We all like to get away every now and then, especially when that getaway includes 5-star resorts, wild nights at clubs, high-class restaurants and more. And now, when you are a student, is a perfect time for you to experience all that. Not only will you have the time of your life, you will also probably meet a celebrity or two, and overall enjoy every day to the fullest. So without further ado, here are the best spots you should consider visiting.
Bali, Indonesia
also carries the name “Island of the Gods” and has literally everything
to offer to its tourists. There are hills, mountains, sandy coastlines,
and many other attractions that simply lure rich and famous people who
want to escape all that limelight for a while. It is a perfect mixture
of beauty and relaxation, and offers more than meets the eye.
If you are adventurous, you can hike through forested volcanic mountains, and if you are into the nightlife, prepare to be wowed by its countless resort towns where Hollywood celebrities come to enjoy themselves. As for culture lovers, this is the best place to learn and enjoy more unique cultural values.
The most popular resorts for those who enjoy coral reefs and scenic beaches are Nusa Dua and Sanur.
If you are adventurous, you can hike through forested volcanic mountains, and if you are into the nightlife, prepare to be wowed by its countless resort towns where Hollywood celebrities come to enjoy themselves. As for culture lovers, this is the best place to learn and enjoy more unique cultural values.
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Batur Lake, Bali, Indonesia |
The most popular resorts for those who enjoy coral reefs and scenic beaches are Nusa Dua and Sanur.
This is the place where you are most likely to find billionaires vacationing.
It was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, and named after his brother Bartolomeo. St. Barts was mainly influenced by the French, and has a legal status as a French overseas department.
However, it was when David Rockefeller bought a holiday home there in 1957 that this island turned into a prestigious holiday location, and currently, it is the undisputed playground for the rich and famous.
The beaches of St. Barts are considered the most beautiful in the world, and its nightspots are definitely places where you want to be seen.
Brisbane, Australia
As the capital of Queensland, Brisbane is probably the most interesting city in the Land Down Under. It is a paradise for art lovers since it is the home of the Gallery of Modern Art which is the best art museum in the entire country. Besides that, Brisbane has one of the most vibrant city lives in Australia – you will never be bored, there is always something to do. Oh, and don’t even get me started on its wealth of nature and wildlife, as well as its unrivaled music scene (Brisbane has been named as one of the top five music hot spots by Billboard Magazine). There are more pubs, bars and clubs there than anywhere in the world. Plus, you can find quite luxurious student accommodation in Brisbane where you can stay and enjoy this city carefree.
Ibiza, Spain
Besides being one of the most idyllic places for a vacation, soon, Ibiza is going to become one of the most expensive spots as well. It is situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and is one of 50 Balearic Islands. Its antiquity has been influenced by many ancient cultures from the Romans all the way to the Greeks, which makes it incredibly interesting and popular. When it comes to the size, it is nearly 10 times larger than Manhattan. Another interesting thing about this island is its music scene, as well as movies made there. There is a world-known hotel Ushuaia on the beach called Playa d’en Bossa which is known for the best parties in the whole wide world, and all this makes Ibiza a place worth splurging on.
So? Which of these caught your eye the most?
Will you visit it?
And do you have some more interesting destinations you would like to share with us? Let me know in the comment section below.
Ibiza, Spain
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Photo: pixabay.com |
So? Which of these caught your eye the most?
Will you visit it?
And do you have some more interesting destinations you would like to share with us? Let me know in the comment section below.
Ibiza Spain - bottom photo looks so pretty to me. That's where I'd want to go.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget Indonesia, Alissa...we're waiting for you :)
DeleteI want to go to them all! Though I am well over 30 lol. I'm trying to get my girls as well traveled as possible before they are adults so they always have a passion for travel. I am sure any one of these destinations they'd say yes to!
ReplyDeleteMe, too, Theresa...I don't mind coming back to some of those places! And I'm hotting 40 already LOL. Get the girls to Indonesia, please :)
DeleteIceland and see the aurora borealis is my wishlist :)
ReplyDeleteMe, too...I was about to fly there but we had other priorities at that time from NYC :(
DeleteDari semuanya cuma pernah ke Bali aja, itu pun cuma beberapa tempat. Kurang puas hehehe
ReplyDeleteAyooo balk lagi ke Bali mbaaa
DeleteIya, pengin ke Bedugul juga, belum puas soalnya cuma bentar karena gerimis.
DeleteItu danau batur nya cakeup juga.
Why before 30? Is someone after 30 you are not allowed to go?
ReplyDeleteNo...it's just a suggestion. Of course when you are more than 30 you still can go wherever you want :)
DeleteMemang Bali keren ya, bisa disejajarkan dgn tempat2 terindah di dunia..
ReplyDeleteBangeeet Mba...everyone loves Bali :)
DeleteSubhanallah pemandangannya indah. Aku belum pernah pergi ke tempat-tempat itu, mbak. Cuma bisa menikmatinya lewat internet.
