World Cancer Day is celebrated every February 4 since 2005.
Well, perhaps celebrate is not really the word.
We mark the day as the World Cancer Day and perhaps, without trying to be so bitter, nothing is to celebrate once you have or being touched by cancer in various ways.
But for sure, the spirit to fight cancer should be celebrated, in a way that we should take all necessary actions and changes to fight it.
And the United Nations is surely taking its part in our global fight against cancer.
Right on the D-day, February 4, an event with the theme "Towards a Cervical Cancer Free World" was held to mark this important day. Every Woman Every Child, Cervical Cancer Action, as well as the Permanent Mission of the US and Zambia sponsored this.
We have a special screening of the 'Lady Ganga' movie, and inspiring documentary about a 45-year-old single mom who decided to break the world record of paddle boarding in Ganges river after being diagnosed with late stage cervical cancer.
"Lady Ganga" is the story of Michele Baldwin, who, despite the fact that she was diagnosed with late stage cervical cancer, decided to do something incredible. She decided to break the world record paddle boarding the Ganges River.
All is documented as she wanted to raise awareness about cervical cancer. About the importance of early detection. About the need to have access to HPV vaccine, which causes this deadly but preventable disease.
Very inspiring indeed.
And I cried like a river watching it.
Seeing her undying spirit. And commitment to help others avoiding the same situation as her. Her movie, screened in many places, including some remote areas and villages, has brought awareness to more women about the importance of pre-screening for us. Simple pap-smear procedures can save life.
Lady Ganga.
Google it.
Or you can directly find it in YouTube.
And you can watch it here as well :)
Google it.
Or you can directly find it in YouTube.
And you can watch it here as well :)
The movie is available for all to see.
So that together, we can spread the words. We can fight cancer.
So that together, we can spread the words. We can fight cancer.
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Audrey Baldwin, on the right side, is Michele Baldwin's daughter, who continues her mom's global campaign for cervical cancer and HPV vaccination |
That's a huge number indeed.
And we can do something together to help improve this situation.
Statistik yang ada menunjukkan bahwa kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim adalah salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi akibat kanker yang banyak menimpa perempuan yang tinggal di negara-negara berkembang. Kurang lebih tercatat 250.000 perempuan yang meninggal akibat penyakit kanker ini. Sungguh angka yang tidak sedikit dan tentunya mengelitik kita untuk ikut berkontribusi guna menurunkan jumlah tersebut.
What can we do to help improve this situation?
A lot.
A lot that we can do to help fight cancer.
Take action. Inspire. Lead a healthy lifestyle and be a great example. Support those fighting and living with cancer. Speak out, spread the right information. Show love. Take early detection. Propose policy changes related to access to cancer care. Work with others in mobilizing support. Support those returning to work after cancer treatment. Share your story. And many others..
One thing for sure, there are 4 facts you need to know about cancer.
You see, 4 basic facts that we cannot ignore and for sure together we can do something to fight it. One of the simple things we all can do here is sharing.
Sharing our story.
Sharing my story.
My fights, my tears, my spirit, my faith.
A lot.
A lot that we can do to help fight cancer.
Take action. Inspire. Lead a healthy lifestyle and be a great example. Support those fighting and living with cancer. Speak out, spread the right information. Show love. Take early detection. Propose policy changes related to access to cancer care. Work with others in mobilizing support. Support those returning to work after cancer treatment. Share your story. And many others..
One thing for sure, there are 4 facts you need to know about cancer.
1. Cancer KILLS more than HIV/AIDS, Malaria and tubercolosis, even when we combine all three diseases.Kanker ternyata membunuh lebih banyak orang dibandingkan penyakit AIDS, Malaria dan tuberkolosis, bahkan jika ketiga penyakit tersebut digabungkan.
2. More than one third of cancer is PREVENTABLE by observing healthy lifestyle (balance diet, physical activity, weight control, no smoking and no alcohol)Lebih dari sepertiga penyakit kanker dapat dicegah dengan menjalani gaya hidup yang sehat (diet yang seimbang, melakukan aktivitas fisik, menjaga berat badan, tidak merokok dan tidak mengkonsumsi alkohol).
3. More than one third of cancer can be cured through EARLY DETECTION.Lebih dari sepertiga kanker dapat disembuhkan apabila terdeteksi secara dini.
4. The numbers of people suffered from cancer will continue to increase if we don't take any PREVENTIVE MEASURES.Jumlah penderita kanker akan terus bertambah jika kita tidak mengambil tindakan pencegahan.
You see, 4 basic facts that we cannot ignore and for sure together we can do something to fight it. One of the simple things we all can do here is sharing.
Sharing our story.
Sharing my story.
My fights, my tears, my spirit, my faith.
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Let me tell you a little story.... |
Sharing is caring indeed.
