That smiley face turned to me as I stood bravely at the end of the boat.
"We're finally here!" I cried in my heart.
The wave was strong but the sea breeze gently touched my face.
The sun kissed my skin in a relaxing mood.
My diving gear was all set, oxygen tank was full and my cameras were already, but I couldn't take my eyes off the vista in front of me.
Afar, Mount Krakatua and Anak Krakatua (Anak means child in bahasa Indonesia) stood tall and proud, hugged by the fluffy cloud.
We both back rolled to the inviting deep turquoise water.
As the cool water engulfed my body and school of fish lazily swam in front of me, I know this is the place I wanted to be.
"I'm home."
Then Obi's call woke me up.
Opening my eyes, I realized that I'm truly home!
We are already in Indonesia!
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snorkelling in Tanjung Putus, Lampung, one of my favourite pastime |
Last year, I might have the same dream when I was still peacefully sleeping in Astoria, New York City.
Imagining myself taking the boat trip to Krakatau, the majestic volcano which won its famous reputation after such an incredible eruption occurred in 1883.
Having a diving trip near Mount Krakatau has been on top of my list for quite some times.
Until the very last minute before my family and I flew to the Big Apple, I know I can never say goodbye to Lampung.
Beautiful Paradise lies more than 10 thousand miles from where I stand now.
My homeland, forever.
Dan sekarang rinduku terbalaskan.
Going back home to Indonesia is probably something that I would love to do since I arrived in NYC. And I have not done so, successfully, after 4.5 years living here in the big Apple.
And now, while enjoying Indonesia since the last 2 weeks,
Lampung Krakatau Festival is here again!
Can't wait to join the celebration but I guess I still have to wait until next 2 weeks

I'm inviting my dearest friends and family to celebrate the beauty of Lampung during this annual Festival. Series of events will be held, including Duta Kopi Lampung or Coffee Ambassador Pageant, Lampung Tapis Carnival, International Seminar, Lampung Bay Fun Run, Photo Exhibition, and the Trip to Anak Krakatua. Considering the latest status of Anak Krakatau, the trip there will be adjusted to the safe zone only.
I was so lucky I got a chance to join the launching of Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018 held in the Ministry of Tourism, Jakarta.
The Minister himself officially launched the Festival and the Governor of Lampung also participated in this launch.
We are optimistically hoping to welcome around 25 thousand tourists to come and participate in this year's Festival.
The Governor of Lampung gave opening remarks during the launching |
Lampung Festival Krakatau 2018 bakal berlangsung selama beberapa hari, sejak tanggal 20-26 Agustus 2018. Beberapa kegiatan bahkan telah berlangsung di awal Agustus dan minggu ketiga Agustus 2018. Acara punck memang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 24 - 26 Augustus 2018. Festival tahunan yang digelar Pemprov Lampung didukung sejumlah pihak, termasuk Kementerian Pariwisata (Kemenpar) ini mentargetkan menjaring sampai 25 ribu orang pengunjung.
One of my favorite events during this Festival is the Lampung Tapis Carnival.
Judging from my fellow bloggers' photos from last year, this Carnival is indeed glamorous, colourful and grand, while at the same time showcasing the beauty of Lampungnese tradition.
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photo is taken from http://dinaspariwisata.lampungprov.go.id/lampung-krakataau-festival-2017/ |
Prosesi pelepasan Pawai Budaya LKF 2018 akan digelar tanggal 26 Augustus 2018 dan dimulai pukul 1 siang, dilanjutkan pemilihan 5 peserta pawai terbaik sore harinya. Parade Lampung Tapis Carnaval ini akan diikuti oleh marcing band serta gajah dari Taman Nasional Way Kambas, plus so many beautiful participants showcasing various traditional Lampungnese costumes. Sepertinya rute paradenya sama seperti tahun sebelumnya, yatu mulai dari Lapangan Saburai ke Jalan Ahmad Yani-Jalan Kartini-Jalan S Parman-Raden Intan-kembali ke Lapangan Saburai. Rute ini diperkirakan sepanjang 2,8 Km. I'm super excited to see how wonderful this Carnaval will be!
