ReplyDeleteAsyiknya bisa nyobain moda transportasi di Wellington. Bahagia banget bisa menikmati pemandangan Wellington dari cable car, ya, Mbak.
ReplyDeleteAllhamdulillah udah aja ke Wellington mba Indah, kotanya bersih banget.
ReplyDeletePengen dolan ke sana jadinya. Sehat selalu sekeluarga mba Indah.
Asyiknya ada cable car seperti itu. jadi ngayal kota saya punya cable car, tentunya ke mana-mana jadi mudah. harga tiketnya variatif pula ya. Ada paket-paketnya gitu, murah pula untuk paket keluarga dan untuk anak sekolah. Jadinya menyenangkan nain transportasi umum.
ReplyDeleteWah, mba indah nambah pengetahuan aku nih dengan dunia luar. Semoga aku juga bisa menjejakan kaki disini.
ReplyDeleteYa ampun Wellington indah banget kak. Terstuktur, hijau, rapih, dan kayanya adem ya. Mudah mudahan aku juga bisa ke sana ����
ReplyDeleteKayaknya asik naik cable car ya, semoga di Indonesia juga ada ya. Anak-anak pasti suka juga naiknya
ReplyDeleteKirain cable car itu mobil mom hehehe... ternyata kereta yaaa... Wah, seru banget menikmati keindahan kota sembari berada di dalam cable car ini.