Time for another (almost) Wordless Wednesday.
Still some snaps from our last spring break in the West Cost.
After Page with its beautiful Lower Antelope Canyon and Lake Powell, now I have Grand Canyon :).
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Happy Blogwalking and enjoy 😘
I have always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon. The closest I came was on an airplane flying west.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous beyond words.
ReplyDeleteMupeng mbak.... cantik bgt pemandangannya
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah, cakep bgt. Pingiiin kesanaa
ReplyDeleteSoomeday. I will be there. InshaAllah.
ReplyDeleteini yg jd latarnya film kartun Up bukan?
Fab photos especially the third one :-)
ReplyDeleteHavine a canyontastic week :-)
ke grand canyon belum pernah tapi kalau ke green canyon udah di pangandaran hehehe. beda ya
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah, keren!
ReplyDeleteMashaAllah mbak indah terima kasihhh saya liat aja udah seneng mbak T.T makasih mbak.... sering" aja mbak mupengin kayak begini sapa tau saya dapat rejeki gak disangka sampe situ hehehe amiiin
ReplyDeleteAwwww...batu2nya syantiiiiiik! ;)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos! I haven't been there in 20 years, but it hasn't changed since then lol ;)
ReplyDeleteSubhanallah....indahnya ciptaanMu Ya Rabb...
ReplyDeleteMerindiiiing...lihatnya. Share terus foto2 jalan2 mba Indah..keren..
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely beautiful!!! :)
ReplyDeleteFantastic! The view is so beautiful.