WW: Wayang Kulit, Indonesian Leather Puppet

Wayang Kulit Purwa Surakarta

Breathtakingly beautiful Indonesian Leather Puppet, made with love and highly artistic skill of our artists..

One of the exquisite collections of Museum Wayang or Puppet Museum in the Old Town Jakarta


  1. Been there a couple years ago. And that time are the first time I met my husband after 2 years chattig trough internet. Kopi daraatt hahaha

  2. Sama dengan mak Dwina, eke masih belum paham ni bigimana cara ikutannya? *kudet abess

    1. tinggal post every wednesday any photos with any themes dan linku up maaak...pakai mister linky tools kayak punyaku di atas :D...

  3. That is so wonderful! Part of why I like Lion Kind on Broadway is all the puppets. Julie Taymore (the director) lived in Indonesia for awhile. There is that style of puppetry in part of the show. She also has bunraku puppetry, and others in it.

    I wish puppetry would be more popular in the US. Some of the detail that goes in them is just amazing.

    1. Wow, I just know that...I'll soon check lion king on Broadway in NY :)..can't wait...

  4. semoga minggu depan aku bisa ikutan WW

  5. Replies
    1. thanks Steve...indeed it is :)..it took extra energy, skills and lotsa love to create one :)..

  6. A real beauty! These puppets are a great work of art!

  7. puppet show at my village still performed at least once a year in each Rasulan event

  8. Baru tau ada museum wayang tapi aku ngak begitu suka museum jadi lupakan saja hahahaha

  9. Puppets are very cool! How lucky that you were able to see them at the museum.


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