Wednesday, April 17, 2019, is THE ELECTION DAY in all over Indonesia.
This is indeed a great time for us, Indonesian, when once in 5 years, all the eligible Indonesian voters will be voting at one's designated areas according to the prepared list.
Imagine this!
Indonesia, the largest archipelagic state and an island country comprises more than 17 thousand islands, with the area stretching from Sabang to Merauke, the western most part to the eastern most part. Covering the area almost three times of Texas and more thank 5000 km coastline, conducting direct genera election at the same time all over the country indeed requires extra hard and meticulous works. From logistic point of view, distribution can be enormously challenging. To make it even more sophisticated,- or rather complicated, this time we do vote not only for the President and the Vice President, but also for representatives or members of Parliament at national, provincial, and city/municipality level (for those taking the vote in the cities or municipalities), as well as members of Dewan Perwakilan Daerah or Regional Representative Council.
This is indeed a great time for us, Indonesian, when once in 5 years, all the eligible Indonesian voters will be voting at one's designated areas according to the prepared list.
Imagine this!
Indonesia, the largest archipelagic state and an island country comprises more than 17 thousand islands, with the area stretching from Sabang to Merauke, the western most part to the eastern most part. Covering the area almost three times of Texas and more thank 5000 km coastline, conducting direct genera election at the same time all over the country indeed requires extra hard and meticulous works. From logistic point of view, distribution can be enormously challenging. To make it even more sophisticated,- or rather complicated, this time we do vote not only for the President and the Vice President, but also for representatives or members of Parliament at national, provincial, and city/municipality level (for those taking the vote in the cities or municipalities), as well as members of Dewan Perwakilan Daerah or Regional Representative Council.
Well, Election Day in my country Indonesia has always been colourful and exciting.
At least for me and my family.
As you have probably heard before we had started to have direct election since 2009 and for this year, we have around 190 millions eligible voters.
At least for me and my family.
As you have probably heard before we had started to have direct election since 2009 and for this year, we have around 190 millions eligible voters.
Such a huge number!
In addition to that, we had around 8 months of gruelling campaign period in all over Indonesia and it has been quite an experience. Be it on the ground as well as on social media, we saw not only the missions and visions of the candidates, but also horrible hoaxes and misinformation here and there. Well, you know crazy , dirty politics!
But what I am happy and proud is that this HUGE democracy party is conducted smoothly.
Well, we have some glitches here and there obviously but the fact that almost all were conducted as planned.
Again, imagine this... managing consecutive direct election (we are voting for President and Vice President, parliamentarian at central government as well as provincial and city levels at the same time) with 190 million voters. You know know how much is the turnout voters? It was around 80% of 190 million eligible voters!
The votes were conducted in 34 provinces, 514 cities/municipalities, and more that 7000 villages, in area comprising more than 17.000 islands.
You can see the magnitude of the whole process, which is indeed not that simple, way from piece of cake.
Therefore, we salute our General Election Commission as well as all relevant institutions for managing this process through hard worm and we are now waiting for the real count!
Well, we have some glitches here and there obviously but the fact that almost all were conducted as planned.
Again, imagine this... managing consecutive direct election (we are voting for President and Vice President, parliamentarian at central government as well as provincial and city levels at the same time) with 190 million voters. You know know how much is the turnout voters? It was around 80% of 190 million eligible voters!
The votes were conducted in 34 provinces, 514 cities/municipalities, and more that 7000 villages, in area comprising more than 17.000 islands.
You can see the magnitude of the whole process, which is indeed not that simple, way from piece of cake.
Therefore, we salute our General Election Commission as well as all relevant institutions for managing this process through hard worm and we are now waiting for the real count!
The quick count shows that our beloved president, Bapak Joko Widodo, will likely be our president again!
On that special day, my hubby and I went to our voting booth at 7 AM in the morning.
Yup... early morning for sure, 7 AM indeed!
It was basically the same time as our commuting time so we managed to get up early and get prepared.
It was basically the same time as our commuting time so we managed to get up early and get prepared.
We know it might be a long line as one Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) or the Voting Booth could accommodate up to 200 voters, so we thought the earlier we came, the better.
We took our motorcycle there as we simply didn't want to have issues with parking.
