Having my recovery started, I remember that I haven't finished my traveling notes in Spain, particularly in Andalusia..
Aaa, the land of wonder..
Filled with ancient whispers and tempting signs waving at you, I have to say.
It feels like when you hear the sirens coming and calling your name, but this one is not going to crash you.
Yuup, the legend of La Alhambra is still waiting to be told..and shared.
Rasanya seperti punya hutang...karena belum menyelesaikan tulisan rangkaian perjalanan yang buat saya dan keluarga sangaaaaat mengesankan ini...
Okay, where were we?
Kita udah sampai mana yaaa..
Yang pasti saya sudah ngajak temen-temen jalan ke Alcazaba the fortress (you can always click it here, Nasrid et Comares palaces, where Kings and Sultans lived with their families ...dan sekarang, saya masih punya Palace of the Lions :).
Ini salah satu jewelnya La Alhambra juga lhooo......
And the Palace of the Lions is pretty famous for its ingenious fountains.
Too bad the fountains were under reconstruction when we visited this place but we still enjoyed the beauty of this palace by strolling around.
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the ceiling with all its intricate details... |
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pillars and facades are everywhere... |
How did they do that..
What does it mean..
Why it takes that particular shapes...
And more questions that are not always answered...
At least not from my audio guide or my handbook :)
Saat menyaksikan semua keindahan ini, saya harus mengakui kalau hati begitu tergetar akan keindahan hasil karya manusia yang didedikasikan penuh untuk Penciptanya. Begitu menyentuh, begitu indah...
Kaligrafi dengan cantiknya terukir di setiap sudut dinding, pilar, hingga langit-langit...mengingatkan kita akan Sang Khalik yang memang ada di mana-mana...
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The ceiling....look so fragile, yet tranquilly beautiful... |
Then as we got nearer to the fountain site, we had more people flocking...
But again, as I said, the fountain was temporarily closed for refurbishment...
We still managed to enjoy the beauty of it and adores its ingenious design...
Patio of the Lions, tempat pancuran singa yang begitu terkenal ini, menggunakan teknologi tradisional yang mengandalkan grafitasi, tata letak, dan alam. Jangan tanya detailnya dengan saya ya :)...yang pasti, pancuran ini begitu natural dan bahkan recycled sendiri tanpa bantuan mesin satu pun...naturally mechanical, I can say...
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one of the corners near the fountain... |
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getting nearer... |
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similar details can be found... |
And here's where the fountain is supposed to be...
If you noticed the basin in the photo down here, it originally homed the famous lions whose mouths flowed the water constantly ..
Such a perfect harmony between the geometric architecture, ancient technology, yet again ingenious design..
You can feel it...the air, the light, the space..the water...all perfectly display the beauty of harmony..
I can say this is the most beautiful part of the Palace...
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it was temporarily closed when we came...so the surrounding hall was closed as well |
Palace of the Lions was built by Muhammed V.
Not only successfully completing the previously built parts of the Palace, but amazingly add this most-loved palace adorned with the highest level of artistic touch and harmony.
Well, I'm not very good at describing it, but once you're there, you can simply feel it...
From the lovely patio, to the amazing halls and galleries..
Truly feast to our eyes ...and soul...
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one corridor taking us to the Hall... |
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the ceiling on one of the Halls... |
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can you feel the harmony...from floor to the ceiling...the air and the light... |
Jadi jangan salahkah saya yaaah kalau jadi nyuekin kamera di leher dan minta difoto terus dengan hubby tersayang yang sabaaaar menanggapi permintaan istrinya ..plus Bo (sedikiiiit :) )..
Another amazing details are the calligraphs ...
All hand-made, truly labour of love and affection to our one-and-only Creator.
Depicting gracious verses, we can't help but admire each and every one of them...
Dan ini beberapa foto di sekitar Patio Utama di Palace of the Lions, menuju Halls maupun galleries yang berada di sekelilingnya...
Well, I have to warn you....
I still have Generalife beautiful garden which is not yet told here.
Mind if I come back again soon?
Happy #itchyfeet and I hope you enjoy these photos...
ceilingny aunik bagus mbak
ReplyDeletemak lid...asli bikin melongoooo :)
Deletearsitektur yg sangat indah ya mba,,dn spertinya jg sangat terjaga,,kebayang indahnya kayak apa klo bisa ngliat langsung yaa,,he he
ReplyDeleteiya mba...saya bener-bener kagum dibuatnya...every corner of it..
DeleteImpiankuuuuuu...doakan aku kesampaian kesana ya Mak
ReplyDeleteaaamiiin mak Ikaaaa...insya Allah sampai yoooo....aamiiin yra..
DeleteDesainnya seperti masjid ya, itu loh yang lengkungan2 pationya.
ReplyDeleteAtapnya juga emejing bangeeett...
bangeeet mak...Islami sekali..tapi cantiknya luar biasa...melongo.com judulnya akuuu :)
DeleteKeren bngt perjalanannya mbak
ReplyDeletemakasiiiih :)
DeleteWow....Al Hambra. Ini masuk dalam top 5 tempat yang ingin kukunjungi Mbak. Istana yang dibangun untuk menggambarkan Surga katanya. Belum lagi soal sejarahnya. Speechless banget waktu liat foto2 di atas.....
ReplyDeleteiya, di bumi aja seperti ini apalagi surga aslinya yaaaa...tempatnya bener-bener memukau..
DeleteSuch a pretty place! I love all the ornate decor!
ReplyDeleteso true Alissa...beyond beautiful..
Deletespeechless lihat foto-fotonya
ReplyDeleteiyaaa...bener-bener baguuus tempaaatnya...
DeleteReplika surga, dimana2 kaligrafi..subhanallah...semoaga satu hari bs menjejak kaki disana mak..aamiinn :)
ReplyDeleteaamiiiin yra maaak..
Deletefotonya bagus2, bikin mupeng :D
ReplyDeletemakasiiih maaak..
DeleteKApan ya mak bisa ke sana :(
ReplyDeletedidoakan maaak..
DeleteBeautiful photos! Yes, the Alhambra is one of the architectural gems that we have in Spain, I'm glad your trip !!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad we could make it at that time :)
DeleteArsitekturnya bagus Mba.... :)
ReplyDeleteluar biasa mak..saya sampai mengangaaaa..
DeleteSubhanallah indahnya mak,... kaligrafi nya indah banget :)
ReplyDeleteiya mak nengnong..subhanallah indahnya..
DeleteMasya Allah.. Cakep banget, Mbaaaak :'D
ReplyDeleteThe architecture is breathtaking! What a fabulous place to tour!
ReplyDeleteWow !!! cantiknyaaa.... TFS mbak Indah...
ReplyDeletePak Rudi jepretanyya bagus bangeet. . .
ReplyDeletesubhanallah,bener2 indah ya mak tempatnya....semoga saya bisa sampai sana aamiin...*ngimpi dulu pokoknya hehe*
ReplyDeleteduuh,,,,bikin ngiler, Mak *ambil serbet makan*
ReplyDeletepanggil aku dari sana ya, Mak :)
Kepingin ke sini :)