My Beloved Lampung - The Treasure of Sumatera

"Indah, tell me where is that diving location you've talked about in your blog. Is that your hometown?"

One of my dear friends startled me with her questions in the middle of our meeting at the UN Headquarters here in New York City. Apparently she just read some posts about my diving trip in Tegal Island, Lampung, I made years ago. One of the remedies I took whenever I miss my beloved hometown. Put all those photos and pour my heart out in the stories. Longing soulfully for my home.

On another occasion, I have more friends cornering me during our Diplomatic reception at the Indonesian Mission to the UN here in New York City.

"Look at that fantastic fabrics you are wearing, Indah. What is it called again? Tapis?" Their hands were eagerly touching that beautiful handwoven Tapis in gold and purple, my favorite colors. Then the night was filled with my stories of how beautiful my hometown is. And how I keep missing it, wherever I am.

My name is Indah Nuria Savitri and here's my little story about a hidden paradise called Lampung.

Have you been to Lampung before?
Have you heard of this hidden peace of paradise called Lampung?

Well, I have to admit that Lampung is no longer 'hidden' paradise as we welcome more and more people who love spending some precious  times in beautiful beaches dotting along Lampung Bay.

Lampung is located in the southern most part of Sumatera island. 
Strategically situated as the Gate of Sumatera, Lampung enjoys robust and dynamic development. 

Its fertile terra has produced world-wide famous coffee beans, cocoa beans, pepper, cloves, coconuts, pineapple and more. And in line with this progressive improvement, Lampung now consists of two autonomous cities, Bandar Lampung and Metro (where I was born :)), as well as twelve regencies spanning from the southern most part to the west, east and northern part, bordering with Bengkulu and South Sumatera provinces.

Surrounded by oceans and dotted with pristine islands, Lampung has so much potential in fisheries as well as tourism, particularly. 

Amidst the long list of beautiful things you can find, feel, taste and enjoy in Lampung, I will only focus of three most astounding features Lampung has: its gorgeous natural landscapes, rich and colorful cultures, and delicious culinary experience.

The gorgeous natural landscapes

Frankly speaking, I don't even know where to start as there are so many beautiful spots that we can enjoy :).

Lampung has long been famously known for its pristine islands and beautiful white sandy beaches with crystal clear and turquoise water. Stretching out from Lampung Bay to the western part of Lampung, this province surely can cater all beach lovers' dream of enjoying pristine, beautiful beaches with such ease.  

Pahawang, Kelagian, Tegal, Legundi, Balak, Tanjung Putus, Mutun, Kiluan, Tanjung Setia, Pisang, Sebesi and Sebuku are only a few examples of beautiful islands and beaches located in Lampung, winning the hearts of locals as well as foreign visitors.

me enjoying Kelagian Kecil island :)

Not to mention its wonderful underwater world. 
Being a diver myself, I can never get enough of it. 
Enjoying the colorful underwater world filled with various unique schools of fish, corals, and sea creatures in vibrant colors and shapes is always be on top of my itinerary whenever I come and visit my hometown. 

some of my amateur underwater snaps in while diving Lampung
I even have a short video, dancing with nemo or the clown fish,  from my last diving trip in Tegal Island, Lampung, back in 2014.

Don't have a diving license? Don't worry.
Even snorkeling  or strolling around the beach in one of the islands scattered along the Lampung Bay will bring joy to you and your family.

Tanjung Putus, where you can freely snorkel with this happy school of fish

pipe fish, taken during my snorkeling trip in Tegal island

Kiluan Bay is another great spot for all mother nature lovers, particularly as you can see wild dolphins freely roaming and swimming around by your side.

dancing around with the wild dolphins at Kiluan Bay

Mount Krakatau  is indeed the famous icon of Lampung. Majestically situated in Sunda Strait, between Sumatera and Java islands, Krakatau or Krakatoa, as the world names it, has literally shocked the world due to its cataclysmic eruption in 1883.
This active volcano, complete with Mount Anak Krakatau or the Child of Krakatau as part of the three volcanic peaks,  continues to steal peoples' attention and admiration for its unique geologic and geographic features. No wonder if  the Government of Lampung galvanizes this world-famous volcano into its annual cultural festival.

Moreover, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park provides more wonderful mountainous area with green lush forests and wild animals. And don't get me started with falls and lagoons, as again Lampung has abundant choices for that.