ReplyDeleteInsta Allah sauté saat nantiiii ya mbaaa
DeleteOoh jadi gitu sejarahnya caribbean, aku sering denger namanya aja. Semoga suatu saat bisa holiday kesana, ga perlu beli holiday home dulu deh :D
ReplyDeleteDan Karibia memang penuh sejarah plus alam yang cantik
DeleteAlhamdulillah aku udah pernah ke Jatiluwih dan Danau Batur di Bali, pengennya suatu saat bisa ke Brisbane hehe
ReplyDeleteIyaaa mba.. monggo lanjuuut jalannya
DeletePengen kesemua tempat ini suatu hari nanti. Sekarang sih saty pun belum pernah kesana. Hihi
ReplyDeleteSemangaaaat mba.. semua masih menanti
DeleteMudah-mudahan bisa ke semua tempat itu sebelum 30 ya mbak hehehe. Pengen banget sih ke Spain. Eksotis banget kayaknyaaa
ReplyDeleteAsli Spanyol cantik bangeeet mba.. aku sudah lumayan keliling di Spanyol selatan terutama
DeleteIbiza look so beautifull. But I think I will go to Bali first
ReplyDeleteFor me Bali is way way better, better
DeleteWaaah. Ada Bali.
ReplyDeleteAdaaa dong mba.. dan nomor 1
DeletePengen banget ke Bali lagi, pernah ke sana enggak banyak tempat dikunjungi karena full kegiatan. Semoga ada kesempatan lagi.
ReplyDeleteAyooo mba.. Bai yang cantik menanti
DeleteSama dengan mba Lianny, baru ke Bali seputaran Kuta dan Ubud.
ReplyDeleteYang paling berkesan saat trekking tidak biasa ke Campuhan Ridge Bali dan aku sudah tuliskan juga di blog.
Mampir nyoook *modus mode ON ;)
Sepertinya ke Bali memang tak cukup sekali! :D
Sudah mampir aku mbaaa hehehe
DeleteTempatnya keren2 yah kak
ReplyDeleteMau ke Ibiza dan semua tempat di spanyol. Entah kapan yg penting sekarang mimpi dulu :)
ReplyDeletebaru ke Bali aja nih.. dan kurang puas eksplore balinyaaa
ReplyDeletePantai salah satu lokasi yang paling aku suka, peenah ke Bali tapi sangat mengecewakan ingin kesana kembali
ReplyDeletesemuanya keren2, tapi gak usah jauh2 ke luar dululah, dalam Indonesia aja ini mupeng banget, pengen ke Baliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. belum pernah ke Bali ini Mbak, hiikss
ReplyDeleteSemua tempatnya indah-indah, Mba. Dan sayangnya saya belum pernah menginjakkan kaki di semua semua tempat-tempat indah itu, hiks :(
ReplyDeleteCakep bener pemandangannya ya, mba. Kalau aku lihat, Bali memang semakin luar biasa dengan pesonanya. Tapi zelain Bali, Indonesia punya banyak tempat yang sayang untuk tak dikunjungi :)
ReplyDeleteBrisbane galeri seninya oke2. Ingin juga ke Australia karena teman ada yg belajar di sana. Semoga bisa berangkat!
ReplyDeletetetep banggain Bali, island of the God. MasyaAllah tp australia juga indah banget itu pengen kesana juga kapan-kapan
ReplyDeleteWalau kesemuanya belum pernah pergi hingga sekarang 32tahun namun jika ada kesempatan tetap pengen lihat bali dulu walau sebentar
ReplyDeleteTempat-tempat yang disebutin di artikle, indah-indah semua dan smeoga bisa ke salah satu tempat itu, minimal ke Bali, heheh..hari gini belum ke Bali (tutup muka malu)
ReplyDeleteAh...pengen pergi ke semua yg disebut di artikel ini.. Indahnyaaa...
ReplyDeleteIbiza, because many Livepool players love to spend their holiday here after the football season.
ReplyDeleteJadi pengen liburann...hehee. cantik semuaa..
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful sceneries, especially the one of St Barts Carribbean hoooo
ReplyDeleteindahnya. I'd been to Bali 3 times but the latest ones nothing I could do but standby on the beach watching my grandson surfing.Even though I am going to be 80 next year I still have a dream to travel to Brunai.Pray for me yeee
I love the view...the nature.
i spent much time in Bali when i was young.
and now, i prefer to go to Jeju Island.
Hehheh...just ma magination.
Tuh kan aku jadi kangen banget ke Bali untuk ketiga kalinya nih. Dulu Salfa ultah keduanya di Bali.
ReplyDeleteHahaha...belum pernah semuaaa. Btw Brisbane oke juga yaa :D
ReplyDeleteWishlistku tahun depan Alhambra dan Marakesh nih mama Bo, insya Allah semoga dimudahkan jalannya.
ReplyDeleteNaaahh ini mamaBo, beneerr banget. Kerasa bedanya skrg, udh over thirty, dan traveling itu nggak sefit jaman masih muda.
ReplyDeleteapa kopdar kita selanjutnya di Bali aja mbak? :)
ReplyDeleteWow tempat2 yg menyenangkan semuanya nih untuk didatangi. Semoga diberi kesempatan.
ReplyDeleteSayangnya waktu aku ke Danau Batur kabut lagi tebal-tebalnya jadi nggak bisa menikmati huhu kangen Bali much..
ReplyDeleteAku mau ke Spain aja yang belum pernah, hehe. Nyari barengan ah
ReplyDeleteIndah bener, suatu saat punya keinginan dari hasil nulis buat ngebolang. Mungkin saat anak anak sudah mandiri hehehe