Hello everyone.
I sincerely hope you have a fabulous weekend.
It's a bit cold in this neck of the wood. NYC, as always, never cease to amaze me with its moody weather. And this week, it's cold again.
So, as curling up in our sofa is the priority, I have prepared simple food for this weekend :).
Let's get ready for Ayam Kecap Masak Mentega - Butter Chicken with Sweet Soy Sauce
Kalau lagi males masak yang persiapannya lebih lama dari gambar alis dan ngerol rambut, biasanya saya memasak apa saja yang ada di kulkas. Standar kulkas kami biasanya selalu ada sayuran dan buah segar serta ayam di freezer. Mumpung udara masih belum mau beranjak dari settingan winter, kita buat ayam kecap masak mentega yuk.
eat it with steam rice and fresh cucumber..yuuum |
Chicken breast or any parts of chicken - cut as desired
Onion - thinly sliced
Garlic - crushed
Sweet soy sauce
Vegetable oil
Salt and pepper - as desired
Palm sugar - as desired. I love plam sugar because it gives extra flavor on it.
Nutmeg powder
Coriander - hoarsely ground
Worcestershire sauce - as desired
Sesame oil - as desired
Butter - a spoonful or as desired. If you don't really fancy oily food, you can skip it.
coriander...one of my favorite spices... |
these sauces will help boost the flavour :) |
How to cook:
Prepare the chicken, clean and cut it. I like to marinade it for a while using Worcestershire sauce, sweet soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper and coriander. Mix it well and set it aside. Have I told you that I'm a big fan of coriander? This incredible spice just makes everything smells good. In my opinion :).
Then prepare the pan, put a bit of the vegetable oil and cook the onion and garlic till fragrant. Put the chicken and cook it for at least 10 minutes. mix all the salt, pepper, nutmeg, palm sugar, coriander as well. Don't forget to add the sweet soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, sesame oil, and butter. As I said, if you don't want it to be too oily, you don't have to add the butter. Cook it all well for a while and once it's ready, eat it together with a bowl of steam rice or a big plate of fresh veggies like tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce.
Bon appetite ...
very interest, thanks for your knowledge ;)
ReplyDeleteanak saya sukaaa semua olahan ayam termasuk ayam kecap, bisa lahap makannya..buatnya juga gampang ya mak.
ReplyDeleteApapun masakannya, Bango kecapnya ya Mak hihihi .. Jadi laper ih, padahal baru sarapan
ReplyDeleteduh jadi laper nih, saya suka semua menu di atas. apapun masakannya yang penting bangao kecapnya.hehe terima kasih infonya....
ReplyDeleteHmm pasti enak kalau lebih enak dan muantappp lagi sini aku cicipin.
ReplyDeleteAku juga suka ayam kecap, apalagi anak2 nggak doyan pedes, jadilah menu2 yang berbau kecap andalanku. Btw, itu ketumbar nggak dihalusin, mbak? Enak nggak? Aku belom pernah nyoba pake ketumbar utuh gitu soalnya, takut malah pada nggak doyan.
ReplyDeleteWaduh aku aja yg diIndonesia belum pernah masak ayam kecap masak mentega,jadi malu sama mama Bo
ReplyDeleteAnakku paling doyan nib ayam kecap. Btw, aku br tau bahasa inggris nya ketubar dr caption fotomu mama bo. Hehe.. Vocab baru deehh. Thanks mama bo
ReplyDeleteudah komen panjang2 kok gak masuk T___T
ReplyDeleteduh ngileeer. Pake nasi anget enak banget ya :)
ReplyDeletebtw, aku juga baru tau nih, bisa dikasih ketumbar. Oke, kapan-kapan aku coba deh..
Kesukaan keluargaku nih, Mama Boo. Ayam kampung pakai kecap! ;)
ReplyDeleteWorchestershire itu ngasih rasa yg gimana, Mama Bo? Sebangsa kayak apakah klo di Indonesia?
ReplyDeletenyodorin sepiring nasi ke NY
ReplyDeletekecapnya mah tetep kecap bango, ya? hehehe
ReplyDeleteDi NYC ada Kecap Bango? Hahahaha Mama Bo mah selera Indonesia banget tapi cover bule...
ReplyDeleteIndah, you do such a great job of making food look so colorful and delicious! Thanks for sharing with #OMHGWW :)
ReplyDeletePastinya maknyos banget tuh, apalagi kalau dimakan bersama keluarga.