Pulau Balak, one of our favorite underwater destinations

But that's not all.
Lampung is indeed bestowed with more unique and amazing natural landscapes.
Take a look at Karang Hiu beach, for example. Located in  Pegadungan Beach, Kelumbayan, Tanggamus, Lampung, this rather newly found spot has instantly become most sought area among landscape photographers due to its fantastic layout and beauty.

Photo is taken from

Or the Way Kambas Elephant training center.
This iconic outdoor adventure will surely boost up your adventurous spirit as you get closer to the nature's wonder and fantastic creatures, the elephants.

And one more thing.
I am always blessed with amazing sunset whenever traveling back home. 
Whether it's on our way back from diving trip or island hopping, or simply while waiting to harbor in Bakauheni on our car-and-ship trip from Jakarta.
Such a breathtaking view!

I can go on and on and on when it comes to all those fantastic spots mother nature has in Lampung. If you don't believe me, you should then go and see them yourself :).

The rich and colorful cultures

For sure, Lampung is also bestowed with rich and colorful cultures. Being famous as Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai or the divine home of two,- the original Lampungnese and pendatang or the newcomers, Lampung is one of the laudable examples of harmonious lives among communities, adorned with traditional values and norms.

Adat istiadat or the traditional values are still dearly hold, as you can clearly see in the daily lives of Lampungnese, projected in their philosophy, traditional language, songs and dances as well as socio- cultural structures.

One of the most prominent aspects of this cultural wonder that I'd like to showcase here is its traditional fabrics.

Have you ever heard of Tapis Lampung before?
A beautiful mix of hand-woven gold threads, ancient patterns such as siger (traditional Lampungnese regal headpiece), kapal (boat)  and traditional umbrella, and vibrant colors, Tapis Lampung surely becomes one of the most-wanted keepsakes from this beautiful land.
I myself have a few pieces of  Tapis Lampung and proudly wear them in many special occasions wherever I am, including here in New York City.

Proudly wearing Tapis Lampung at the UN and Indonesian Mission

I sincerely hope you can get your own Tapis Lampung and adore them as much as I do.

The delicious culinary experience.

And your visit to Lampung will not be complete without having the culinary adventure. 
Like many parts of Indonesia, Lampung offers fantastic cuisines that will surely satisfy your appetites. 

Try Seruit and tempoyak, traditional Lampungnese plates made of fermented durian usually mixed with fresh chili, shallots, salt and sugar. Eat them fresh with grilled fish, fresh vegetables and a bowl of steamed rice, together with your family and friends. Heaven!
You can also try pindang, or fresh, sweet and sour fish soup adorned with fragrant kemangi leaves. For dessert, have a bite of geguduh or sweet banana fritters and a glass of traditional Kopi Lampung, the world famous robusta coffee beans. 
I bet you will be addicted to it. I am literally drooling as I write this!  

Not to mention various cemilan or snacks such as lempok, dodol durian, kerupuk, kemplang, keripik pisang, keripik nangka, keripik singkong, sambal Lampung, and so many more.

some of the delicious snacks from Lampung

Away from home does not prevent me from enjoy all these great food.
I am extremely lucky to have my dearest family and friends sending those packages of love to New York City as we crave for those traditional food.
And I am inviting you all to give them a try and tell me what you think about them.
I have to admit I really want to go home to Lampung now :).

Lampung Krakatau Festival

Photo is taken from

And to celebrate all these glorious nature and cultural diversity, the Provincial Government of Lampung has been conducting an annual Lampung Krakatau Festival.
Care to know more about it?

For 2016, Lampung Krakatau Festival will be held from 24 - 28 of August, 2016.
There are series of events you can enjoy during the Festival, including Jelajah Pasar Seni, Jelajah Layang-layang, Jelajah Rasa, Jelajah Krakatau and Jelajah Semarak Budaya. 
Various activities such as art exhibition and seminars, talk show, photo contest, culinary bazaar and food festival, as well as will be conducted during the Festival, including the iconic jubilant Lampung Culture and Tapis Carnival as well as the Investor Summit Dinner.
Now that's a festive event we have here.
And for sure you all are invited to join this festivity!

Make sure you check the complete schedules and more details on

Photo is taken from

How I wish I could be there and witness all these jovial gathering!
But for sure, wherever I am, I will always have Lampung in my heart.

