8 Ways To Incorporate Essential Oils Into Your Daily Routine
Happy, happy new year, everyone!
Let's hope for a better, healthier and more wonderful 2019 for all of us. Any particular resolutions you have in mind? I am determined to live a healthier and more balanced life in the upcoming days.
People are extremely powerful and sensuous beings. The abilities to work hard, play hard, and love deeply are embedded inside us. The smart person maintains control over every aspect of their beings and trains themselves to live life with quiet passion.
Photo credit: Joanna Kosinska
Photo credit: Joanna Kosinska
The 3-H’s
In order to use the powers of essential oils to help you live a balanced life, you begin with the 3-H’s. They are healing, health, and harmony. Identifying the essential oils that keep these three important things in order will put you on the path of perfect control. With perfect control, comes the depth of your power and the effects it has on everyone and everything around you. You do not have to display it, as it will be understated and evident. You don’t have to “do” anything except to find the keys that open the doors. Those keys are often found in particular essential oils. You now have the goal in site. Let us identify the natural essential oils that you can use daily to let you achieve them.
Of course, when we become ill, our bodies fight the illness until it is under control. But healing is a more complicated issue. Take a common cold for example. Long after you have fought through the cold, you are left with fatigue, aches and pains, and a general sense of feeling unwell. This is because it took your energy and resources to fight the sickness, Now healing extends into recovery. Below we will list oils that will assist in returning your body to health and will protect you from a relapse.
Lavender is a well known essential oil for assisting in sleep. It also relieves headaches and body aches.The body recovers and restores itself during sleep. Lavender can be used daily. You can massage Lavender essential oil into the skin, but a steaming cup of lavender, peppermint tea at bedtime is a great way to inhale the properties of the oil and relax the entire body.
Peppermint is one of nature's superpowers. Peppermint is relaxing, it can be rubbed on, consumed in tea, or you can place a drop directly under the tongue. Peppermint is good for nausea, cramping, constipation, headache, energy, sinus issues, and fever. If you can only select one essential oil to keep on hand at all times, select peppermint.
Oil Blend
- clove, lemon, rosemary, cinnamon, and eucalyptus
Mix equal parts of these oils into a single amber-colored bottle. This blend helps you rebuild your immune system. Consider signature aroma diffusers or rub 2-3 drops on the wrists. The blend is used to cleanse the body. It fights the symptoms of cold and flu. It relieves a sore throat and quiets coughing. It gives you more energy and opens the sinus and passages ways to clear breathing and break-up congestion.
Maintaining your health is easier than recovering your health. That is why it is essential to eat healthily, get exercise, and drink plenty of water. There are essential oils to help you maintain your health. Remember, it is about balance. You are finding a daily routine that fits you well and is easy to maintain.
In order to use the powers of essential oils to help you live a balanced life, you begin with the 3-H’s. They are healing, health, and harmony. Identifying the essential oils that keep these three important things in order will put you on the path of perfect control. With perfect control, comes the depth of your power and the effects it has on everyone and everything around you. You do not have to display it, as it will be understated and evident. You don’t have to “do” anything except to find the keys that open the doors. Those keys are often found in particular essential oils. You now have the goal in site. Let us identify the natural essential oils that you can use daily to let you achieve them.
Of course, when we become ill, our bodies fight the illness until it is under control. But healing is a more complicated issue. Take a common cold for example. Long after you have fought through the cold, you are left with fatigue, aches and pains, and a general sense of feeling unwell. This is because it took your energy and resources to fight the sickness, Now healing extends into recovery. Below we will list oils that will assist in returning your body to health and will protect you from a relapse.
Lavender is a well known essential oil for assisting in sleep. It also relieves headaches and body aches.The body recovers and restores itself during sleep. Lavender can be used daily. You can massage Lavender essential oil into the skin, but a steaming cup of lavender, peppermint tea at bedtime is a great way to inhale the properties of the oil and relax the entire body.
Peppermint is one of nature's superpowers. Peppermint is relaxing, it can be rubbed on, consumed in tea, or you can place a drop directly under the tongue. Peppermint is good for nausea, cramping, constipation, headache, energy, sinus issues, and fever. If you can only select one essential oil to keep on hand at all times, select peppermint.
Oil Blend
- clove, lemon, rosemary, cinnamon, and eucalyptus
Mix equal parts of these oils into a single amber-colored bottle. This blend helps you rebuild your immune system. Consider signature aroma diffusers or rub 2-3 drops on the wrists. The blend is used to cleanse the body. It fights the symptoms of cold and flu. It relieves a sore throat and quiets coughing. It gives you more energy and opens the sinus and passages ways to clear breathing and break-up congestion.
Maintaining your health is easier than recovering your health. That is why it is essential to eat healthily, get exercise, and drink plenty of water. There are essential oils to help you maintain your health. Remember, it is about balance. You are finding a daily routine that fits you well and is easy to maintain.
Lemon essential oil
Lemon essential oil is an easy boost. Just add it to your water for flavor. Lemon essential oil gives you a boost of energy to make your metabolism stay at a steady rate. It is an antibacterial and antifungal oil, and adding just two drops to a glass of water helps you begin your day hydrated. You will clean your body of toxins and return for more.
