Our live is actually filled with the art...
That's why wherever we look, we will see, feel, witness and touch, or even become the part of the art of life..including from our ancient times..
I can never seize admiring the work of our ancestors, particularly those being displayed in one of the historical temples in Indonesia, Prambanan. Built in the 9th century, Prambanan Temple is situated around 17 km from Jogjakarta or around 30 minutes from the Adi Sutjipto Airport. Specially offered to Trimurti, composed of Brahma, Visnhu and Shiva,- the Great Trinity in Hinduism, this temple also holds the secret one of the famous legends in Indonesia, Lara Jonggrang.
Well, it's a long story and unfortunately I have to dig up more for more details indeed. But allow me to show you some of the fabulous art work you'll find in Prambanan Temple, in line with this week's theme of Weekly Photo Challenge, where you can check HERE...
Here are some of them...breathtakingly beautiful and intricately amazing...
Come and join us on Weekly Photo Challenge and check up cool themes every week...
Nilai seninya tinggi ya mak
ReplyDeletebeyond belief....umurnya pun sudah ratusaaan tahun..
Deletealways love Prambanan :)
ReplyDeleteone of the most beautiful Hindu temples mak...I love it, too..
Deleteaku ke candi Prambanan waktu jaman SD puluhan tahun silam, aku suka banget berkunjung dan melihat pemandangan candi. Kalau di Blitar ada candi Penataran mak
ReplyDeleteJawa memang penuh dengan candi bersejarah ya mak...
DeleteSiluet Prambanannya greget banget Mba. :D
D'you think? :D...dari jauh aja keliatan cantik Prambanan ya..
DeleteVery lovely photos! I am so impressed with the details on the structure!
ReplyDeleteyou're rite, Theresa...the details are so fascinating...I can't never get enough admiring them..
Deletethe last photo is amazing :)...Prambanan Temple near my home
ReplyDeleteyuuup mak Irul...thanks..lucky you living in the area...
DeleteJadi kangen ke candi Mba, aku juga suka banget Prambanan dibandingkan Borobudur. Great pics !
ReplyDeletebeneeer,..prambanan cantik, borobudur megah...dua-duanya super amazing :D..
Deletekeren foto terakhirnya mbak
ReplyDeletemakasih mak Lidya...
DeleteTernyata Mbak Indah ini multitalent ya, termasuk fotografi :)
ReplyDeletehai mbaaa Eviiii...aah, aku masih banyak belajaar..tapi memang sukaaa :)...
DeleteDetailnya memang menarik ya... O ya, semoga perjalanannya menyenangkan ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks Taufiq...cheers..
Deletesukaaa banget ke Prambanan, walau sudah berulang2 datang tapi selalu saja ada yang baru.,
ReplyDeletesekarang sudah gabung dengan bbrp candi lainnya
beneeer....walaupun aku baru sekali hehehe...tapi pengen dateng lagiii :D..
DeleteSemakin mengagumi keelokan keagungan Candi Prambanan melalui postingan Jeng Indah. Selamat terus berkarya Jeng....
ReplyDeletemakasiiiiiih :D...
DeleteKomentarku samaa
ReplyDeleteHaven't been there yet :D
moga2 segeraaa mak hehehe...