After around 5 minutes ride,- the road was unsurprisingly almost empty,- we arrived at TPS 5, the place assigned for us.
When we arrived there, the local committee was not ready yet. They were still having sort of a final briefing. We could see the booths were set and the voting sheets were neatly arranged, ready to be distributed to voters. Securities were present, as well as members of the Committee and the witnesses. Once they were ready, we submitted the original C6 form (the formal registration form) as well as our original KTP - Kartu Tanda Penduduk or ID card. Then they started to call your name to sign the attendance list and to receive the voting sheets. We received 4 different colour-coded voting sheets, for President and Vice President; members of the Parliament at central as well as provincial level and DPD). After making sure that all the sheets were original and untempered, we headed to the booth to vote. And once we're done, we put the voted sheets to designated boxes.
And less than 20 minutes, we were done!
I know what I wanted to vote. And again I am super happy that I got the chance to realise my civic rights by expressing my choice for the future leader of Indonesia.
We sincerely hope that Indonesia will get the best leader supported by all the peoples and all the elements of the communities.
Happy voting, Indonesia!
And may the future leader of Indonesia is the best one!
We took our motorcycle there as we simply didn't want to have issues with parking.
After around 5 minutes ride,- the road was unsurprisingly almost empty,- we arrived at TPS 5, the place assigned for us.
I voted! |
When we arrived there, the local committee was not ready yet. They were still having sort of a final briefing. We could see the booths were set and the voting sheets were neatly arranged, ready to be distributed to voters. Securities were present, as well as members of the Committee and the witnesses. Once they were ready, we submitted the original C6 form (the formal registration form) as well as our original KTP - Kartu Tanda Penduduk or ID card. Then they started to call your name to sign the attendance list and to receive the voting sheets. We received 4 different colour-coded voting sheets, for President and Vice President; members of the Parliament at central as well as provincial level and DPD). After making sure that all the sheets were original and untempered, we headed to the booth to vote. And once we're done, we put the voted sheets to designated boxes.
And less than 20 minutes, we were done!
I know what I wanted to vote. And again I am super happy that I got the chance to realise my civic rights by expressing my choice for the future leader of Indonesia.
We sincerely hope that Indonesia will get the best leader supported by all the peoples and all the elements of the communities.
Happy voting, Indonesia!
And may the future leader of Indonesia is the best one!
Yayy jangan golput, karena golput itu ga keren... btw nyemplungin tinta nya dalem banget mba Indah, sampai sekarang masih nempel ya hehheee ku masih nempel di kuku nih
ReplyDeleteWalau harus nunggu kartu suara susulan datang tapi tak mengurungkan niatku untuk golput mbak. Semoga presiden yang terpilih nanti bisa menjalankan amanah dengan baik dan drama pilpres segera berakhir aamiin!
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah aku juga kemaren nyoblos mbak, walau harus nyubuh berangkat ke Bandung. Alhamdulillah bisa ikut memilih di TPS.
ReplyDeleteSaya memilih vote di Makassar, dengan KTP Tangsel yang sudah saya daftarkan ke KPU Makassar untuk dapat undangan 3 bulan lalu. Alhamdulillah bisa ikut voting walaupun cuma pilih presiden dan dan wakilnya.
ReplyDeleteSaya telah memilih dan saya bahagia! itu kalimat yang paling tepat ya mba untuk menggambarkan suasana hati para masyarakat Indonesia saat ini.. memilih pemimpin dengan bahagia, semoga nantinya memimpin dengan adil dan Indonesia semakin maju.. aamiin
ReplyDeleteAllhamdulillab saya juga bersyukur bisa memilih di tempat sendiri. Sengaja mudik pulang biar bisa milih bareng keluarga besar juga. Siapapun pemimpinnya nanti, bisa membuat Indonesia Semoga lebih baik lagi. Aaaminnn
ReplyDeleteAsyeek... Mari kita jadikan pemilu ini Sebagai ihtiar mendapatkan pemimpin yang baik dan membuat indonesia tambah bersatu dan maju. Aamiin...
ReplyDeleteMba Indah, yang mini mba Indah kok ga pake jari ungu juga hahaha.
