The Caribbean is a place full of sun, sand and
famously wild parties! When you’re confined to a classroom and four walls, you
may learn about this exotic location but you’ll never truly experience it. That’s why Agness and Cez from have provided an informative list
of facts that your Geography teacher may have missed. So, if you’re about to
venture into this tropical destination, it’s worth taking a look at what’s
Where did the Giant Rodents go?
The Caribbean is
actually a key area for biologists to study mammal extinction. Recently, evolutionary
researchers found out that there’s a lost world of ancient mammals on the
islands. Human settlements are thought to be the core reason as to why many
creatures became extinct. Vampire bats and giant rodents are a few of the
Caribbean fossils that have been found and there are continuous studies being
carried out to unravel additional discoveries. Furthermore, the first settlers
are said to have been Amerindian and would have hunted the mammals for food.
When a habitat’s natural movement changes, something inside of it just
switches. Sometimes, the environment just doesn’t know how to handle it and
that’s where extinction plays its role.
You can drive into a Volcano
Yep, that’s right! In St Lucia you can
actually drive into a volcano. This is the world’s only volcano that you can
actually drive straight into, so it’s best to make the most of it! It’s known
as the La Soufriere Drive-in and it takes you right through the crater. Despite
the fact it is sleeping, it’s the Eastern Caribbean’s most active geothermal
area. Not often can you tell someone
that you’ve actually taken a ride through a volcano so it’s definitely a cool
feature of the island. Apparently, the volcanic mud there is said to have extra
special healing effects. For instance, it can soothe bug bites and get rid of
unwanted eczema.
Want to take a Taxi or an Ostrich?
In Curacao, you can visit the local Ostrich
farm and meet a few furry friends. Now and then, they allow visitors to ride
them as long as you have an allocated spot. The ride itself is rather comical
as the bird bounces about the path. If you’re not into taking an Ostrich round
the island, you could simply visit them and give them a few snacks. The large
flightless birds are friendly but be warned. They have a ferocious front kick
and can kill humans and potential predators in seconds. Despite their
threatening skill set, these majestic and wonderful creatures are admired
around the world.
A Mountain was named after Obama
Here’s an intriguing fact for you. Did you
know that Ex-president Barack Obama actually had a mountain named after him in
Antigua in 2009? With so many islands to choose from, the highest point of this
island changed its name from ‘Boggy Peak’ to ‘Mount Obama’. It can be climbed from the southern and
northern side and is a popular trail. It’s an easy to moderate hike and if completed
at a steady pace, it will take you around 1 to 3 hours. According to various
sources, it’s said that Obama himself was very grateful to be named as the
centre point of a National park.
Fancy some Iguana Soup?
If you’re feeling a little daring then the
Caribbean iguana soup will suit your taste buds perfectly. It’s such a sought
after dish that restaurants sell out of it in seconds. The consumption of this
meat is traditional yet new laws have prohibited female iguanas from being
used. An average bowl of the iguana soup will consist of meat, pepper, mint,
onions and carrots. According to Caribbean folklore, this soup is said to enhance
strength and promotes endurance. Plus, it’s also capable of
curing a strong hangover. This is just one of the many exotic and cultural
delicacies you can try.
‘Women Island’ exists
Isla Mujeres got its nickname ‘women island’
from the Spanish in the 16th century. When they set foot on the
serene island, they noticed that there were several female figurines standing
tall. Therefore, they gave the land this label and it has lived on ever since.
You can find some gorgeous getaway spots here and beautiful Beloved Hotels.
This particular island is known as a pure piece of paradise, carved by Gods.
Another story which flows through Isla Mujeres is that it was home to a goddess
named Ixchel for around 1000 years. With the tropical climate and hot weather,
it’s clear to see why she made it her home.
Jamaica has healing waters
Located in St. Ann’s Bay, there’s a pool of water which can catch fire. Please be advised that it is not wise to try this out alone unless it has been prescribed by a legitimate doctor. The locals who surround the ‘fire water’ say that it contains a high concentration of sulphur. Those who dare can walk through the flaming pool and opt for fire massages. Historically, the water was discovered 80 years ago when a lady named Mehala Smith bathed in the water. As she rinsed herself, she tried to burn a wasp nest above. The light hit the surface of the pool and it caught alight.
There’s a Swimming pool in the middle
of the Sea
The Nylon pool in Tobago is said to be full of rejuvenating powers. Despite the speculation, it’s not manmade and it’s only one metre deep. Surrounded by a sea of tranquillity, the nylon natural phenomenon was actually named by the British Princess Margaret in 1962 when she spent her honeymoon in Tobago. Locally, it’s described as a fountain of youth. Similar to the Jamaican fire pools, the water is meant to be magical. Perhaps this is something your Geography teacher informed you about with regards to the spectacular Caribbean landscape…
Do you have any cool facts to share about the Caribbean?
Wkwkwk. Jadi inget video orang yg naikin burung unta, Mbak. Gilak, cepet banget ya larinya! Terus berentinya gimana yak? Gak kebayang aku kalok loncat gitu aja! :D
ReplyDeleteiyaaa yaaaa beby...kayaknya seruuu yaaa
Deleteaku sih ingetnya film pirates of carribean mbak :-D
ReplyDeleteso, too mba hehehe
DeleteJadi inget amazon di film justice league yg cewek semua penduduknya baca woman island
ReplyDeleteaku malah belum nontooon mba...seru bangeet kayaknya yaa
DeleteThe Caribbean is sooo cool ma! You have to take me there..
ReplyDeleteI am planning to go back there! Shall we? :)
DeleteBeautiful Caribbean! So many things to see and to enjoy there..
ReplyDeleteindeed! So beautiful you don't want to go home hehe
DeleteWhat great facts! I'd like to drive through the volcano!
ReplyDeleteI missed that chance I came to St. Lucia for works.. beautiful. Driving in volcano is really exciting. Take me there, Mam ;)
ReplyDeletewe all should get back there together then :)
DeleteI'd take an Ostrich over a Taxi just because it looks like something new and fun!
ReplyDeleteSo true! I would like to try that as well
DeleteKok ya jadi pingin liat reaksi Yasmin pas liat Iguana. Hihihi.
ReplyDeleteKebayang pastiiii lucuuuu yaaa
DeleteHuaaa ini mah spektakuler mbak. Ajak aku ke sana 😍
ReplyDeleteAyooo mbaaa... Karibia memang cantiiiik :)
DeleteWuaaaah amazing, kapan aku bisa sampai sini yaaa. Semoga ya Alloh...
ReplyDeleteAamiiin YRA mbaaa... semoga sempat yaaa
DeleteAku baru tau nih sebutan woman island.
ReplyDeletePemandangannya semuanya cakeup2.
Ya ampun..baru tau iguana bisa dibikin sup :D
ReplyDeleteIyaa mba.. tapi kasiaaan ah ;)
DeleteWarbiyasaaah tahu the healing waternya Jamaica.tapi beneran tuh mba apa sugesti rakyat setempat😊
ReplyDeleteWah, banyak tempat yang menarik ya ternyata. Makasih infonya, Mbak :)
ReplyDeleteIt sounds great! Thank you for sharing the post!
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