Buat saya, berbagi cerita perjalanan melawan kanker payudara yang saya derita merupakan bagian dari terapi itu sendiri. Betapa segala ketakutan, kesedihan, sakit, panik dan rasa yang lain justru membuat kita jadi bertekad untuk bisa kuat dan terus maju melawan penyakit ini. Dan membaginya dengan penderita lain, atau siapa pun itu, tidak hanya membantu memberikan informasi mengenai apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mengobati kanker, namun juga meyakinkan orang lain untuk segera mengambil langkah-langkah sederhana untuk melakukan deteksi dini. Dimulai dengan hidup sehat seperti mengkonsumsi sayuran dan buah-buahan segar serta menghindari stress, dan melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara teratur, seperti melakukan pap smears, mamogram dan sebagainya.
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Hopes and supports are spread through your story |
So, don't hesitate. Help us spread hopes, spirit and faith.
Through our story, we might be able to inspire others to take good care of their health and to take preventive measures needed to avoid cancer.
Remember, early detection is our best defense.
Don't let cancer ruin your life.
Various materials from
tetap semangat yuk mak :)
ReplyDeletewill dooooo mak :)
Deleteberarti "kanker" disease mematikan nomor wahid ketimbang yang lainnya ya mamabo. Semoga selalu dilindungi oleh Allah SWT
ReplyDeletebetul mbaa...kanker ternyata banyak yang fatal. Semoga kita sehat selalu :)
DeleteMama bo nih yg inspiring bgt, jd contoh buat survivor lain utk selalu semangat sembuh. semoga yaa, semakin banyam yg sadar akan bahaya canser ini.
ReplyDeleteaamiiin Noe..aku juga hanya bermodalkan berbagi :)..semoga bisa selalu membantu :)
DeleteSemoga Mbak Indah diberi kesehatan dan usia panjang yang berkah, aamiin
ReplyDeleteterima kasih banyak yaaa mba..the same prayer goes to you. Aamin yra..
DeleteSemangat MakBo. Horor juga ya kanker saat ini. Kita harus bener2 berupaya u peduli lagi u jaga kesehatan dan hidup sehat. Ikut menyebarkan juga info ttg kanker
ReplyDeleteBetul mbaaaa..semangat hidup sehat harus selalu tinggi :)
DeleteKlo sdh ngomongon kanker, ngerinya ke mana2.. Krn dulu pernah punya riwayat 'hampir' jdnya skrg beneran jaga pola makan. Semangat mba insav.. Sehat2 selaluuu
ReplyDeletebetul mba Edaaa...semangaaat juga yaa :)
Delete4 februari hari kanker sedunia. Sehat2 selalu ya dirimu Indah
ReplyDeleteterima kasih mba...dirimu jugaaa :)
Delete250.000 perempuan setiap tahunnya. Itu ga sedikit :"(
ReplyDeleteMesti sering2 kampanye pentingnya deteksi/pencegahan dini kalau begitu, minimal di Bandar Lampung ke kawan2 terdekat.
Indeed..itu bukan angka yang sedikit. Bener mas, kampanye dan mengingatkan untuk rajin cek kesehatan, terutama untuk perempuan, sangat penting. Semoga di Lampung juga banyak program seperti ini..
DeletePaddle boarding is hard, so what a feat for her to break that record even while fighting her illness! She definitely sounds like an amazing woman, and I hope many other women will watch the video to learn more about her and cervical cancer. Prevention and early detection are definitely key!
ReplyDeleteShe was truly an amazing inspiration. Thanks for supporting us and I do hope many watch the video and have their health checked as well.
DeleteSemangat Mama Bo menginspirasi sekali, sehat2 terus ya. Smoga ke depan, angka penderita kanker semakin berkurang dg pola hidup sehat. Btw siwer deh, baca Lady Ganga jadi Lady Gaga :)
ReplyDeleteiya mbaaa Li..banyak yang siwer juga hehehe..tapi yang satu ini asli inspiring :)
DeleteTeman suami baru meninggal kena kanker otot, ganas banget nih penyakit kanker.
ReplyDeleteGlowlicious.Me | A Beauty Escape Playground
betul mba..kanker tidak pandang usia dan jenis kelamin..yang penting selalu hidup sehat..
DeleteIt's good they have days like this to bring attention to a much needed cause.
ReplyDeleteindeed Alissa..we need more campaign to make sure many of us know what to do and how to prevent it
Deletekeep the spirit high for all survivors..
ReplyDeletewill do :)
DeleteCancer is an awful disease and I wish we would just find a cure already!
ReplyDeleteIndeed it is awful. They are working on the cure but still it involves some painful processes
DeletePerlu ditingkatkan juga kampanye2 ya, kadang karena ketidaktauan yang menjadikan kanker semakin berkembang.
ReplyDeleteLangsung nyari Lady Gangga, kalo sampe aku banjir air mata juga, tante ind tanggung jawaaabbbb :D
ReplyDeletesodorin tisu dari Mak Amma buat pungky :-D ngakak tengah malem
Deletesekilas aku bacanya lady gaga :)