COLORFUL INDONESIA - 17AN (TUJUH BELASAN) – The Notes from the Celebration of Indonesia’s 75th Anniversary with Google Local Guides
Hello everyone...
Hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy amidst the pandemic that still run rampant around us.
August is almost gone and I have to admit that this month has been very colorful
If you were asked, what you have done to your country, what would be your answer(s)?
That you have loved it with all you heart and soul?
That you have defended it in various occasions and platforms?
That you have tried to do your best to make your country proud?
That you have studied hard to ensure you can give the best to your country?
That you have contributed, in your own way, to the progress on the ground?
That you have promoted your country wherever you go?
That you have proudly speak your national language and teach it to your fellow foreign counterparts?
That you have loved its tremendous culture and be proud of it?
That you have always cooked your national or traditional food you love so much?
That you will continue to look for ways to improve your skills and share your passion about your beloved country to the world?
The list can go on and on and on obviously.
And that’s why, in the spirit of making the celebration of our Independence Day more meaningful, Jakarta Local Guides, together with Indonesia Local Guides, convened a special meet – up, COLORFUL INDONESIA - 17an (read: TUJUH BELASAN).
Welcoming the 75th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Local Guides throughout Indonesia proudly invited all Local Guides to participate in the Virtual meet up which was held on the August 17th 2020 at 07.00 PM Indonesia time.
We celebrated Indonesia’s 75th Anniversary or the Independence Day together with Local Guides from Indonesia as well as from different corner of the world. Friends from India, Thailand, Peru, Malaysia, Pakistan and others join our celebration. Some friends from Indonesia even joined the meet - up while they were in the middle of the road, heading back to Jakarta.
It was fun, hassle-free and joyous celebration, filled with interesting history, fun-fact about Indonesia and its struggles for independence, quizzes and songs, and endless photo sessions.
We started the meeting at 8 PM by singing our national anthem, Indonesia Raya. The music was played and the lyrics were provided so everyone who attended, including those who are not Indonesians, could follow and felt the vibe.
Nothing beats the feeling of patriotism and the love of your country while you are singing the national anthem! For sure, my dearest Indonesian colleagues sang the anthem with their hearts, I myself was choked with mixed feelings of pride and optimism.
It was super special as well as we invited Local Guides who participated to wear Indonesian traditional costumes. As the theme for this celebration is "Colorful Indonesia", we were very grateful and appreciative as the meet-up participants wore or showed traditional clothes during the meet-up. Of course it was not mandatory but I managed to wear Siger Lampung, the traditional headdress from Lampung, Indonesia (my beloved hometown) with its famous and elaborate Tapis Lampung, the hand-woven traditional fabric from Lampung, using golden threads and colorful patterns in purple, red and gold.
Meanwhile my dearest co-host Radja Sitanggang looked super cool with his Bataknese attire (from North Sumatra, his origin) in black and gold. Rahmat, our super talented and super helpful friend (to whom we owed his amazing works for presentations and videos) wore Udeng, a special headdress for male from Bali. Jean looked beautiful in Balinese attire with that lovely frangipani on her hair. Mas Brian from Malang was showcasing a special head scarf from Java I believe. Many wore Batik, our UNESCO-World-Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity like Pak Budi and many others.
We had presentations from Munawar of Aceh and Jean as well.
Munawar eloquently talked about the beauty of Aceh and all its famous coffee, food and of course, the beauty of Acehnese ladies. I couldn’t wait to come and visit Aceh myself!
And Jean successfully made us crave to go to Bali and enjoy its endless beauty. Never get enough of it.
Together, we shared more of what independence means to us and how colourful Indonesia can stay united after its independence in 1945.
We walk through some highlights of beautiful Indonesia, particularly to historical places (mostly in Jakarta and the surrounding cities like Rengasdengklok) to see its amazing stories and landscapes. Some historical buildings in Jakarta are the witness of Indonesia’s struggles towards independence.
In addition to that, we celebrated the cultures, particularly the ones that become sort of traditions during the 17an or the celebration of Indonesia’s independence, like decorating the gate in your neighborhood with Red-and-white theme, fun traditional games with prizes, parade, flag-hoisting ceremony, and so much more. Although the pandemic is still rampant and in many cities these traditions were not done this year, but we still have vivid memories of how fun those games were during 17an. How it brings me back to my childhood with all those fun – yet – hilarious games. Not to mention culinary, traditions and friendly people, including Indonesian Local Guides :). For sure, these are wonderful aspects that Local Guides from all over the world will certainly enjoy and cherish! Again, Rahmat had done a brilliant job for preparing the presentation.
