Every morning, once she wakes up, Obi, my daughter will grab one of her favorite dolls and pose for me :D..
Here are some of her collections:
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Wah bagus-bagus banget boneka nya. Saya juga pengen tuh boneka kayak getu hehehe buat temen bobok ^^
ReplyDeletehehehe...dollies are fun..suka boneka juga nih? :D...
DeleteAwww, she loves her dollies:)
ReplyDeleteshe does!...she got more dolls actually..a bit tricky to keep them tidy sometimes :D...
DeleteBonekanya lucu. Apalagi yang ada kumisnya. Duh, maaf nih komen pake bahasa nasional ga bisa pakai bahasa internasional ^^
ReplyDeletemakasih mbaaa...itu boneka banyaak ajaah..yang pake kumis, aslinya adalah gondolier :D.. bisa nyanyi O Solemio, sambil tangan gaya mengayuh gondola...dapet di Venice :D...lucu bangeeeet ;p..
DeleteMy youngest loves his stuffed animals. Especially at night.
ReplyDeleteBy the way you can enter my linky! Just put your address in, and your blog title. http://theapels.blogspot.com/2013/11/ww-thankful-for-family-linky.html
ReplyDeleteObi boneka nya banyak dan lucu lucu yaaaaah :)
Dan sepertinya suka sama Teddy Bear yaaah ...hihihi...
Senengnya jadi Obi...koleksi bonekanya banyak..unik2 lagi...hmmm jadi pingin satu hehehe
ReplyDeletekoleksi bonekanya Obi banyak ya mbak