COVID - 19 in the World |
I have been wanting to write this for quite sometimes.
Now that we have some confirmed cases of COVID - 19 in Indonesia as announced in the beginning of March, the first thing we need to do is remain calm, take care of our health and protect others.
Easy to say, but not that easy to implement, I should say.
Many parts of the the world have witnessed the spread of Corona Virus, or officially named COVID - 19, at the alarming speed. Not only it is super contagious, but it is deadly to some people as well. If we remember SARS or MERS, we will think of it as a 'crazy' flu. But COVID - 19 is something else. Something more dangerous and unpredictable, as we don't know much about it.
After the breakout of Corona Virus started in Wuhan, China, in the beginning of the year, now more than 100 countries have experience its horrid impact. World Health Organization (WHO) has officially announced it as the world pandemic, as to date, more than 140 countries have been affected.
Some simple things we can do to avoid Corona Virus |
In the case of Indonesia, President Joko Widodo, has announced the first two confirmed case of COVID - 19 in March 2nd, 2020, followed by increasing numbers of cases in days. As this post is written (March 16), there are 117 confirmed cases, including one of the ministers who has been busy during the first wave of Corona Virus outbreak, the Minister of Transportation.
Seven provinces across Indonesia now have confirmed Covid-19 cases in their region, including in West Java province with total of 10 cases in Bekasi, Depok, Cirebon, and Bandung cities. Many positive cases in Jakarta are the development of tracing previous case, while others also included cases with the history of people visiting Bali and Malaysia, the neighbouring country which faces the same pandemic. This is not something we can take for granted indeed.
Recently, President Jokowi announced and urged Indonesian to stay at home or at least reduce their activities in the public area to reduce the spread of COVID -19. Most students in Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java, five of the country's most populous provinces, as well as other provinces like Lampung, stopped going to school on Monday and taking online classes instead until the end of March, They will stay at home for about 2 weeks in attempts to cut down the transmission of COVID - 19. More warnings and strong advice are given to stop public crowd and mass gathering in any forms to reduce the risk of getting infected. Social distancing is in place!
Many public figures continuosly advising social distancing as one way to curb the spread of the virus. My office has also implemented work-from-home scenario using the rooster to have reduced staff only present at the office. As I am in the middle of diplomatic training, we are also practicing distance learning and independent study in the next 2 weeks. I sincerely hope may institutions will do the same so that massive social distancing policy will be effective. My Ministry also continues to take measures to ensure the protection of Indonesian citizens abroad. As you can see from the infographic above, we have 22 confirmed cases of Indonesian living abroad, spreading in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Taiwan.
Many countries and cities around the globe are doing similar things, some even implement lock down policy, bringing the health of the people as the top priority.
Meanwhile, I would also like to copy the message I received in my email (march 14) from the Governor of New York Estate. I know New York, including New York City, is fighting this virus and its horrific spread.
"Dear Indah,
I write to update you on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
During this pandemic, I cannot implore you enough to social distance — which means limiting all in-person social interactions as much as possible. Experts agree that staying apart is critical if we want to reduce the strain on our health care system and slow the spread of this virus to save lives.
To that end, I have taken a number of actions:
- Schools in NYC, Westchester County and Long Island are closed. Remote learning will take place, and plans are being developed so that children still can get the meals they need and essential workers have access to child care. (Your local school district will have more details.)
- We are aggressively urging private businesses to consider closing and having employees work from home
- Non-essential state employees, as well as non-essential local government employees, have been directed to work from home.
- Starting at 8pm tonight until further notice, restaurants and bars statewide will be delivery and takeout ONLY.
- Starting at 8pm tonight until further notice, gyms, casinos and movie theaters will all be closed.
- Pharmacies, grocery stores, medical facilities and gas stations will remain OPEN.
We do not take these decisions lightly — they are necessary because of the unprecedented public health crisis we find ourselves in.
How dangerous is this virus?
Eighty percent of people who contract COVID-19 self-resolve — and may not even have symptoms.
The virus presents a larger risk to the elderly, the immune-compromised and those with underlying health conditions. We are laser focused on protecting these at-risk populations.
Remember: Even if you have no symptoms, you can still spread Coronavirus. Be a good neighbor and take precautions even if you are young and healthy. Those around you may be at greater risk.
