Yup, music does heal :).
I personally love music. Love it so much, to be exact :).
I love singing, playing guitar, listening to all kinds of music and not to forget, watching music concerts. My hubby loves it, too. Well, he's an avid bassist, guitarist and drummer. And we do sing and play music together. Perhaps, I guess music brings us together since the very beginning as I joined his band before we were dating :). Aaaah...such sweet memories :).
Musik memang selalu memiliki efek menenangkan dan menyenangkan buat saya.
Rasanya bahagia. Kalau bisa bermain musik, bernyanyi sesuka hati...apalagi kalau duet dengan suami :).
Lately, I have been visiting NYU Clinical Cancer Center on daily basis.
Every day, from Monday to Friday, for my radiation therapy.
I am obviously tired, but I have to go through this therapy uninterruptedly.
And amidst my fatique thanks to the radiation and the trip I have to make, nothing makes me feel more relaxed than sitting down at the lobby for a while and enjoying some cool, refreshing music.
Truly Music that Heals :).
Co-founded in 2007 by Kathy Lord and Susan Weber, both are musicians, Music that Heals has inspired seriously ill adults and children in 25 hospitals, clinics, and various health facilities all over New York City, in its 5 boroughs. My Clinic at the NYU has them, too. Involving professional performers from a wide range of music genres, they have brought joy, happiness and pleasant environment to patients and those around them amidst the rigorous treatments and procedures that we have to go through.
And I am lucky. During my painful chemotherapy, I managed to get a chance to enjoy those mini concerts from Music that Heals.
One Wednesday, I saw this cool lady with her guitar playing all those great songs from John Denver, Stevie Wonder, and many more. I was transfixed to her alluring melodies although I just have some doses of Taxol and Herceptin. So cool...
Sayang saya terlewat namanya. Tapi dia sempat memperkenalkan diri dan bilang kalau dia sering bermain musik di subway, Dan sumpah,,,suaran, gaya dan pilihan lagunya keren bangeeet. Just exactly like what I love :)
Then the following visit, I enjoyed this classic performance.
Meskipun hanya berdua, tapi musik klasik yang mereka tampilkan sangat berkelas.
Aren't they great?
Well, I only have these two videos and I would definitely make some more if I got to see them.
Feel free to check their website and you can support them by donating or becoming volunteer to one of their programs, too.
Keren ya mak. Doing what they love while doing a good cause. Nice and inspiring blog, mak. :D
ReplyDeletethanks mak...while we can :). keep in touch yaa :)
ReplyDeletedengan musik kita bisa merasa tenang dan relax ya mbak
ReplyDeletebener banget maklid...apalagi aku memang seneng dengerin musik hehehe...
DeleteIyes mak. Aku udah nambahin link blognya ke blog list aku ya maaak. Stay in touch. :D
ReplyDeleteGreaaat :)..I've done the same. Mudah-mudahan bisa selalu mengunjungi yaaa :)
DeleteSiaaaap mak. Take caree. :D
ReplyDeleteYes I love music and I think a great idea, I love listening to music!
ReplyDeleteMusic is one of the best things in life :)
Deletemood saya itu suka mudah terpengaruh sama musik, Mak. Lagi happy aja, kalau denger musik sedih suka mendadak mellow :D
ReplyDeleteSamaaa dong maaak...itu makanya musik punya pengaruh besar ke kita yaaa
DeleteListening to the music must be soothing and healing for you. You are in my thoughts are prayers.
ReplyDeleteJulie xo
That's why I love it so much...thanks Julie, you're in my thoughts and prayers, too
DeleteI am glad you have the music. You are now on my prayer list.
ReplyDeleteReally appreciate it, Yogi... music is always good for our souls :)
DeleteI agree. Music really does heal! That's so cool that they have live performances for you to enjoy in the lobby!
ReplyDeleteIndeed, Theresa..really appreciate this program. So soothing..
DeleteUntuk relaksasi ini asyik ini, Mbak Indah :)
ReplyDeleteBangeeet pak Ustadz... alhamdulilaaah. .
Deleteiya benerrr... padahal cuma berdua mainnya tapi kok bsia keren abis ya... serasa lagi concert gitu...
ReplyDeleteSeru ya mak ade..kebayang dong aku jadi betah bangeeet di klinik hehehe
DeleteMengingatkan perkenalan saya dengan pemain jazz, peraih rekor MURI yang jadi relawan di RS Panti Rapih, Buddy L Worang. Dia main musik tiap Sabtu di sebuah gazebo ditengah rumah sakit. Dia jg bercerita ttg penelitian John Sloboda ttg music that heals. Sehat terus ya, keep rockin.
ReplyDeleteLuar biasa beliau mak..memang music sangat membantu kita tetap tenang..dan ngg stress...makasih doanya maaak..
DeleteI completely agree that music has the power to heal :)
ReplyDeleteThat's why I stay longer at the clinic to listen to it more :)
DeleteCouldnt agree more mbak :)
ReplyDeleteLikewise maaak...music really helps indeed..
DeleteAku seneng bgt dgrin musik, klo nyetir, ga ada musik pasti BT sepanjang jalan hehehe
ReplyDeleteBtw itu bagus musiknya yah mbak, aku bolak balik dgrin nih hihihi
Samaaa dong mak...ngg ada music rasanya kok kurang yaaa...
DeleteI love music too, very much
ReplyDeleteKalau buka laptop dan ngerjain sesuatu, bahkan meski cuma buat online, tetap mesti pasang earphone dan dengar musik :D
Setujuuuu...music memang selalu bikin suasana jadi asyik..
DeleteMusic mmg bahasa universal, bisa membuat semua orang bahagia
ReplyDeleteBetul bangeeet om cumi...Bikin hati tralala trillili pokoknyaaa
DeleteMusik membuat jiwa tenang, serasa semua beban lepas...saya suka menikmati musik...
ReplyDeleteToosss maak.. music memang perlu sering2 dinikmati..
DeleteAku suka musik, tapi yang iramanya slow. Bikin relax, hati jadi tenang dan damai. Btw itu musiknya keren.
ReplyDeleteSlow sukaaa...uang rame juga aku suka mak :)
ReplyDeletemusik klasik aku suka
semangat mak
Sama dooong mak...favorite aku chopin...enak bangeeet dengerinnya..
DeleteSama dooong mak...favorite aku chopin...enak bangeeet dengerinnya..
DeleteI can't live without music, Mak. :D Setuju sama Mak Indah. Suara penyanyi di video ini asyik banget! Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletemusik klasik bisa bikin relax, hati jadi tenang
ReplyDeletealat pemotong bawang
Collection of my favorite ringtone in 2018
ReplyDeleteHi everybody
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