WW: ASEAN Short Film Festival

We had fun night joining the ASEAN Short Film Festival in NYC last weekend at Fordham University.

First time ever the 10 Member States of ASEAN has the short film festival in NYC .

We got   a chance to enjoy 6 short films from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines.

Not to forget some  ASEAN delicious munchies, including putu mayang and klepon from Indonesia.

fancy some putu mayang and klepon?

My son Bo did a volunteer work during the preparation and we enjoyed all the short films as well.

Do you like joining Short Film festival?
do you have one near your area?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the pinky party :)


  1. I love to see the food..must be yummy!

  2. it looks like a cool film festival. I bet many come and join!

  3. Fab photos and all that lovely food I hope you left me some heheh!

    Have a munchtastic week :-)

  4. Looks like fun, and the food looks fun as well!
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/04/saints-among-us-then-and-now.html

  5. duh... duh... kleponnya itu kayaknya enak bangeet...

  6. All those noodly things look soooo nom, both the ones in the first photo and those green ones!

  7. All the food looks so yummy! Good for Bo with the volunteering. Tell him to put that on his resume for the future. I love movies.

  8. The putu mayang so beautiful, sangat menggodaaaaa....

    I'd never be in film festival, mom.

  9. nonton dan makan2 makanan tradisional pulak... ^_^

  10. Aahhhhh, looks yummy I'm starvinggg

  11. Wah sedaaap, ada klepon juga. Itu yang warna kuning pie ya Mama Bo?

  12. Putu mayang and klepon are my fav, I am fan of sweet!

  13. Oh my god look at all of those foods! 😍😍😍

  14. waa kebayang banget ini serunya mba, nonton film sambil makan kue2 tradisional, yummm...

  15. What a fun festival! We don't have any short film festivals near me, but if we did, I would love to attend one.

  16. Kue-kue tradisionalnya.. enaaak!


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