We arrived a day before the meeting so I was lucky enough to go traveling around with some friends in Geneve, my dearest Priamajar's family.
This time, the wonderful village of Gruyères is our choice.
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Welcome to Gruyères |
Inviting restaurants with unique aroma of fondue, music harmoniously played by street artists and clear blue sky above. The Castle is a majestic proof of grandeur past that stood through the test of time. And for sure Gruyères cheese is among the most delicious cheeses in the world.
See, I don't need more reasons to visit this wonderful place.
We drove to Gruyere for about 1.5 hours from Geneve.
Arriving at around 12.30, perfect timing for lunch, we strolled around the village before sitting at our 1-PM-reservation at Chalet du Gruyeres.
Bienvenue à Gruyères. |
Couldn't get enough of it!
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Fondue, viande seché, cornichon et du pain! |
Although we didn't visit the castle and waiting in vain for a glass of coffee and chocolat chaud at the one and only HR Giger Alien Bar, but we really enjoyed our day.
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HR Giger Museum.. |
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Look at the details.. |
Here are more snaps from our one lovely Saturday at Gruyères, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Beautiful aisles..dotted with colorful flowers |
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Cute cows! |
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I just love this door! |
So, will you visit this beautiful place of Gruyères?
Tell me what you think.
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the link party.
Tell me what you think.
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the link party.
What a beautiful place loved the tour I enjoyed the photos :-)
ReplyDeleteHave a tanfastic week :-)
Thank you...happy to know you enjoy it..
DeleteThat door is total life goals for me. How beautiful ♥ I imagine the whole of Switzerland must be a treat for the eyes with all of its charm and scenery!
ReplyDeleteI know right.. I didn't blink when I saw it! I want one as well!
DeleteHow very lovely!
ReplyDeleteIndeed...can't get enough of it
DeleteWow pemandangannya indah sekali Mama Bo.
ReplyDeleteMakanannya itu roti dengan soup kah? Sepertinya enaaak :)
itu keju cair mbaaaa Li..enak bangeeeet asli
DeleteItu yang boneka sapi lucu terbuat dari kayu ya? Disambung apa dibentuk langsung? Beneran lucu...
ReplyDeletePengen banget mengunjungi lokasi ini, meski bagi saya sesuatu yg tidak mungkin. Paspor saja tidak punya. Hahaha
semoga suatu saat bisa mba..itu kayunya dibentuk sepertinya kalau yang kecil.
DeleteBeautiful scenery, keren buangeeett Mba Indaaahh
ReplyDeleteAku seolah2 lagi ikutan dirimu ke Switzerland nih
Aamiiin semoga bisa nyusul thn depan cuss ke sana
Ayooo mba cuuus yaaa
DeleteGorgeous! I am so incredibly jealous. One day I would love to visit Switzerland, look out at the gorgeous mountains, explore the cute towns, and enjoy fondue! Your images are simply beautiful! ❤️
ReplyDeleteWith Love,
Thank you so much Mandy.. Switzerland has stolen my heart
Deleteindahnyaaa, eropa itu emang pemandangannya paling juara, aku juga kmrn baru ngomongin benua eropa sama anak2 dan jadi kepengen ke sana karena bagus2 pemandangannya
ReplyDeleteIyaaa mba.. semoga bisa segera mampir ke sini
DeleteBeautiful views, and fantastic art work. Thanks so much for linking up this week!
ReplyDeleteHappy to do so Sue.. enjooy
DeleteCantiiiiik bgd pemandangannya. Kayaknya jg suasananya bikin tenang ya mbk. Harmoni. Dah, jd inget film pride and prejudice.
ReplyDeleteSentuhan nuansa desa lokal dan manca ada ciri khas masing2 ya mbak, love it! Hm, beda keju biasa dan keju terbaik itu gmn mbak secara taste? Penasaran :)
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful scenery, mbak...
