I know I should bring you something sweet and pink for the upcoming celebration of love. But, since nothing pink is within reach, I hope the yummy greeny pancakes a la Indonesian will do the trick.
Here come dadar gulung.
Or, if I can freely translate it, the Indonesian pancake with sweet coconut filling.
Sepertinya semua orang di Indonesia sudah pernah mencicipi, mendengar atau bahkan mungkin membuat sendiri dadar gulung. Cemilan yang satu ini memang enak. Perpaduan gula merah dan kelapa yang dibungkus dengan kulit pancake tipis dengan aroma pandan memang menggoda. Karena banyak yang menyukainya, tidak sulit untuk menjumpai penganan yang satu ini di berbagai toko maupun penjual kue, termasuk tukang kue keliling langganan kami di Lampung. Aaah, jadi kangen Kota Sepang :).
Bahan yang dibutuhkan relatif mudah didapat, termasuk untuk kami yang sedang tidak berada di tanah air. Cara membuatnya pun mudah lho. Kita coba sama-sama yuk.
Here are the ingredients needed:
For the pancake:
1 Egg
250 gr Flour
Milk or coconut oil for mixing. The original recipe uses coconut milk but I prefer milk for a lighter taste.
Pandan essence - if desired.
For the filling:
Grated coconut
Palm sugar
Bahan untuk kulit pancakenya mudah saja. Hanya tepung, telur, pewarna pandan dan susu atau santan. Resep yang asli menggunakan santan, namun saya lebih suka menggunakan susu untuk campuran adonan kulit dadarnya karena santan terlalu gurih. Untuk isi, kita hanya membutuhkan kelapa parut, gula merah dan sedikit garam.
How to cook:
First, we get the filling ready. Mix the grated coconut with crushed palm sugar. Put it in a pan, add some water and boil it slowly until everything is well mixed. Once ready, set it aside.
For the pandan essence, you can definitely use the instant one. Otherwise, we can use the fresh pandan leaves. Soak the leaves in the water and squeeze the leaves to get the essence as well as its exquisite fragrance.
Then now we need to prepare for the pancakes. Mix egg, flour, milk/coconut milk and a pinch of salt like a regular pancake mix. After that, prepare it in a frying pan. Make it thin and wide enough to be filled with sweet coconut filling.
Take one pancake, then put 1 spoonful of sweet coconut filling. Roll it and fold the right and left sides to the middle before neatly roll it to the end. And that's it, dadar gulung is ready.
So easy to make, right. And I guess we can make a little adjustment and turn the pancake pink as well.
Cara membuatnya pun mudah.
Pertama kita siapkan isinya dengan mencampurkan gula merah dan kelapa parut serta air. Didihkan di panci dengan api kecil hingga tercampur rata dan agak kering. Siapkan kulit pancake atau dadar gulung dengan mencampurkan tepung, telur, susu/santan dan sedikit garam, lalu masak di atas wajan anti lengket. Buat kulit dadar yang tipis namun tidak terlalu tipis sehingga tidak robek saat diisi nanti. Setelah siap, ambil satu kulit dadar, isi dengan sesendok campuran kelapa, lalu lipat dan gulung rapi. And voila, dadar gulung pun siap dinikmati :)
Cara membuatnya pun mudah.
Pertama kita siapkan isinya dengan mencampurkan gula merah dan kelapa parut serta air. Didihkan di panci dengan api kecil hingga tercampur rata dan agak kering. Siapkan kulit pancake atau dadar gulung dengan mencampurkan tepung, telur, susu/santan dan sedikit garam, lalu masak di atas wajan anti lengket. Buat kulit dadar yang tipis namun tidak terlalu tipis sehingga tidak robek saat diisi nanti. Setelah siap, ambil satu kulit dadar, isi dengan sesendok campuran kelapa, lalu lipat dan gulung rapi. And voila, dadar gulung pun siap dinikmati :)
Happy cooking :)
I don't know what looks better the food, or the platter.