ReplyDeleteSenang ya mba bisa ikutan voting.
Saya juga ikutan mba, meski lumayan antri dan berpanas-panasan.
Apalah arti kepanasan, ketimbang apa yang sudah negara ini berikan pada saya *eaaaa :D
Yup seneng deh bisa menyuarakan pilihan. Mudah mudahan saat pemilihan presiden berjalan damai. Ga berasa bentar lagi Ramadhan juga.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah sdh menetapkan pilihan dan memberikan 'suara' juga. Semoga berkah negeriku .
ReplyDeleteWah tahun ini semakin banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang ikutan milih, mudah-mudahan jadi awal yang baik untuk masa depan Indonesia yang damai, aku juga sudah vote...
ReplyDeleteBener mba... udah makin banyak yang enggak golput lagi. Sudah pada punya pilihan masing2 yang diyakini bisa membawa Indonesia menjadi lebih baik.
DeleteNyoblos dong, alhamdulillah, pesta yang hanya 5 tahun sekali pantang ditinggal, hehehe
ReplyDeleteaamiin mba, semoga siapapun presidennya nanti memang yg terbaik yg Allah SWT pilih..dan bisa menjadikan Indonesia lebih baik lagi
ReplyDeleteSemoga pemilu ini kita mendapatkan presiden yg terbaik utk Indonesia, alhamdulillah sampai 81% yg nyoblos!
ReplyDeletesalute, the smooth running of the election is supported by many heroes and some even die on duty
ReplyDeleteSalfok sama bonekanya kok lucuuu bingitt. Wah, keren ya anti golput demi masa depan bangsa. Kita emang perlu memberikan suara kita untuk memilih wakil rakyat terbaik.
ReplyDeleteSenang mbk Indah bisa menggunakan hak pilihnya. Semoga presiden yang terpilih bisa membawa Indonesia ke arah yang lebih baik
ReplyDeleteMeskipun sebelumnya mungkin banyak hoax dan 'perseturuan' antar netizen jelang pemilu ini, tapi tetep kita harus bahagia dan ikut voting! Sampe2 dateng kepagian dan belum siap ya mbak...hihihi
ReplyDeleteI was also so happy to be part of Indonesian voters, Mam. I already decided who will be chosen when I was in 'bilik pemilihan' long before the election day. And I am so happy that nothing written in my social media to agitate others. Yes, I never wrote about my politic choice in my social media, even I have to see again and again so many fight in timeline just because of differences on political choice.
ReplyDeletePemilu sudah usai dan tinggal menunggu hasilnya. Sayangnya suasana saat menunggu ini kok nggak tenang ya mbak. Masih aja rame saling klaim diantara para pendukung capres
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, sudah menunaikan kewajiban sebagai warga negara, siapapun yang menang, semoga amanah aamiin, capek dengan keberisikan di medsos hehe
ReplyDeleteSempat khawatir sama isu golput yang melanda kalangan muda mbak, makanya bela2in bikin meme oppa-oppa yang isinya ajakan nyoblos dan jangan sampai golput. Meme-ku banyak di-repost fanbase sih hahaha.
ReplyDeleteUntunglah 80% ternyata nyoblos itu mah udah keren banget!
Tetehque ini panutan banget deeh...
DeleteSalut sama meme-memenya teh Erry.
Yee akupun bangga gak golput mba.. ngebelain pulang kampung sekalian menghabiskan liburan buat meramaikan pesta demokrasi ini ��
ReplyDeleteSaya juga datang agak pagian. Sempat menunggu sekitar 30 menitan baru bisa vote karena petugasnya siap-siap dulu. alhamdulillah di tempat saya berjalan lancar
ReplyDeleteIt's good you got out and voted. I'd really love Trump out of office here. The other candidates weren't great either.
ReplyDeleteHappy voting, kak Insav...
ReplyDeleteDan kemarin bener-bener semarak yaa...
Tiap Pemilu memang selalu punya cerita.