ReplyDeletepasti jadi kenangan yang memorable banget, tapi bakalan lebih indah kalau main ke sin bareng keluarga ya... hehehe
Itu yang saya suka dari suasana Eropa. Swiss punya sesuatu yang khas. Saya selalu penasaran bagaimana sebenarnya wajah Swiss itu, ya gara-gara baca komik Heidi di majalah Bobo. Lalu sekian komik lainnya dengan latar Eropa seperti Johan dan Pierlout, atau Tanguy dan Laverdue, atau Tintdan sekian komik berikut film lainnya.
ReplyDeleteAda lagi, novel Ernest Hemingway dengan latar Swiss, A Farewell to Arms. Hem, bikin penasaran saja.
Swiss cantik, ya. Fondue bikin penasaran karena saya belum pernah coba meski pertama kali tahu tentangnya dari resep majalah wanita kala saya masih ABG. Seperti apa, sih, cita rasa keju Swiss itu? Dari domba, 'kan?
Memang Eropa, terutama Swiss, punya pemandangan alam yang breathtaking mba.. makanya banyak muncul sebagai latar di novel, film dan buku comic.
DeleteKalau keju Swiss mostly dari susu sapi mba.. dan memang lebih gurih dan lebih enaaak
Its so beautifull place, i hope i can go to Switzerland�� HR giger museum a recommended place to be Europe.
ReplyDeleteCantik banget, foto-fotonya mbak��
Itu areanya kayak dipagar. Ada pemiliknya gak sih, Mbak? Saya berasa lihat film The Sound of Music hehehe
ReplyDeleteKalau kastil ada mbaa.. memang ada pagar untuk alasan keamanan juga.
DeleteIya ya mba, bawaannya mau nyanyi hehehe
Paling terpesona dengan bukit dan rumput yang hijau semuanya. Eh tapi tanaman bunga di depan pintu itu cantik juga ya, mbak. Duduk di sana sambil menikmati roti dan sup jagung pasti pengennya berlama-lama aja nih
ReplyDeleteSaya pernah baca di artikel gitu, katanya Switzerland ini salah satu negara dengab kualitas udara yang bagus untuk tinggal. Benar ya, Mbak? Pemandangan di sana juga indah banget ya. Segar banget pastinya kalau bisa tinggal di sana
ReplyDeleteYa Allah..what a beautiful village Mba.. Andai ku bosa terbang andai punya pintu Dora Emon...ku ingin ada di sana walau sekejap..hahaha
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful place! Swotzerland emang terkenal dgn tempat nya yg adem dan nature yah mba, how Lucky u are can visit that place ��
ReplyDeletePemandangannya cantik banget, Mba. Betapa beruntungnya Mba Indah bisa berkunjung di tempat indah seperti ini
ReplyDeleteSejauh mata memandang bisa ijo2 gtu mbak, kyknya tepatnya damai, kalau agak lamaan di sana paling aku ya betah haha :D
ReplyDeleteMungkin kalau buat pensiun enak kali yaaa
I love the last picture. Uniquely door with flower outside.
ReplyDeleteBtw, all The view of Switzerland always fascinated me
Kayaknya bakalan betah banget aku disini mba. Tapi smoga bisa datang bersma keluarga untuk menikmati pemandangan indah ini. Brapa hariidisini mba ?
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah pemadangannya bagus banget ya disana, padang rumputnya masih luasss banget pasti udaranya seger deh ya.
ReplyDeletePemandangan yang bagus, budaya yang indah dan juga makanan yang lezat. Kapan bisa menginjakan kaki ke tempat ini.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you had a lovely visit.
ReplyDeleteThat outdoor window view is the best. You can see a lot through it.
ReplyDeleteI always look forward to your travels. The pictures this week are simply gorgeous. I would love to visit Switzerland some day. Thank you for sharing with and cohosting at #omhgww.
ReplyDeleteThat's a very picturesque place. Switzerland looks beautiful. Happy to be cohosting with you again too!