"Are we going to hike again today?"
Obi asked me, looked worried.
I was busily packing bottles of water and salty snack in our backpack when I heard Obi from the back seats.
"Don't worry, baby. We will have another great adventure today," I smiled reassuringly.
I was busily packing bottles of water and salty snack in our backpack when I heard Obi from the back seats.
"Don't worry, baby. We will have another great adventure today," I smiled reassuringly.
We just arrived at Grand Canyon.
And we made it!
We finally made it to Grand Canyon.
Perhaps, for many of you, visiting this national park is a regular annual trip. But for us, coming from a different part of the world, Grand Canyon is certainly on top if our bucket list along with Alaska,Yellowstone National Park, and so many more.
And it was snowing (yes, snowing) when we arrived here one early morning at the last week of April.
Driving for about 2 hours from Page, Arizona, we started the trip from Dessert View, heading to the South Rim, up to the Hermit Road. North Rim was still closed for the season. We managed to stop at Little Colorado River Gorge for a while.
Little Colorado River Gorge |
Grand Canyon, on whatever season, never fails to amaze us.
Dot by dot, every view point, we enjoyed the breathtaking beauty of mother nature with admiring eyes and endless wonder.
And how small we are amidst the vast and incredible nature.
Asli ngeri-ngeri sedap foto sama anak-anak di Grand Canyon.
Tebing di mana-mana.
Dan kalau takut ketinggian, kebayang deh sengsaranya :).
Apalagi seringkali karena melihat keindahan alamnya yang luar biasa, kita langsung lupa diri dan sibuk mengabadikan pemandangan alam dengan kamera (tunjuk diri sendiri >_<).
Tebing di mana-mana.
Dan kalau takut ketinggian, kebayang deh sengsaranya :).
Apalagi seringkali karena melihat keindahan alamnya yang luar biasa, kita langsung lupa diri dan sibuk mengabadikan pemandangan alam dengan kamera (tunjuk diri sendiri >_<).
You have to be fully alert all the time.
That's for sure/
Bo et Obi were very cooperative. We have drilled them before to stay on the path, to be behind the rail, and to be cautious. Not to mention how dangerous it is to play around, jump and run while trekking .
That's for sure/
Bo et Obi were very cooperative. We have drilled them before to stay on the path, to be behind the rail, and to be cautious. Not to mention how dangerous it is to play around, jump and run while trekking .
Good thing tebing tempat kita foto ini di bawahnya ada tebing lagi yang pendek dan landai. So, it's much safer buat foto seru :).
We started our journey from the Desert View drive, driving along this beautiful palisades.
We stopped at the Watch Tower, enjoying the canyon and its grandeur.
For the first 20 minutes, we were so busily taking pictures and recording videos until our hands were numb due to the cold >_<.
As you can see, pictures shown here are both taken by me and my hubby, Rudi, as the watermark indicated :).
As you can see, pictures shown here are both taken by me and my hubby, Rudi, as the watermark indicated :).
Good thing the kids were waiting inside the watch tower.
We also got a chance to climb up the tower and see beautiful Indian drawings and symbols on the wall.
From the watch tower, we drove along and stopped at so many points, - Yaki Point, Mather Point, Grandeur Point and more.
We took the buss from Grand Canyon Village headed to the western part of the Canyon, hiked from trailview overlook to Maricopa Point, Powell Point, Hopi Point, Mojave Point, the Abyss, monument creek point, Pima Point and finally to Hermits Rest.
Words can not express the amazing vista we saw along the way.
So precious, so mindblowing.
Have you visited Grand Canyon? What is your impression about it?
Do you like National Parks?
Check out more of my stories at #Steller :)
Ini masih di Grand Canyon ya Mba? Have a nice Monday ya Mba..
ReplyDeletehi mba...kami sudah kembali ke NYC...tapi ceritanya masih banyaaak :)
DeleteYou really do have to be safe visiting the Grand Canyon. I've read about people standing on the edge of the cliffs, then having them break away leading people to fall to their death. Very scary, indeed. I kept a safe distance from the edge and was still able to admire its beauty.
ReplyDeleteindeed Theresa. We are so worried about the kids because they are playing around all the time and curious at the same time. I was fully alert of everything and reminded my kids to stay away from the edge.
DeleteTakjuuub banget lihat grand canyon ini ih. . .
ReplyDeleteUntung aku ngga takut ketinggian. Btw, kami menerima voucher gratis ke Grand Canyon lho, Mama Boo. Wkwkwkwk
Hehehehe.. Idaaah.. Aku ngg takut tapi gimanaaa gituuu hehehe. Ntar kalau vouchernya udah ada aku kabari ;p
DeleteDuh Mbak, aku takut ketinggian. Baru liat foto2nya aja udah gimana gitu.
ReplyDeleteIyaaa teh dey.. Agak rempong kalauuu takut ketinggian :)
Deletethanks for your sharing the happiness, your pictures, your story telling about Grand Canyon.so beautiful and amazing. I'll go there in my dreaming. Jeng Indah..
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment as well. I hope you enjoy that as much as we do :)
DeleteI visited Grand Canyon in 1983 with all allied students when I joined Tactical Intelligence Officer Course at USAICS Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
ReplyDeleteWarm regards
One day I'll be there too *pray*
ReplyDeleteaaamiiiin mak...you will insya Allah :)
DeleteMbak, bagusss bangettttt. Aku sih ga takut ketinggian, tapi ga suka daki mendaki. Hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteItu potonya pake kamera apa mbak?
Kece ya pemandangannya bisa buat quote2 gitu.
pakai Canon 5D mak...ama ada juga yang pakai iPhone hehehe. Iya, aku suka pakai buat quote ..disimpen buat Ramadhan nanti :)
DeleteDoain aku suatu hari jg bisa nyampe Grand Canyon ya mbak indah :*
ReplyDeleteAiish mba...kayak lukisan cantiknya ^o^ . Wisata alam begini yg aku paling suka tiap traveling. Masih jauh bgt tapi planning ke amerika :D . Nabungnya harus lebih keras ^o^ , biar bisa kesana
ReplyDeleteAwannya membelah keindahan langit disana yah, jadi makin luas yang dipandang, seru sekali bisa berbagi gambar yang memukau.
ReplyDeleteOh, this is gorgeous! What amazing experiences you are giving your children, Indah! Thanks so much for sharing your adventure! Hope you have a wonderful week :)
ReplyDeleteGambarnya kelihatan kuno tapi kok halus gitu ya LD heheh