Selain serangkaian acara di Lapangan Saburai, Bandar Lampung, LKF 2018 juga akan disemarakkan dengan acara yang menjadi ciri khas utamanya yaitu tour Gunung Anak Krakatau (GAK). The tour to Anak Krakatau Mountain is one of the highlights of this annual Festival. This year, we will have an international seminar about Anak Krakatau mountain.
Another interesting event in this year's Festival is Pemilihan Duta Kopi 2018 or Coffee Ambassador Pageant Show. As you know, Lampungnese Coffee is one of the best in the world and you should definitely try it. It's about time to have one dedicated representative of 'ambassador' to promote Lampungnese Coffee to the world.
Moreover, Lampung Bay Fun Run will be held in August 19, 2018.
To those who love running for 5K and 10K, this is the event for you.
They will have Instagram contest, free goodie bags and door prizes for those joining the run.
Here's a bit more information on the event and for sure I will be back with more details and photos.
Enjoooy and hope to see in Lampung for Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018!
Don't miss the beauty of Lampung, the Treasure of Sumatra
Let's have fun at #LampungKrakatauFestival2018 #PariwisataLampung
Kalau bukan krn mbak Indah aku ga bisa ikitan festival ini. Makasih mbak
ReplyDeleteSama-samaaa mbaaa Lia.. glad you like it!
DeleteNdak sabar
ReplyDeleteSamaaaaa aku jugaaaa
DeletePengen ikutan
ReplyDeleteAyooo mak Irul... sempat nggaaa
DeleteHiks, pingin ikutan jugaaa, sebagai abak kelahiran Lampung, aku pingiiin
ReplyDeleteAyooo dong Noe.. ikut ramaikaaan Lampung Krakatau festival
DeleteLooks like a great event! Will join it, right ma...I wanna see the Carnival ;)
ReplyDeleteCan’t wait, right love ..
DeleteWah, pasti seru nih acaranya.
ReplyDeleteAsyik ya mama Bo, bisa pulkam sekalian liat Festival nya :)
Iyaaa mbaa Li.. makanyaaa semangaaat
DeleteAsyik kalau ke Lampung bakalan jumpa nih sama Mbak Indah
ReplyDeleteasyiiik ...aku ngga sabre ketemuan temen-temen di Lampung..
DeleteIndah, you do some amazing things and looks like this was quit the event. So colorful!! Thank you for being a co-hostess on #OMHGWW each week, always love seeing where you are and what you are doing.
ReplyDeleteHappy to join you on #OMHGWW every week and will continue to do so Karren. Thank you for stopping by
DeleteThis looks like fun! Hope you will have more people joining the festivity!
ReplyDeleteOooh we all will love it!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my reason to visit Lampung.
How beautiful.....
That's why...come and join us!
DeleteAku sempat denger ada festival krakatau gitu, ternyata di lampung ya mba.. btw aku juga batu tau tanjung putus indah banget dalam lautnya
ReplyDeletePengen ikutttt... Tp ada baby hehe... Sabar duluuu :')
ReplyDeleteWah ini pasti seru banget. Dari kapan aku ingin balik ke Lampung aja belum berhasil nih. Next year I wish
ReplyDeleteWelcoma back, mba. Waah, orang lampung ya ternyata.
ReplyDeleteSaya juga demen bgt kalau dateng ke ada tradisional gitu.
Have fun ya
Ah... ingin nyebrang ke Lampung. Dekat dari Jakarta tapi belum pernah ke sana.
ReplyDeleteHua, pengen banget nih ke Lampung. Udah lama ga main ke Pahawang & Kiluan. Belum pernah ke Krakatau malah. Seru kali tampaknya
ReplyDeleteOh iya aku ingat banget ketemu Mbak Lidya Fitrian di Krakatau Fest tahun 2016. Foto bareng jadinya.
ReplyDeleteWah selamat kembali ke Indonesia ya, mbak. Keren euy acara di lampung. Jadi pengen ke sana
ReplyDelete25,000 tourists sounds like it will be a great turn out! Good luck with the event!
ReplyDeleteWah seru banget acaranya, jadi pengen ke Lampung :D
ReplyDeleteWah bakal ada gelaran Lampung Festival ya.. Acaranya seru2 ya Mba..
ReplyDeletewah seru..kapan-kaan ajak aku mbaaak :)
ReplyDeletethank you