What should you do?
All New Yorkers can take simple steps to prevent the spread of this virus:
- Wash your hands regularly — for at least 20 seconds
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve
- Avoid handshaking
- Don't touch your face with unwashed hands
New Yorkers should also follow our recommendations for social distancing:
- Stay home, even if you feel well
- Keep 6 feet of distance from others in public
- Cancel unnecessary travel plans
New Yorkers can call the Department of Health's coronavirus hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or visit this page for further information.
I will be transparent with you. The number of confirmed cases in New York State will continue to go up, and the situation will get worse before it gets better.
But I know that New Yorkers are strong and we will get through this.
That's the end of the message from Governor Cuomo. I believe the message is universal and it will definitely be beneficial for all of us.
There are many ways we can do to protect each other.
Some of them are very basic hygiene technics such as, among others:
- washing our hands frequently
- maintaining social distancing
- avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth,
- practicing respiratory hygiene
- seeking medical care early when you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

Don’t forget to stay informed and follow advice given by healthcare provider.
I have this infographic in Bahasa Indonesia as well as in English, that I took from WHO's website.
Get more details at @who website and stay safe and healthy.
The link for everything related to Corona Virus can be found here:

the link with all the necessary information
Ada banyak panduan dan informasi yang sangat berguna untuk mengatasi outbreak ini, termasuk bagaimana mencuci tangan yang benar serta bagaimana mengatasi stress saat outbreak maupun membantu anak - anak mengatasi stress di saat yang sama. Juga ada food safety and tips & tricks for shopping (especially in China and Southeast Asia) plus staying healthy while traveling. Selain itu, terdapat pula beberapa panduan teknis untuk negara dan beberapa langkah awal yang harus segera diambil untuk mengatasi outbreak ini.

As of 17 March 2020
WHO juga menyediakan peta interaktif yang secara real - time memberikan indikasi berapa kasus yang terjadi di seluruh dunia serta penyebaran negara dan jumlahnya. Seram memang melihat perkembangannya yang begitu cepat!

Wash your hands frequently
There are many ways we can do to protect each other.
Some of them are very basic hygiene technics such as, among others:
- washing our hands frequently
- maintaining social distancing
- avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth,
- practicing respiratory hygiene
- seeking medical care early when you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
Source: |
Don’t forget to stay informed and follow advice given by healthcare provider.
I have this infographic in Bahasa Indonesia as well as in English, that I took from WHO's website.
Get more details at @who website and stay safe and healthy.
The link for everything related to Corona Virus can be found here:
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the link with all the necessary information |
Ada banyak panduan dan informasi yang sangat berguna untuk mengatasi outbreak ini, termasuk bagaimana mencuci tangan yang benar serta bagaimana mengatasi stress saat outbreak maupun membantu anak - anak mengatasi stress di saat yang sama. Juga ada food safety and tips & tricks for shopping (especially in China and Southeast Asia) plus staying healthy while traveling. Selain itu, terdapat pula beberapa panduan teknis untuk negara dan beberapa langkah awal yang harus segera diambil untuk mengatasi outbreak ini.
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As of 17 March 2020 |
WHO juga menyediakan peta interaktif yang secara real - time memberikan indikasi berapa kasus yang terjadi di seluruh dunia serta penyebaran negara dan jumlahnya. Seram memang melihat perkembangannya yang begitu cepat!
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Wash your hands frequently |
Jadi, jangan lupa untuk melakukan berbagai hal penting di atas ya.
Semangaaat semuaa..
Mari bersama kita lawan COVID 19!
Kita pasti bisa!
Jadi, jangan lupa untuk melakukan berbagai hal penting di atas ya.
Semangaaat semuaa..
Mari bersama kita lawan COVID 19!
Yap, mari kita taklukkan Covid-19 dengan gaya hidup bersih, sementara menyendiri (social distancing)... Ga akan lama kok. Dan harus dilakukan.
ReplyDeletebetul mbaaa..kita harus usaha semaksimal mungkin menekan laju infeksinya
DeleteMakasiii tipsnya Mba Indaah
InsyaALLAH sesudah kesulitan PASTI ada kemudahan ya
betul bangeeet mba.. insya Allah segera teratasi yaa Ammiiin YRA
DeletePercepatan pandemik memang mengkhawatirkan karena menyangkut keseluruhan populasi manusia sendiri di berbagai belahan dunia.
