On my 7th visit (I just realized that :D...) to Istanbul on my to Geneve last January, I managed to visit Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul...
One majestic palace, that is...
Claimed to be the biggest palace in Turkey, residing almost 15.000 m2, this relatively modern palace was constructed between 1843-56. Many Sultans had lived here..
Several choices of tour are available...
I took the Selamlik tour, or the administrative part of the Palace. It lasts around 45 minutes and you have to wait till the designated time with a guide, no individual tour, et no photos inside. If you're coming with your own tour guide et group, you'll get a priority.
In less than 1 hours, I saw a lot.The inside is really lovely, too bad we cant take pictures inside...
some are amazing while the rest need to be maintained. The heavily Turkish accent guide took us around. We saw the secretariat's room, entrance hall, noble room, crystal staircase, wood panels, noble floor, ambassadorial, waiting room, sultan's reception room, crown prince room, sultan's apartment, with ebony, mahagony, and walnut wooden floor panels , and of course french baccarat fireplace..
We also see the study room, library, and remarkable turkish hamam with carved marbles, and lovely, lovely view of the Marmara sea...I would loveee to spend sooo much time here :D
The best part is indeed the grand ceremony hall..with biggest chardeliers, weight around 4.5 tons, great carpet, huge pillars, and special balconies for jurnalists et musicians. Picture yourself dancing around the room...or maybe not dancing, just roaming around :D...
Btw, most of the information given by the guide are printed in the brochures...so, make sure you have one copy...
In one of the rooms we saw collections of big paintings, dining sets in gold et silver! Crystals and many gem-tinted objects..
Vases, draperies and some other valuables are presented, but the information on those displayed objects are not always available.//
All in all....The interior is amazing...the outside is also lovely...overlooking Marmara Sea..
The ticket price is quite costly, compared to others....
40TL for all parts (selamlik or official parts) and harem (Sultan et families' houses);
30TL for selamlik, and 20TL for harem only..
Do come and enjoy the palace..especially of you have visited Topkapi; :D...
I really enjoy my historical visit to Istanbul...I really wish we can do the same in Indonesia, particularly Jakarta...
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