Raise your hands if you think you should be back to Hogwards and live among the Boy who lives, Hermione, Ron and the gank.
Or remember all those handy charms and spells like Wingardium Laviousa or Lumos or Accio or even the lethal one, avada kadabra?
Join me then!
I just came to Harry Potter - A History of Magic Exhibition in the Big Apple :)
I just came to Harry Potter - A History of Magic Exhibition in the Big Apple :)
I literally sneaked out of my meeting in order to get the ticket of the last entry of the day at 5.15 PM.
Considering the traffic from UN Headquarters in Midtown Manhattan to New York Historical Society in Central park West, I asked permission to go at 4.45.
I arrived just in time and had less than an hour to actually see and enjoy the exhibition.
Well, it's better than nothing at all, right?
The exhibition is quite compact and not too crowded when I went there.
But for sure, it's interesting and as the exhibition of conducted in collaboration with the famous British Library as well as Harry Potter Wizarding World.
That's why I couldn't miss it for the world!
Too bad we can not take pictures of the exhibition itself but I took some from the public display outside.
Here are a few photos from Harry Potter - A History of Magic Exhibition is held in New York Historical Society.
Will be back with more story for sure, so just stick around!
Considering the traffic from UN Headquarters in Midtown Manhattan to New York Historical Society in Central park West, I asked permission to go at 4.45.
I arrived just in time and had less than an hour to actually see and enjoy the exhibition.
Well, it's better than nothing at all, right?
The exhibition is quite compact and not too crowded when I went there.
But for sure, it's interesting and as the exhibition of conducted in collaboration with the famous British Library as well as Harry Potter Wizarding World.
That's why I couldn't miss it for the world!
Too bad we can not take pictures of the exhibition itself but I took some from the public display outside.
Here are a few photos from Harry Potter - A History of Magic Exhibition is held in New York Historical Society.
Will be back with more story for sure, so just stick around!
do you like my new glasses? |
the cute postcard with Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix :) |
Do you like Harry Potter as well?
Which house do you think you will be? Gryffindor, Slyterin, Ravenclaw or Hupplepuff?
Huaaaaaa.... aku gemeter lihatnya.
ReplyDeletePengen ikutan lihat langsung juga :D
Itu yang pakai baju ungu di atas foto Mbak Indah adiknya Dumbledore bukan sih?
bukaaaan..itu Dumbledorenyaaa say hehehe. Toss duluuu aaah pencinta Harry Potteeeeer
DeleteI bet that was fun heheh! nice photos :-)
ReplyDeleteHave a harrypottertastic week :arrow:
Gotta love Harry Potter! Awesome phots, Indah!
ReplyDeleteMy son Mica would be in heaven. He loves Harry Potter. It seemed he grew more appreciation for the books and movies the 2nd time around reading and watching them.
ReplyDeleteHarry potter ,, aku mau nangisssss pengen jugaaaaaa ..
ReplyDeletenonton dan baca buku harry potter ini kayak dapat ilmu dan dunia baru ye hehehe
Suka Harry Potter, tp masih jauh kebih suka sama LOTR karena ada Legolas. Eaa haha
ReplyDeleteAku tidak mengikuti film happy porter, nonton film aja lompat-lompat seri
ReplyDeleteItu lukisan Dumbledore matanya bisa lirik kiri kanan, gak mbak? Hihi...
ReplyDeleteKaca matanya pinjem Harry Potter apa ada merchandise yang dijual di situ, Mbak?
ReplyDeleteSayang gak bisa ambil foto yaaa. Kalau aku pasti sibuk pepotoan saking excitednya
ReplyDeleteUuh mungkin gak ya ada exhibition gini di indonesia.. mupeng teramat sangaaat :))
ReplyDeleteJadi pengen punya pintu ajaib biar bisa langsung ke sana. Etapi itu mah Doraemon, ya hahaha. Harry Potter memang gak ada matinya, ya. Coba ada kelanjutan lagi ceritanya
ReplyDeleteBerburu tetep ya Mbak Indah hahaaha. Duh apalagi ini Harry Potter yang fenomenal, kapan ya Indonesia ada. Semoga ada dan bisa nonton. Jaga kesehatan selalu mba Indah.