ReplyDeleteSemoga wabah itu segera berakhir dan kita kembali bisa beraktivitas.
Pembatasan jarak sosial'itu adalah upaya pencegahan yang penting untuk diterapkan.
Amiiin distancing akan sangat membantu kita semua
Deletesemoga wabah penyakit corona ini bisa cepat selesai dan ditemukan vaksinnya ya.. untuk sementara kurangi aktivitas diluar dulu dan selalu jaga kebersihan..
ReplyDeletestay safe buat kita semuaaa :)
bener mbaaa..semoga vaksin dan obatnya segera ketemu yaaa
DeleteWe are self quarantining to help stop the spread. I am on immunosuppressing drugs, so I have to be extra cautious to avoid contracting the virus myself. Restaurants and bars are all closed here and most shopping outlets as well. A lot of the grocery stores are restricting the first two hours of operation for senior citizens, and that makes me happy that they don't have to worry about being out in large groups of the general population. Thankfully, my husband is young and healthy, so he's able to go out and do the grocery shopping for our household so I don't have to worry about getting sick while picking up bread and eggs.
ReplyDeleteStay healthy and safe, Theresa... I have to be extra careful as well as I'm still on Letrozol for cancer and have issues with diabetes. Rest assure we stick to the protocol and will be okay.. Hugs for your family
DeleteSemoga wabah ini segera berlalu ya mba, dan yuk bantu pemerintah dengan usahakan untuk delay dulu plan-plan bepergian sementara laaah, bersama-sama kita bisa kok hadapin semua ini
ReplyDeleteIya, kita mulai dari diri sendiri untuk melaksanakan social distancing. Mungkin berat terasa, tapi paling tidak inilah yang paling mudah kita lakukan ya.
Deletesemuanya akan terasa berat karena kita belum biasa..tapi ingat dampaknya jika tidak diterapkan
DeleteTerima kasih dengan tips-tipsnya mba indah,jujur ini mengagetkan banget, rencana-rencana jadi banyak tertunda..semoga virus ini bisa cepat berlalu dengan cerita yang indah.. Aminnn
ReplyDeletesiapa yang pernah berfikir dunia akan seperti ini ya mba...semoga segera berlalu
DeleteWow sampai diemail ya mbak. Disini cuma dapat sms singkat dari BNPB. Pemerintah Indonesia seharusnya bisa memanfaatkan email untuk memberikan instruksi detil supaya masyarakat tidak mancari sendiri yg kadang dapantnya malah salah. Above all, semoga wabah ini segera berlalu & we are back as a warm society. Aamiin.
ReplyDeleteiya mba..ini bisa jadi solusi untuk mereka yang punya email..dan memang harusnya sudah terdaftar. Mungkin itu yang pemerintah belum base kita semua
DeleteInsyaAllah kita bisa melewati semua ini ya Mbak, asal semua mau melaksanakan anjuran yang sudah diberikan, jangan ada yang melanggar, demi kebaikan bersama.
ReplyDeleteiya mba..kuncinya memang disiplin yaaa
DeleteSambil berdoa & melakukan tindakan pencegahan sesuai anjuran pemerintah ya mbak. Semoga virusnya segera hilang ya, Aammiin
ReplyDeleteStay healthy everyone. Wabah ini memang menakutkan sekali tapi yakin akan segera pergi. ALhamdulillah sekarang makin banyak orang yang sadar akan kebersihan dan kesehatan..
ReplyDeleteInsya Allaah wabah corona bisa kita lawan dengan panduan yang sudah dijabarkan di atas ya. tinggal kitanya saja nih yang harus sadah dan ikut membantu upaya pemerintah dalam mencegah penyebaran virus corona yang semakin meluas
ReplyDeleteThis virus is so ugly and is touching our entire world. I pray you and Indonesia will weather this storm. We are social distancing as well and praying this will soon pass. Thank you for your tips. Thanks for sharing and cohosting with #omhgww
ReplyDeleteYang paking aku tekankan sama keluarga itu tentang social distancing nya dan cuci tangan banget kalau setiap habis keluar pintu rumah , meskipun cuma abis dari taman wajib masuk rumah cuci tangan .
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