Yeay, senang ya sudah bisa berpartisipasi dalam pemilu kali ini... Kalau saya nyoblos sendirian, soalnya suami sibuk jadi panitia kpps :D
ReplyDeleteDi tempatku Tps nya nyediain teh panas, ketela sama kacang godok mqma Bo.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, sudah melakukan kewajiban menjadi warga negara yg baik dengan mengikuti pemilu, apa pun hasilnya semoga negara ini mendapatkan pemimpin yang baik dan amanah
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah ya mbak, semuanya smooth.
ReplyDeleteSkrg tinggal nunggu proses perhitungan suara di KPU. Semoga terus kondusif sampai pelantikan presiden baru nanti.
Voting sudah, sekarang tinggal berdoa ya Mbak siapapun pemimpin terpilih bisa menimpin Indonesia leboh baik dan lebih maju lagi.
ReplyDeleteSaya jg sudah milih...serasa lebaran suasana di rumah tuh hahaha..sampai suami berinisiatif bikin opor biar tambah mirip..hihi .
ReplyDeleteHuree alhamdulillah mba Indah keren
ReplyDeleteNgga golput. InsyaAllah suara mba Indah akan menentukan nasib bangsa 5th ke depan. Aamiin
Alhamdulillah, masa nyoblos sudah selesai. Tinggal menunggu hasilnya. Semoga pengorbanan sodara2 kita yag sampe sakit bahkan meninggal, bisa menjadi reminder kita untuk menyia-nyiakan apa pun. Untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik.
ReplyDeletebaru di pemilu kali ini kami sekeluarga ke TP dengan sangat bersemangat, jam 7 sudah sampai, dan ternyata warga lain juga sama semangatnya, benar-benar pesta rakyat ya mba, semua antusias :)
ReplyDeleteAku juga bayanginnya ngeri y Indonesia 17ribu pulau dan 80% mau nyoblos.luar biasa.tinggal kawal penghitungan pemilu nya nih
ReplyDeleteKeren. Datang pagi-pagi. Semoga seluruh proses pemilu dari pencoblosan hingga penghitungan suara berjalan dengan aman.
ReplyDeletePemilu kali ini banyak drama dan awalnya aku mau golput juga.. Tapi ga jadi... Dan berharap siapapun pemenangnya indonesia tetap damai..
ReplyDeleteaku di Qatar antri 1,5 jam di TPS DOHA. Antriannya mengular panjang, tapi alhamdulillah tertib dan lancar. Salut banget sama PPLN.
1,5 jam itu gak berasa karena anakku excited banget krn ini pengalaman nyoblos pertamanya. seru!
Alhamdulillah aku juga nyoblos mba, karena ini cuma 5 tahun sekali dan aku harus pilih yang terbaik untuk Indonesia :D
ReplyDeleteYeayyyy pemilu di sini mama bo
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah pemilu selalu ikut.sayang suaranya mama bo. Demi Indonesia
Sy juga nyoblos mba...alhamdulillah sejauh ini pemilu aman. Semoga Indonesia makin aman damai dan sejahtera
ReplyDeleteCant wait to waiting the result of this elevtion. But i hope there is no more hoax again about politik, so sad if interacting in sosial media and war abt it
ReplyDeleteTahun ini terpaksa golput. Karena pas ada kerjaan mendadak di tengah hutan. Tapi tetap selalu mendoakan. Apapun hasilnya, semoga bisa membawa Indonesia menjadi lebih baik lagi..
ReplyDeleteSaya juga dapet pengalaman pas nyoblos kemarin, pas udah datang ke TPS, eh panitianya belum selesai menyiapkan perlengkapan buat nyoblos. Bahkan kertas suara baru di ttd sama panitianya.
ReplyDeleteYa walaupun masih ada kekurangan, semoga hasil resmi pemilu nanti bisa diterima semua pihak.
Aku seneng liat antusias di sekitarku yang menyambut Pemilu ini. Sampe harus nunggu sekitar sejam buat dipanggil giliran nyoblos. Ya selain banyak yang antusias, kertas suaranya juga banyak dan gede-gede ngalahin koran, ya hahaha. DOaku juga sama untuk pemimpin mendatang. Siapapun dia, mari kita support :)
ReplyDeleteBulan ini tinggal menunggu hasil dari KPU, kok aku deg degan yah 😊 mudah2an saja semua pihak bisa menerima apapun hasilnya