ReplyDeleteSukak sih, tp gak ngikuti rutin ceritanya. Seneng nontonnya bareng cucu
ReplyDeleteSenangnyaaa jika bisa datang dan melihat langsung. Pasti betah banget deh dan nggak mau pulang. Hehhehe
ReplyDeleteOmg, stuned! Ngefans sebenarnya sama Harry Potter smpe sekarang pun kadang ngulang nonton filmnya, beruntungnya mba bisa melihat langsung exhibitionnya :)
ReplyDeletewow mba Indah bikin mupeng pecinta Harpot :D kenal HArpot waktu masih SMP dong dan seleseiin buku pertamanya cuman semalaman lalu beosknya dikepret mamak :D
ReplyDeleteBuahahhaha kacamata Potteeeerrrrr :))))) Dapet aja mbak kacamatanya.
ReplyDeletei dont really like reading harry potter novel, too heavy buat aku bukunya tebel banget, haha. tapi filmnya sih ngikutin dan cukup paham
ReplyDeleteWhuaaa...ke pameran Harry Potter, saya ngikutin Harry Potter cuma sampai jilid 6,jilid terakhir malah belum baca
ReplyDeleteWihh keren banget mba bisa kesana,, Film Harry Potter tuh ga pernah ngebosenin deh sampai sekarang kadang masih nonton juga.
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter memang nggak ada matinya, ya.. Tapi sayangnya aku enggak sempet ngikutin, jilid 1 aja nggak tamat. Hehe
ReplyDeleteAsyik mbak Indah bs datang ke exibition Harry Potter. Beruntungnya dirimu mbak ��
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter legendaris banget yaa.. sampe dibikin museumnya.
ReplyDeleteImpian anak sulungku nih mama Bo, bisa mampir ke sini
ReplyDeleteMbak,, aku pengen banget dateng langsung ke pameran Harpot ini. Sayang jauh banget dari sini. Makasih ya udah berbagi tentang pameran ini.
ReplyDeleteJadi kangen pengen baca ulang buku harry potter, tapi liat tebel bukunya biarlah rasa inginnya dalam hati saja hehehe
ReplyDeleteWah aku sekeluarga suka Harry Potter di rumah mbak. Beli bukuya sejak aku belum nikah sampai aku punya anak :)
ReplyDeleteHupplepuff mbak aku suka
Andai aku bisa Mbak kesana. Aku pasti akan lama baru mau pulang. Puas puasin lihat HarPot hehe
ReplyDeleteMe... meee... I'm a Hogwarts lover, especially for Draco Malfoy :)) For sure, I'll join him in Slytherin. See u, Harry.... *muka sepet
ReplyDeleteBuset dah mbk indah kereennn.
ReplyDeleteKpn ya aku bisa kesana. Doain donk mbk indah atau ajak sekalian juga boleh, boleh bgd *hahay.
ReplyDeleteImpian banget pingin masuk Hogwart...
Pakai seragam sekolah ala ala Hermione.
Harry Potter ini kyknya bukan tontonan anak tapi jg dewasa makanya semua org kyknya suka berada di sana ya mbak :D
ReplyDeleteAku baca artikel sambil keluar suara dari mulut dan membayangkan mba Indah seperti siaran di radio.
ReplyDeleteTerutama di bagian ini nih:
...will be back with more story for sure, so just stick around!
Suami suka banget nonton Harry Potter kalau aku kok enggak ya hihi dan aku nggak paham mencerna ceritanya :)
ReplyDeleteWe are HUGE Harry Potter fans!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter would LOVE this exhibit. Anywhere we travel to, if it's connected to Harry Potter in any way, we have to add it to our itinerary.