This is what happened when I accidentally checked my external hard drive for more pictures.
One click and I transported myself to Bali :)
To Tirta Gangga Water Palace to be exact.
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welcome to Tirta Gangga |
It was in February 2014 when we had our break to Bali before heading to NYC.
The clear blue sky above us was the witness of our enjoyable visit to this former palace of the Balinese Royal Family in Karangasem, the eastern part of this island of gods and goddesses. By the time you step into this beautiful park, your eyes will feast with lush green garden and maze of fountains and clear water pools. It took us around one hour from Denpasar to go here. Worth a visit indeed.
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one of the fountains, with the sacred cow statues |
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Obi was enjoying her visit as well :) |
Bali, one of the most-sought tourist destinations in Indonesia, indeed has a lot to offer. Its unique yet beautiful culture of its peoples, an amazing mix of religious values and traditional norms that the Balinese people hold dearly, has turned Bali into people's paradise. No wonder once you've visited Bali, you will definitely crave for more.
Being an Indonesian myself, I have visited Bali probably more than 10 times, including for my honeymoon. But never I get bored even in a second while visiting this island. There will always be something new and wonderful to discover. Including the area of Karangasem, where Tirta Gangga Water Palace is.
And let me take you there.
Through my photos.
I sincerely hope I can get back here again soon :)
Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the lovely sky from many corners of the world
Ah - so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAnd I miss it so much :)
Deletedi sini Obi masik kecil ya, kriwil rambutnya cute banget
ReplyDeleteiyaaa mba..2 tahun lalu :)
ReplyDeleteYa Alloh cakep banget pemandangannya. AKu belum pernah nyampe sini mba, padahal 6bulan di Bali.
ReplyDeletenext time ke sini lagi yaaa mba :)
DeleteBali ngak pernah bosan, yaaa sama lah kita sudah lebih dari 10x ke bali tp selalu menarik hwhwhe
ReplyDeleteEh kata nya air tirta gangga ini bisa bikin awet muda hahaha
Obi umur brp tu mbak? Masih mungil banget ...
ReplyDeleteTempatnya keren mba :) ada sikecil cute banget, rambutnya lucu :)
ReplyDeleteBali memang ngangenin :)
ReplyDeleteBelum pernah nyampe Karangasem. Terakhir ke Bali saat SMA, blm pernah ksana lagi semenjak itu, pdhl bbrp anggota keluarga stay disana. Ah, moga bisa ksana lagi, penasaran perubahannya pasti pesat. Bnyk destinasi wisata baru, katanyaaa :D
ReplyDeleteHeaven indeed!
ReplyDeleteA new destination for my bucket list
Thank you for sharing, Mom :)
woww... mba Indah udah lebih dari 10 kali ke Bali? ckckck... saya blm pernah sekalipun mba... hiks... pengen banget
ReplyDeletePastinya Bali tdk akan pernah membosankan
Bali memang memiliki daya tarik sendiri ya Mbak, love your pict,
ReplyDeletewah aku belum pernah ke sana... Bali itu memang langsung bawaannya nyanteee banget ya buat yg liburan... Mau tahu jg apa feeling itu akan tetap sama kl menetap di sana
ReplyDeleteNot surprisingly, these sites always provide the latest information thanks .
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Mbak, anaknya terlihat menyenangkan, thanks for sharing your story btw
Obi, nama fanbase nya apa? Tante ngefans sama senyum kamu, huhuhu.
These sites are always present information every day thanks .
ReplyDeleteCara Menghilangkan Keputihan Secara Alami Dan Cepat
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Thank you very much for the information you provide on this day ... success always yes man?
ReplyDeletePengobatan Alternatif Jantung Bengkak Secara Tradisional
Pengobatan Alternatif Tulang Pinggang Alami
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ReplyDeleteAlthough this is a long vacation but do not forget to present an attractive site thanks .
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Very happy on this occasion because it was given a useful info thanks .
ReplyDeleteQnC Jelly Gamat Rasa Jeruk
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Cara Alami Mengobati Demam Berdarah Dengue
Obat Tradisional Degenerasi Makula
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wah indah enak bgt tempatnya. salam kenal mba
ReplyDeletesukses selalu
I will never bored visiting a site that is interesting .
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Pengobatan Alternatif Mata Kabur Secara Tradisional
Penyebab Benjolan Di Ketiak Yang Berbahaya
Apakah Benjolan Di Ketiak Itu Berbahaya ?
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cara menyembuhkan mata silinder
ReplyDeletewalatra sehat mata
This information is very useful. thank you for sharing. and I will also share information about health through the website
ReplyDeleteObat gatal Kudis/gudik
Pengobatan alami Tipes
This information is very useful. thank you for sharing. and I will also share information about health through the website
ReplyDeleteObat gatal Kudis/gudik
Walatra Gamat Emas Kapsul
An offer of information that is always waiting every day.
ReplyDeleteObat Hernia Alami Yang Ampuh
Cara Alami Mengobati Narkolepsi Terampuh
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This information is very useful. thank you for sharing. and I will also share information about health through the website
ReplyDeleteObat gatal Kudis/gudik
Walatra Gamat Emas Kapsul
Vitamin Untuk Kesehatan Anak
Penyebab sering mimisan
This information is very useful. thank you for sharing. and I will also share information about health through the website
ReplyDeleteCara Mengobati Telapak Kaki Berlubang
Obat Telinga Berkerak dan Berair
Always we wait for the latest information.
ReplyDeleteTanda-Tanda Penyakit Liver Yang Sudah Parah
Pengobatan Alternatif Penyakit Miom Secara Tradisional
Buah Duwet Jamblang Untuk Kendalikan Luka Diabetes
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Interesting information to visit.
ReplyDeleteObat Neurodermatitis Alami
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Thank you very much because you are willing to share very useful information to many people
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We thank you for the information presentation this morning.
ReplyDeletePenyebab Kanker Kandung Kemih Pada Pria Dan Wanita
Ciri-Ciri Leukimia Stadium Lanjut
Obat Infeksi Jamur Candida Alami
Obat Kolesterol Alami Yang Ampuh
Obat Alami Untuk Mengobati Migren
This article is very interesting. thank you for allowing me to comment
ReplyDeleteManfaat Pete Untuk Penderita Diabetes
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