My name is Indah Nuria Savitri and I proudly say I come from Lampung, the Treasure of Sumatera.


Lampung Krakatau Festival 2016,
Suku Lampung,
Batu Karang mempesona di Pantai Pegadungan

Peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan RI di New York City

"Tujuh belas Agustus tahun empat lima
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita..."

Penuh semangat saya menyanyikan lagu Hari Merdeka karya H. Mutahar yang tidak pernah terlupa dari ingatan, sepanjang jalan dari Astoria menuju Konsulat Jenderal RI di New York City yang terletak di dekat Central Park.

Bo dan Obi sempat bertanya,"What song is that, Ma?", karena melihat saya dan Rudi asyik bernyanyi, walaupun telah berbalut kebaya dan Songket Bali bernuansa merah, salah satu warna bendera kebanggaan kita. 

Dan mulailah saya menjelaskan kepada mereka hari kemerdekaan negara kita tercinta, termasuk berbagai tradisi peringatan di tanah air dan acara yang akan segera kami hadiri di KJRI New York. Bo dan obi tidak sabar untuk kembali ke tanah air dan menikmati keseruan lomba balap karung, makan kerupuk, panjat pinang dan masih banyak lagi. Tentu saja tidak lupa saya ingatkan mereka bahwa di mana pun kita berada, meskipun jauh dari tanah air, tapi hati dan semangat kita akan selalu tercurah untuk Indonesia tercinta. Saya pun tambahkan agar mereka semangat belajar dan menjadi anak pintar agar dapat memberi karya terbaik untuk negeri kita tercinta.

So, perhaps you are interested to know how the Independence Day of Indonesia was celebrated in New York City.

Setiap tahun, KJRI New York menyelenggarakan serangkaian acara peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan RI bagi seluruh WNI yang berada di New York dan sekitarnya, maupun para friends of Indonesia atau mereka yang memang menaruh perhatian besar terhadap Indonesia. 

Biasanya, satu bulan sebelum peringatan hari kemerdekaan ini, terdapat pertandingan olahraga seperti memancing, golf, maupun olahraga lainnya. Tidak ketinggalan Indonesian Street Festival, yang meskipun diselenggarakan setalah tanggal 17 Agustus, namun masih masuk dalam rangkaian kegiatan HUT RI. 

Acara puncak tentu saja adalah Upacara Peringatan Detik-detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI. Sejak pagi, kami telah bersiap sebagai peserta upacara dan rangkaian upacara di dalam ruangan utama KJRI NY. Upacara berlangsung singkat namun khidmat. Dan selalu, saat menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya, hati terasa bergetar dan penuh haru. Badan boleh jauh dari tanah air, tapi hati dan jiwa selalu untuk Nusantara tercinta.

acara di KJRI NY

Usai upacara, acara ramah tamah pun diisi dengan aneka makanan khas Indonesia. Tahun ini, tersedia nasi tumpeng komplit dengan urap sayuran, ayam kalasan, sambal kering tempe, telur balado plus kerupuk dan sambal. Super yuuuum!


Kalau sudah kumpul seru begini, sesi foto pun tidak kalah hebohnya.
bahkan bisa dibilang sesi foto berlangsung terus menerus tiada henti hehe.

Selfie bareng Pak Dubes et rekan-rekan kantor :)

Well, untuk acara istimewa yang hanya dilakukan setahun sekali rasanya sah-sah saja kan, apalagi bangga rasanya mengenakan pakaian khas Nusantara yang memang beraneka warna, corak dan model.
Kalau sudah begini, saya mengandalkan smartphone yang selalu dibawa kemana-mana.
Sudah sejak lama saya tidak membawa kamera DSLR yang memang lumayan berat karena lengkap dengan aneka lensanya. Padahal yang namanya sesi foto tidak pernah absen lho dari kegiatan hari-hari.

Sempet iseng melihat daftar kamera mirrorless murah yang ada di dan jadi terpikir untuk punya satu. Beberapa waktu yang lalu memang saya dan suami sempat diskusi panjang lebar sambil melihat daftar kamera mirrorless murah yang ada. Buat kami yang memang hobi fotografi, seperti ini bisa jadi pilihan yang oke. Dan begitu mampir di, jadi banyak yang dilihat karena memang pilihan barangnya seru abiiis.