Then we also had photo competition where Local Guides were invited to send their favorite photos showcasing Indonesia or following the theme of Indonesia’s Independence Day.
We had many cool entries and the winner is Nabhan Ahmad Ludihanto! Yaaaay...congratulations.
Of course, the meet-up won’t be complete without any quizzes. We had fun throwing trivia questions from the presentation, like how many islands Indonesia has, the names of Indonesian heroines from Aceh, the names of beaches in Bali, and so many more. For the prizes, they got tumblers, t-shirts, and packages of traditional food and coffee from Lampung! Then, we had Kahoot quiz as well, packed with Indonesian – related questions. Fun, fun, fun.
In addition to that, we actually had a challenge for non-Indonesia participants. You know what the challenge was? To sing any Indonesian songs or any songs related to Indonesia for us. Just like a gift to Indonesia. But perhaps the challenge was too hard LOL, none could finish it. Except @Ant_Bad_Yogi who sang Happy Birthday to us, and I guess to me as well who celebrated my birthday on August 11. Thanks Ant for the fun! Then we had @gurupriya , my dear @anil and Ma @RosyKohli for joining us as well together with others.
We managed to sing together as well. Tanah Pusaka was the song we chose, as we were so moved by its deep lyrics. I almost cried singing it together with my fellow Indonesian Local Guides. It was indeed a great moment.
For us, our homeland will always stay in our heart.
Borne in our soul.
And stay there till the end of time.
I personally have been traveling and residing in many parts of the world.
But my heart belongs to INDONESIA.
Seperti syair lagu cantik ini, Tanah Airku
And here's the free translation to the lyrics:
The famous ones they said, beautiful and prosper
But my home, my village and my homeland
That's where I feel happy
My land I will not forget
I'm proud of you
My land that I always love
I will always appreciate you
Happy 75th Anniversary, Indonesia
All in all, it was a great meet-up!
Thank you so very much for joining us, dear Local Guides and friends!
Hope we all can benefit from this meet-up and see you around on the next one!
Wah, seru banget siiiiih. Aku kok jadi terharu bacanya :') Jujur, aku nggak pernah sugar coating soal Indonesia sama temen-temenku yang dari luar. Aku secara bicara apa adanya, dan hanya sebatas apa yang aku tau. Misal, daripada aku bercerita tantang Sumatera yang mana aku belum pernah ke sana, aku bakal cerita saja soal Bandung saja, yang sudah jelas aku kenal sejak lahir :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing post, it should be a hit of omhgww this week.
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing and so many people featured!!! Happy Anniversary Indonesia!
17 tahun ini memang berbeda ya, sedih rasanya perayaannya tidak bisa seperti biasanya. Meskipun begitu Indonesia tetap di hati ya mbak.
ReplyDeleteHuhuuu, terharu banget momen 17 dirayakan meski tak biasanya. Tapi feelnya dapet ya MAk.Tetep mencintai Indonesia tercinta.
ReplyDeleteTrus akutu gagal pokus, kemana si neng di poto paling bawaah, hahaa.
Ya ampuuun, Mba Indaaahh, so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteKece banget cara merayakan 17-an nyaa
Inspiring as always!
Kok seru banget sih mbak Indah, merayakan 75th Indonesia dengan teman-teman local guide. Walau pandemi masih bisa merayakan secara virtual ya, aku pun waktu kemarin ikutan virtualnya dari istana karena saking gak boleh skipnya lihat perayaan Kemerdekaan RI.
