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Welcome to Rasau Jaya, Pontianak, West Kalimantan |
I was thrilled to go back to Pontianak, West Kalimantan, with the office for a field visit to one of the sustainable palm oil plantations in the area.
Have you visited a palm plantation before?
Kalimantan, or many know it as Borneo, is indeed the island of magic.
Its lush green sceneries and its reputation as the lungs of the world have captivated the attention of many and surely it's something that we need to continuously protect.
We visited PT Mitra Aneka Rezeki, one of the companies managed under PT. Pasifik Agro, whose core business is sustainable palm oil. We saw most of the facilities as well as good agricultural practices done by it. We visited the process of producing palm oil and as part of the conservation efforts, each and everyone of us planted the trees in the vacant area near their office. Such an experience indeed.
We also visited some spots where workers were doing their routines. Many of them are strong women and we discussed a few things with them as well.
Here are some photos I took during the visit.
Hope you enjoy all the green sceneries here and there.
And here is the view we could enjoy after climbing up the 18-meter fire tower.
We went up with some friends, took pictures and even vlogged.
It's not everyday you have to courage to climb up that high and enjoy the breathtaking scenery, at least for me.
It's so peaceful to see green lines of palm trees dotting the areas.
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So green.. |
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I've seen your insta story during your bussiness trip in Pontianak, yet I just found out that's for the project of Palm Plantation. Such as nice experience as well, considering I haven't visited Pontianak yet.
ReplyDeletewah serunya perjalanan ke balikpapan ini, bisa ngeliat perkebunan yang hijau-hijau, sekali2 nyegerin mata dengan pemandangan ya mbak :)
ReplyDeleteenjoy all the green sceneries mba, I have been there last year and I love it, met with local community it was amazing and great experience
ReplyDeleteWah menarik banget yah mbak, dari ketinggian bisa melihat scenery sampai sejauh mata memandang. Pengalaman juga ya bisa mampir ke plantation nih hehe..
ReplyDeleteWaaa sangat menarik banget ini postingannya kakak aku belom pernah main ke Kalimantan seru banget ya kak ini kayak pengalaman baru gitu
ReplyDeleteKalimantan mulai banyak perkebunan sawit ya mbak. Terus gimana nasib hutannya? Area konservasinya seberapa luas dibanding area sawitnya?
ReplyDeleteKapan ya bs main ke Kalimantan. Hahaha... Paling jauh aja selama ini ke Bali doank 🤦
ReplyDeleteSeru nih ke Kalimantan. Belum pernah sama sekali. Pengen ke sana juga deh.
ReplyDeleteYaampun pasti seru sekali dan bisa nambah ilmu baru lagi yaa, duh tempatnya seger bisa sekalian cuci mata liat yang hijau-hijau gini
ReplyDeleteHuhuuyy berani naik ke towernya ya... Lumayan juga ya naik ke ketinggian 18 meter itu. Apalagi dapat hadiah bisa melihat pemandangan yang menghijau dimana-mana.
ReplyDeleteSejauh mata memandang hijauuuuu asri dan biru langit perpaduan yang sempurna
ReplyDeletesenang sekali ya mba bisa menyaksikan langsung dengan ketinggian itu.
Moga kapan2 bisa juga ke situ hehehe seru
What an incredible view. Totally worth the clime, it seems!
ReplyDeleteDibutuhkan keberanian dan mental kuat naik ke tower ya mba, aku gemetaran pasti ya hahaha. Tapi kalo udah sampe atas udah takjub aja rasanya pasti.
ReplyDeleteWoah the view is really breathtaking! Aku belum pernah nih ke palm oil plantation. This is one memorable trip ya mbak. :)
ReplyDeleteSenang banget lihat hijau-hijau di tanah air ini ya. Pengalaman yang seru dan tak terlupakan pastinya.