We have been passing this place so many times but we haven't really checked it out.
And we finally went there in one super cold Saturday at the big Apple.
So, we decided to go meeting #FamousFun at Madame Tussaud NYC!
It was way back in the early 2000 and I was wondering where those photos I took that time!
I recalled how I enjoyed those visits.
Well, not everyday you can take pictures with James Bond or the Queen of England or Van Gogh :).
Anyway, we took the subway to Times Square as that's where Madame Tussaud Wax Museum is located. One of the reason we went out on that coldy Saturday was because the museum is fun and it was so easy to get there. Out of the subway station and there we were, walking one block only to get to the Museum.
We lined up for about 10 minutes and by the time I reached the cashier, I asked for the special NYC resident tickets (I checked it online already) and she said that I could only get it online, not on the spot. They have different varieties of tickets as well, as they have Kong, Ghostbusters experience, and Marvel Super Heroes 4 D.
So I went online and got the tickets for the three of us, including the souvenir book. We got the tickets right away, showed them to the guards and got in.
As soon as we got here, the first thing I have in mind is selfie!
We would take a lot of selfies!
And we did LOL.
We were ushered to the elevator and the guy on the elevator said the same thing, enjoy the tour and don't forget to take tons of selfie! Based on the book I have, we would enjoy A-list party,- all those celebrities, film and TV personalities, arts and cultures, history and world leaders, pop culture, sports and music zone, and more. That's a lot!
We started from the highest floor.
The A-list party.
We were directly welcomed by the stunning statue of Adriana Lima, wearing brilliant red Victoria's Secret red matching undies.
And there we saw Scarlett Johansen, Kim Kardashian, Robert Patkinson, Carrie Underwood, Susan Sarandon, Alicia Keys, Patrick Steward, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, Whitney Houston, and soooo many more.
And I have to say the details are amazing!
The tattoos, the wrinkles on their face, the gray hair!
Let alone the costumes, the shoes, accessories, and more.
And as I read on the book, the process of making one wax statue is tremendous works
It takes approximately 350 hours to work on one statue, involving many special skilled personnel to work on various parts of the body from sitting the sculpture or measuring the real person to finalizing the make up and costume.
And guess how much it costs.
One statue is worth USD 300.000,-!
With all those incredible details and nearly-real-human look, no wonder Madame Tussauds' wax figures has attracted people's attention since 1800s.
Let's take a look at some of those works!
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looks real, doesn't it! |
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the hands! |
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the curls and make-up! |
I had so much fun at those celebrities parts as many of them are so familiar to me (think about Whitney Houston, Bruce Willis and Katnis Abeerdeen or J-Law), while my kids love the VIP persons showing all those US Presidents and Very Important People in the history of the US and the world. Just like what they have learned in Social Studies or TV :).
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ET! |
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My kids know Alicia Keys from the Voice :) |
I was surprised to see that the Museum even has some famous movie starts from India!
Say hi to Amitabh Bachchan and Sarukh Khan.
Say hi to Amitabh Bachchan and Sarukh Khan.
Then my kids got super excited when they saw Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln and the US Presidents! Well, well...
Here we saw more personalities that we could only see on headlines news on TV or newspaper. It was fun to read their short descriptions.
We also saw many famous athletes at the sport section and great individuals from the art and culture world. I got to see Salvador Dali's incredible mustache :).
Madame Tussauds NYC surely has an extensive collection of statues.
After exploring the world's celebrities and meet those #FamousFun. we also enjoyed the Kong exhibition and Ghostbusters Experience!
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We the peoples... |
We also saw many famous athletes at the sport section and great individuals from the art and culture world. I got to see Salvador Dali's incredible mustache :).
Madame Tussauds NYC surely has an extensive collection of statues.
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Our guest tonight... |
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Meet the Royal Family.. |
After exploring the world's celebrities and meet those #FamousFun. we also enjoyed the Kong exhibition and Ghostbusters Experience!
Just like in the real movie!
We really had fun at the Ghostbusters Experience as it was super creepy yet entertaining.
Just like the movie indeed.
Just like the movie indeed.
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So, so much fun, right!
It took us around 2 hours to see all the exhibition and take tons of pictures of it.
It worth a visit if you are around.
The tickets vary and you definitely save more, around 15 - 20% if you buy it online.
At this point, they have the Ghostbuster Dimensions starting from USD 59, Super Hero, including the Marvel 4D Cinema for USD 39 or the standard admission for USD 34. Kids, 13 years old or younger, pay less. As the local NYC, New Jersey and Connecticut residents, we can save 25% and pay USD 27.50 for adults and USD 22.50 for kids.
