Pernah nonton MIB ngga....
Itu lhoo..Men in Black yang dibintangi Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones..
Film yang sempat menjadi hits ini kayaknya lumayan ngetop deh :)
Film yang sempat menjadi hits ini kayaknya lumayan ngetop deh :)
Remember this tower?
If you watched Men in Black, the movie filled with funny and funky aliens, this is the tower where Agent J and K beat the aliens and kicked them out of our earth :).
Kalau ngg salah, di tower ini Agent J dan Agent K menyelamatkan bumi dengan mengalahkan alien-alien lucu yang punya niat menguasai bumi :)...karena adegan terakhirnya, jadi seruuu bangeeet ...
Dan ternyata ooh ternyata, tower ini letaknya ngg jauh dari rumah kami di Astoria, NY...
Dan ternyata ooh ternyata, tower ini letaknya ngg jauh dari rumah kami di Astoria, NY...
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here's the famous tower....awaaas ada alien :) |
Living in Astoria, Queens, does give us the opportunity to browse around this interesting neighborhood.
One of them is the famous Corona Park, Flushing Meadows.
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we have beautiful park surroundings the tower... |
By the time I started writing this, the 2014 US Open just started. And you' ll see the banner every where near the Corona Park. Now that it has finished (or almost..or even already? My, I didn't follow it at all), the park always attracts people with its charms. Be it its history, great location or beautiful landscape.
Best known as the prime location of the US Open, Flushing Meadows Corona Park is indeed a beautiful park. And it's huge...covering 1,255 acres of lush garden, lake, museum, zoo and many more, this park is unsurprisingly the New York City's fourth-largest park.
It was the site of two World's Fairs ...
Yup, not once, but twice. It was back in 1939–1940 as well as 1964–1965. Its unique design and outstanding size is truly an eye-catcher.
Yup, not once, but twice. It was back in 1939–1940 as well as 1964–1965. Its unique design and outstanding size is truly an eye-catcher.
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the Unisphere... |
It took us around 20-minute drive from Astoria to this beautiful park.
Fully equipped with strollers, helmets, food and refreshment, we went here and enjoyed a lovely afternoon. Although the weather was a bit chilly, but we had many visitors flocking around enjoying their time here.
Fully equipped with strollers, helmets, food and refreshment, we went here and enjoyed a lovely afternoon. Although the weather was a bit chilly, but we had many visitors flocking around enjoying their time here.
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the world is in our hand :) |
The Unisphere sendiri merupakan bola dunia yang terbuat dari baja dengan ukuran fantastis, sekitar 140 kaki atau 42 meter. Buat saya lumayan besar deeeh dan memang terlihat luar biasa karena detailnya yang juga dibuat dengan sangat baik. Tidak heran kalau bola dunia ini turut memeriahkan Pekan Dunia atau World Fair pada tahun 1964 - 1965.
Saat kami menikmati sore di sini, ternyata banyak juga lho pedagang 'asongan' yang keliling dengan cemilan khas Meksiko seperti enchillada dan juga es krim :). Sayang saya ngg sempet foto mereka...
Saat kami menikmati sore di sini, ternyata banyak juga lho pedagang 'asongan' yang keliling dengan cemilan khas Meksiko seperti enchillada dan juga es krim :). Sayang saya ngg sempet foto mereka...
Waktu berada di dekat Unisphere, hal pertama yang saya lakukan adalah mencari Indonesia :0). Tentu dooong....soalnya kangen. lovely home country. I managed to find it easily and showed it to Bo et Obi. I even showed them Lampung, our home town, at the southern tip of Sumatera island. Well, it was a fun geography session indeed :).
Flushing Meadows - Corona Park seringkali disebut juga Flushing Meadows Park. Taman ini buka setiap hari dan terletak di Queens, New York. Taman ini luas sekali lhooo...meliputi area sekitar 1961 sq miles atau kurang lebih 5.079 km².
Di dekat sini, masih di dalam kompleks yang sama, ada Queens Zoo juga....
Kita sudah sempat mampir, tapi sharenya di cerita yang lain yaah :)
Plus Museum Queens yang terkenal dengan scale model kota New York yang besaaar dan detail banget dan dulunya adalah New York City Building yang juga menjadi tempat di mana Majelis Umum PBB bersidang di tahun 1946 - 1950, sebelum Markas Besar PBB dibangun di tepi East River dan 1st Avenue di Manhattan.
Hmm, looks like I have to come back with more stories and photos as well...
I love the world in your hands photo! What a cool place.
ReplyDeletethanks is a great place :)
Deletebaru baca lagi blog mba, dan mba udah ga di indo aja -__-
ReplyDeleteiyaaa nih...izin melanjutkan perjalanan dan kerjaan :)
DeleteUwaaaa..kmrn pas lihat foto2nya mbk indah di fb sempat mikir,brrti mbk indah nih bakal lihat lgsg trmpat2 yg dibuat film2 ternyata terjawab sudah hehehe.bagus bgt tempatnys ^^
ReplyDeleteiyaaa maaak...tapi lama bangeet baru sempet nulis lagi hehehe...makasiiih yaaa
Deleteaku mau kesitu juga mak kalo Tuhan ngizinin,,,indah bget,,,
ReplyDeleteamiiin amiiin maak ....insya allah kalau rezeki ngg kemanaaa
Deletenicee. thank you
DeleteThat globe is very nice !, beautiful photos!
ReplyDeleteI love the's really a piece of art...
DeleteIkut mencari indonesia. Disebelah mana, ya? :D
ReplyDeletekelihatan kok daaah...tuuh, persis di atas et deket Australia..yang keliatan memang cuma Kalimantan , papua dan sedikit sumatera kalau di fotoku :)
Deleteitu yang di MIB musuhnya banyak kecoanya, ya? Hehe
ReplyDeleteHahah.. Jadi teringat film Men In Black deh.. :D
ReplyDeleteitu menara MIB kl kata saya mirip dengan toren PDAM. dicat biru dah jadi deh hehe...