Spearmint or tangerine essential oils
These essential oils are zero calories. Best of all, while you are hydrating your body, you are controlling cravings for foods that are not good for you. If you want to lose a few pounds, add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil.
Wintergreen, lemongrass, clove, and sweet orange
All of these oils are great for relieving tight muscles. Add 6-8 ounces of the oil of your choice to a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and rub into your tired muscles. You can also mix it with water and spritz it on your face for clear and healthy skin and an immediate sense of energy.
Life is good. You feel good, you are balanced and have everything moving in the right direction. Let’s induce that feeling of harmony with these great essential oils
Ylang Ylang
The fragrant oils extracted from a flower grown in the Philippines are much loved in the world of essential oils. They induce a sense of being loved and of well being.
The woody fragrance of sandalwood is used in many perfumes. But on its own it is believed to keep the user balanced.
As you can see, there are many ways to use essential oils to enhance your life. Experiment with the oils and fine-tune a method that allows you to live your life to the fullest, every day.
Life is good. You feel good, you are balanced and have everything moving in the right direction. Let’s induce that feeling of harmony with these great essential oils
Ylang Ylang
The fragrant oils extracted from a flower grown in the Philippines are much loved in the world of essential oils. They induce a sense of being loved and of well being.
The woody fragrance of sandalwood is used in many perfumes. But on its own it is believed to keep the user balanced.
As you can see, there are many ways to use essential oils to enhance your life. Experiment with the oils and fine-tune a method that allows you to live your life to the fullest, every day.
Cheers and have a heathier life with essentials oils!
I can use some relaxing one like lavender!
ReplyDeleteIt’s my fave indeed
Deletewow, thanks for review so i know benefit of essential oils. My fav Sandalwood :D
I also love Sandalwood mba.. it’s a lovely aroma!
Deletewaaaah ku belum pernah cobain essential oils kaya gini, jadi penasaran pengen nyobain juga deh, terutama aroma aroma yang bisa menenangkan ya, bikin mood bagus <3
ReplyDeleteAku suka dan memang gampang lhoo.. asal punya diffuser yaaa dan taruh di kamar
DeleteSampai saat ini aku belum pernah pakai essentials oil kak. Jadi tau beda jenis dan manfaatnya :)
ReplyDeleteAt least tau dulu untuk perkenalan yaaa
DeleteAku blm pernah coba essentials oilss, ini bener bisa bikin relax dan tenang ya?? Mirip kaya young living bukan sih? Hehe aku penasaran sama young living soalnya heheh
ReplyDeleteAt some point mirip mba.. bisa buat sendiri juga lhoo
DeleteWah kompplit sekali tipsnya. Satu lagi yang kutahu tentangmu mbak. You're a master of essential oils heheee
ReplyDeleteAaah ya ngga master tapi suka ajaaa mba 😘😘😘
Deleteaku ada essential oil dan banyak banget. Cuma dia emang kayanya gabisa untuk healing. Just aromateraphy aja. Lumayan sih untuk menyegarkan udara.
ReplyDeleteI need the spearmint essential oil! Blm pernah nyobain essential oil sebelumnya jd blm ngerti banyak juga sih tentang essential oil. Untung baca ini jd sedikit banyak mulai paham. Btw happy new year beb!
ReplyDeleteaku lebih suka wangi kayu gitu somehow lebih refreshing menurutku. tapi emg pake essential oil lbh relax sih bener
ReplyDeleteNah ini yg lagi aku cari kak hehe aku punya essensial oil di rumah tapi ga ngerti cara pakainya kayak gimana. Diffuser juga blm punya soalnya hmmm
ReplyDeleteKapan hari pas ada acara pameran gitu, sempat tanya-tanya soal essensial oil aromanya emang macam-macam ya dan harganya juga wow menurutku :D
ReplyDeleteAku biasa pakai lavender untuk relaxaxing mba, suka banget sama oil2 an gini
ReplyDeleteWahh, informatif banget ni.. Aku paling nggak ngerti dengan essential oil.. Thanks for sharing, ya!
ReplyDeleteIdihh keren tips nya kak..thanks udah sharing sukses terus
ReplyDeleteAku pernah suka gitu pakai essential oil, pas anak-anak masih bayi, karena klaim beberapa essential oil bisa menyembuhkan sakit flu/batuk pada anak dengan aman, sekarang udah nggak, hehehe blom kebeli lagi
ReplyDeleteAku suka banget pake essential oil,biasanya aku pake malam hari. Ngebantu bikin rileks dan tidur jadi lebih nyenyak hihi
ReplyDeleteI love the lavender one beb, bikin tidur pules banget emang dan kulit jadi lembaaap, really love how the lavender oil works!
ReplyDeleteBuat ku essential oil itu udah kayak best friend banget, aku paling suka aroma sandalwood karena bisa buat nyaman dan happy menurutku
ReplyDeleteI am a big fan of aromatherapy. My fave oils are lavender and eucalyptus.
ReplyDeleteToo bad, we couldn't meet up in KL. Hope you will visit Malaysia again soon! Call me - lunch is on me!
I know a few people that swear by essential oils. I will have to tell them to come read this!
ReplyDeleteI love using essential oils. I agree, if you could only choose one, peppermint is it. It is so great for pain relief and I use it often. Lavender is a favorite of mine too for helping me to relax after a long day.