If you want to visit this place, the address is 234 West 42nd st, NYC, NY, 10036
It took us around 2 hours to see all the exhibition and take tons of pictures of it.
It worth a visit if you are around.
At this point, they have the Ghostbuster Dimensions starting from USD 59, Super Hero, including the Marvel 4D Cinema for USD 39 or the standard admission for USD 34. Kids, 13 years old or younger, pay less. As the local NYC, New Jersey and Connecticut residents, we can save 25% and pay USD 27.50 for adults and USD 22.50 for kids.
If you want to visit this place, the address is 234 West 42nd st, NYC, NY, 10036
Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Meeting #FamousFun at Madame Tussauds NYC is really FUN.
Wow 350 hours for one statue? Not only takes time i guess. It takes passion and effort too. I wish i could get there too someday.
ReplyDeleteI now right...not that easy to make one!
DeleteWow, Amitabh Bachannya kurus ��
ReplyDeleteMoga suatu saat nanti bisa ke sini, Madame Tussaud, biar mupengnya tertuntaskan.
iyaaa makpuh..udah lama bangeeet ya berarti hehehe...ayooo didoakan main ke NYC ..
Deletesoooo many statues and they look fun! the kids would certainly love it!
ReplyDeleteThe kids got sooo excited indeed..
DeleteObiii Tante Ikooot donk, mau juga explor the world's celebrities, mau ketemu Akang Sharukhan ..
ReplyDeleteAhh,,potonya kece2 Mak!
siniiii tanteee...main sama Obi. Nanti dianterin..
DeleteSaya ke Madame Tussaud's pun udah 2X, yang di Hongkong dan Thailand ��
ReplyDeleteBtw, itu patung JFK nya koq mirip Bruce Willis waktu masih muda ya? Hehee..
iya mba..aku liat yang di London dan di Amsterdam pun beda-beda koleksinya, jadi seruuu.. sepintas mirip banget yaaah memang hehe
DeleteSemuanya real ya Mbak. Trus kalau pas gak ngenali itu patung siapa, dikira asli gak sih? hehehe ngebayangin yang dipegang ternyata asli gimana yaaak. Mbak Indaah foto fotonya cakeeep
ReplyDeletekeliatannya asli banget! Jadi rada2 sereeem hahaha..tapi buat foto-foto seseruan asyik jugaaa
DeleteKirain ada patung lilin Obi, ternyata itu asli hehehe
ReplyDeletehehehehe yang itu asliii
DeleteWaktu ke Bangkok sempet pingin masuk madame taussaud, tp setiap liat hrg tiket trus gajadi. Haha
ReplyDeletehehehee...tiketnya memang lumayaan yah
DeleteWhoaaa ada Shahruk Khan, jadi pengen mampir juga. Aamiin
ReplyDeletehahahaaa iyaaa mak...pecintanya yaaa
DeleteBenar-benar mirip sama aslinya ya. Andai ada Jong-suk juga ��
ReplyDeletekayaknya kalau di asia pasti adaaa deh mak
DeleteWiiih keren banget, patungnya keliatan asli ya. Bisa asyik foto2 nih kalo ke sini.
ReplyDeleteiyaa mba..keliatan asli banget..kalau sendirian di sini sereeem huahahaha
DeleteSome of those pictures really do great with making me think they are the real people.
ReplyDeleteThe Obama's look real, so does Ozzy.
they really look real, Alissa..
DeleteYou visit the most interesting places!! I think some of the statues would give me the creeps, lol so real. Thanks for hosting with us on Oh My Heartsie Girls WW each week! Cant wait to see where your visiting next week!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
I think the celebrities at the NY Madam Tussaud's beats the one we went to in Las Vegas. It looks like a real A list line up there. Glad you were able to take so many selfies with the stars!
ReplyDeletePernah sekali ke Madame Tussaud di Bangkok dan benar sih, hal yang pertama dilakukan adalah selfie :D
ReplyDeleteSalam kenal ya!
Selfie! Those celebrities look so real.. feels like meeting the real one..
ReplyDeleteWaaa.. jadi baper pingin main ke Madame Tussaud. Kemarin waktu main di Singapore nggak jadi mampir karena pak suami udah kecapean hehehe :D
ReplyDeleteI wanted to take tons of selfie too! I guess they have a lot of great musicians there!