My Little Obi...

Entah kenapaaa ... saat sedang mengecek beberapa dokumen dan sisa -sisa pekerjaan dari kantor kok mataku malah tertumbu pada folder Obi di komputer tercinta...

Dan saat saya buka..

Senyum imutnya menyambut saya...

Obi Frakarsa

Ini foto Obi saat berusia 1 tahun..
Beberapa bulan setelah kepulangan kami dari Jenewa, Swiss.

I guess we went to Mutun Beach in Lampung where we took all there photos :)

Obi Frakarsa

Obi Frakarsa

And I think I haven't put it here before :)...
I just love to see her expressions..

And you know what?  
She pretty much looks like her mom and her brother Bo hehehehe..

This is me when I was around her age :)

Mama Bo et Obi 

and this is Bo, her big brother :)

While daddy looks like this when he was a little :)

What do you think? 
Don't we all look alike :)
Do you have the same case as well in your family :)?


  1. Iya Mbak Indah mirip banget sama Obi. Semuanya mirip. Berhubung saya belum punya anak, jadi saya ngaku-ngaku mirip Rasi aja, anaknya Eva hehe

  2. Buah tidaka jauh dari pohonnya ya mirip :)

  3. Yes you all look alike. :) So cute! Daddy stands out as the most different.

    I think everyone in my family looks alike when we were about the same ages. Travis' family swears Mica looks like him. I can see me in him as well. I just don't know where Isaak gets his big eyes. He has big nice lashes to. He certainly didn't get them from either of us.

    1. indeed, Alissa, it runs in the family for sure..and when we all gather it's fun to see how similar we all are :)

  4. Obi... senyummu loh, meruntuhkan keletihanku seharian dijadiin kuda sama Salfa hehehe...

    1. nanti Bunda Salfa juga samaa koook melihat senyum Salfaaa :)


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