ReplyDeleteDirgahayu Indonesia! Merdeka di masa pandemi ini tentu bermakna banget untuk semua orang, karena corona belom juga minggat dari negeri ini
ReplyDeletecorona cuma udah minggat dikit dari tiongkok, mbak, yang lainnya mah corona masih ndhekem ajaa yang lamaa hiks. semoga kita semua bisa terus semangat melewati ini yaa
Deleteaih senangnya mencintai indonesia dan merayakan kemerdekaan dengan cara unik di masa pandemi ini mba. Bangga dengan segala pengorbanann para pahlawan
ReplyDeletewoooa bertransformasi jadi singer lampung. cakep deh... yg memandang pasti takjub dan nyesel kenapa gak pakai baju adat atau hiasa kepala khas Indonesia. hihi
ReplyDeleteDirgahayu Indonesia, proud to be part of you, semoga makin jaya makin sejahtera rakyatnya, pendidikan makin merata dan semakin damai semuanya, wahs ayang sekali ga bsia gabung saat webinarnya ya
ReplyDeleteseru yaa mba walopun gada keriuhan khas perayaan 17 Agustusan seperti tahun sebelumnya, tapi tahun ini banyak kegiatan seru perayaan virtual yaa mba, kece banget sih itu yang pada dandan ala baju khas daerah masing-masing
ReplyDeleteseru nih mbak meskipun gak ada acaranya langsung nihh, perayaan virtual gini juga gak menghalangi semangat nasionalisme merayakan dirgahayu RI
ReplyDeleteboleh juga nih perayaan 17 agustus melalui virtual. saya melakukan hal yg sama bareng teman-teman di salah satu komunitas blogger
ReplyDeletekeren sekali perayaan virtualnya, mbaak. kemarin aku 17an malah repot benerin tandon dan mesin cuci wkwk gapapa yang penting tetep merrrdeeekaa
ReplyDeleteWah, baru tahu kalau google local guides indonesia ngadain 17an virtual.. pasti seru dan meriah ya acaranya..
ReplyDeleteOh my! This is a beautiful post. You look gorgeous and everything is so colorful.Thanks for sharing and co-hosting with me at #omhgww. I will socialize your article if buttons are provided.
ReplyDeleteSeru banget baca cerita kak Indah saat merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia.
Jayalah selalu, Indonesiaku.
Meski masa pandemi, tapi tak mengurangi rasa nasionalisme kita dalam merayakan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang penuh haru dan suasana syahdu.
DeleteSeru banget ya acara tujuhbelasan dengan para Local Guides. Maaf ya mam kapan hari ga jadi join karena satu dan lain hal. Sukses terus pokoknya untuk acara-acara dari para LG.
ReplyDeleteMbak Indah cantik banget pake kebaya merah ❤❤
ReplyDeleteAnyway, suka terharu setiap lihat perayaan hari Kemerdekaan. Apalagi di masa pandemi sekarang ini, nggak bisa upacara di lapangan gitu. Masih bisa diakalin dengan adanya virtual ceremony, tapi tetep nggak bisa menggantikan sensasi upacara secara langsung.
Walaupun perayaannya beda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tapi masih tetap semangat merayakan Hari kemerdekaan dengan cara lain yang tetap menjaga protokol kesehatan ya mbak, Btw cakeep siger Lampung-nya mbak
ReplyDeletetahun ini walaupun perayaannya online, tapi tak kalah meriah dan penuh semangat juga ya Mbak, awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, happy belated birthday, Mbak.
wish you all the best :)
mbak indah seru banget pakai baju adat, btw itu suntingnya (kalau di Padang namanya sunting yang diatas kepala) berat nggak mbak?
ReplyDeleteSiger Lampung mba? Beraaat huahahahaha...yang 2 kilo lebih kayaknya..kerasa juga pas dipakai hehehe
DeleteWuih seru banget bisa Google Meet pas 17 Agustusan. Pada pake baju daerah pula. Keren. Gak mengurangi khidmat dan serunya ya walopun secara online. Bisa ketemu teman dan rekan kerja. Semoga Agustus tahun depan, kita sudah bisa merayakan hari kemerdekaan di luar lagi seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya. aamiin...
ReplyDeleteaaamiiin YRA mbaaa...semoga kita bis segera bebas yaaa dari Coronaaa
DeleteSeru juga ya mbak walaupun online perayaan 17 Agustusnya tetap ramai & pakai pakaian adat sekaligus melestarikan ya
ReplyDeleteWhoaa...serunya bisa merayakan Dirgahayu Indonesia bersama sahabat-sahabat dari belahan dunia lain. Tahun ini memang berbeda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya, dan perayaan 17 Agustus kali ini memang unik
ReplyDeleteAih seru bener ini mah momen 17annya. Total banget nih yang pada pakai pakaian adat. Ada yang pakai kostum merah putih juga yaa..
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah Mbk keren banget cara mencintai Indonesia. Perayaan 17 Agustus penuh cerita.
ReplyDeleteWaaaaaa ada perayaan 17 agustusan juga sama Google Local Guide ya Mbak.... Seruuuuu!!! Setidaknya melipur lara, perayaan offline saat pandemi ini ya Mbak Indah....
ReplyDeletePas 17Agustus nggak kepikiran ngadain kayak gini ama teman-teman nih. Tapi bisa nih diagendakan kapan kapan ya :)