ReplyDeleteWe have two different types of crepes last weekend. One kind was filled with veggies, salami, and goat cheese. The other was filled with bananas and homemade chocolate syrup that I made with coconut sugar. The were both so good. The boys like the sweet kind better.
your pancakes sound yuuum as well, Alissa ..this one is slightly different but as yummy as that :)
Deletemba Indah, rajinnya...mau semangat masak juga ah..lagi ga semangat masak nih..
ReplyDeleteayooo mba semangat berkreasi di dapur..aku ingin mengenalkan resep Indonesia ke tingkat global ;)
DeleteWah, kayaknya mudah banget....
ReplyDeleteHm.... ini cocok buat yang mau diet nih dengan porsi yang kecil-kecil tapi ngenyangin
iya bener..buatnya relatif sederhana kok :)
Deletebelum pernah buat sendiri...
ReplyDeleteisinya padet
cobain mbaaa :)
DeleteHua...aku suka banget dadar gulung isi kelapa gula merah.. Ini makanan kesukaanku Mba.. Pokoknya setiap makanan yang berbahan kelapa gula merah aku suka banget..
ReplyDeleteoya mba? Ayoo dong coba buat sendiri kalau begitu :)
Deleteenak ini :)
ReplyDeleteasliii enak :)
DeleteMbak, fotonya keren ..... sukaaa :)
ReplyDeletemakasiiih mba Mugniar :)
DeleteI love the serving dish! So pretty and colorful! The pancakes look so sweet and scrumptious!
ReplyDeleteThe dish is one of my fave as well :)
DeletePascal suka dadar gulung awalnya karena nonton film ninja hatori mbak :)
ReplyDeleteoya mba, di ninja hatori juga ada ya..aku baru ngeh hehehe
DeleteAku sukanya dadar gulung isi coklat keju :D
ReplyDeleteaku sukaa juga itu :)
DeleteThese looks really interesting, and your serving dish is beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week!!
Glad you like it, Karren :)
DeleteI love coconut so I need to give this recipe a try! It looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteMe, too :). My kids devour it..
DeleteThese pancakes look super good with the coconut filling! Thank you for sharing the recipe!!
ReplyDeletehope you will enjoy it as much as I do, Ashleigh :)
DeleteLet's make some more :)
ReplyDeletewill do :)
DeleteYummy, looks such an interesting recipe and guess what it was pancake day in the UK on Tuesday.. I am not kidding, there really is such a thing as pancake day!!! Will definitely try this.. and I LOOOOVE the platter, so gorgeous! Thank you for being such a fab co-host each week xxx
ReplyDeletethis serving plate is one of my fave as well :)
DeleteI def will have to make these. Sounds & looks delicious. I'm a sucker for anything with coconut in it. Is the Pandan essence what makes the pancake green?
ReplyDeleteyes, pandan essence is waht makes the pancake green :)
DeleteSounds so tasty. Coconut.....mmmmmm. So nice to co-host with you at #OMHGWW, indah!
ReplyDeletetry it, Donna :)
DeleteSounds so tasty. Coconut.....mmmmmm. So nice to co-host with you at #OMHGWW, indah!
ReplyDeleteMama Bo pinter masak. Kapan-kapan mau nyobain ah bikin dadar gulung seperti ini tapi isinya bukan kelapa. Cokelat anak-anak lebih suka kayaknya.
ReplyDeleteiyaa mba Li..bisa apa ajaa isinya :)
DeleteIt's neat to see tasty Asian recipes shared. I've enjoyed getting to know you better through co-hosting the #OMHGWW together.
Likewise, Shellie..it's great to get to know everyone through #OMHGWW :)
ReplyDeletepungky mah gagal fokus trus ih :-p
Deletehuahahahahahaaa...pungky mau piringnyaaa :)..properti buat motooo nih #winkwink :)
DeleteMba Lid..Pungky mah gitu orangnyaa hehehehe
Deleteya ampun mbak indah super sibuk aja masih rajin masak kue ya, aku skr udah agak males masak kue mbak hehehe pingin dadar gulung beli di warung
ReplyDeleteini soalnya ngg bisa beli di warung di sini hehehe