Jadi pengen deh :). Mampir ke ajaaa

Hmmmm... Sepertinya oke juga untuk punya satu, tinggal minta izin my hubby. Jadi tergoda nih :).

But meanwhile, ini sebagian foto-foto keseruan kami saat perayaan hari kemerdekaan RI di NYC. 

merah putih..

Untungnya UN sedang tidak ada sidang, jadi usai upacara, kami sekeluarga mampir ke Central Park. Selain santai menikmati musim panas dan berburu 'you-know-what', kami pun foto-foto lagi :). Apalagi langit New York City sedang cerah dan cantik membiru.

Merah putih di Central Park

So, that's our little story on the 71st anniversary of Indonesia's Independence day in New York City.
What's your story on the Independence Day?

Dirgahayu, Indonesiaku.

Strolling around Plumb Beach, Brooklyn

#summerisON in New York City.
And while trying to enjoy summer break which will soon end, indeed we need to look for places where the heat is not that painfully scorching.
The beach can be one of the alternatives for that. 
Of course timing is important as well, because if you are heading to the beach in the middle of the way while the sun is burning, then we might not enjoy it at all.

Last weekend, we were escaping the heat by strolling around Plumb beach, Brooklyn, right before sunset. 

We were thinking about playing in Rockaway Beach but since we went there last summer, we stopped at Plumb Beach instead.


As we arrived just moments before sunset, we didn't swim but rather played on the beach. Bo et obi were simply running around with their water gun and pails.
I have to admit that the beach is not a typical white-sandy one and rather dirty with all those debris, but being out by the sea with beautiful sunset and the kids are the perks.

enjoying the beach

Here's a few snaps form our last stroll along the Plumb beach.

the shell...

in my purple batik :)

look what we found..

busy checking their pails :)

So, are you ready to join me strolling around Plumb Beach. Brooklyn?
Come down here :)

Join us on Skywatch Friday and have fun bloghopping while enjoying the beautiful skies from many corners of the world!

Making Strides against Breast Cancer - Kickoff Breakfast 2016

It's the time of the year again to have our Making Strides against Breast Cancer - Kickoff Breakfast 2016.

How time flew!

I still remember vividly when I joined the kickoff breakfast last year, annually held in the Marriott Marquis Hotel, Times Square.
Such a great crowd and how I was moved and inspired to do more in our fight against breast cancer.

Read my story from last year here - Kickoff Breakfast Making Strides against Breast Cancer

This year will mark my second year as breast cancer survivor.
I know, 2 is a small number.
But for me, and all the survivors, it means a lot.

I was diagnosed of stage 1C breast cancer in July 2014. 
After a long series of procedures that included mastectomy, 16 round of chemotherapy, breast reconstruction, and 25 sessions of radiation, I finally got a clean result mammogram in August 2015.

It was a huge relief but I now that I still have to continue my fight. Of course I am still under intensive observation of my oncologist and at the mean time, I am taking Tamoxifen and just started Luprol injection to manage the risks of having my cancer cells back or metastatic. It's a long road but it all starts with determination to live better and healthier.

In August 2015, while joining this breakfast event, I was crying like a baby when we lit the candle for those who have finished their battles against cancer and those, like me, who are still continuing their fight. 

This year, it was the same :)
I just can't stop the tears rolling down my cheeks as I lit the candle and held it up to pay this tribute. For sure it's happy tears, for I am so blessed to be abundantly bestowed with faith, strength and commitment to fight my fight.

me with my survivor candle :)

Just like last year, we have some inspirational speeches and videos being displayed, mostly from the survivors and the organizers. Their stories are always moving.

As you know, unfortunately, cancer is still topping the list of non-communicable diseases that kills and affects so many lives according to World Health Organization.

So, besides moving stories of survivalship, great ideas on how to participate and contribute more to the global fight against breast cancer were also shared, including some  fun fundraising ideas.

it was packed with friends and supporters

This is truly one fun and exciting event that successfully inspire more people to get involved in this global cause. It has also provides more tools and means needed to generate more support and assistance from others in our fight against breast cancer.

This year, I happily brought Bo et Obi to the breakfast meeting. They are still enjoying summer break and they're happy to come along with me.

My kids, my love, my source of undying energy to stay healthy and continue to fight!

We are ready to continue the fight

The actual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event itself will be held on Sunday, October 16, 2016. 
Like previous years, it will start at Central Park 72nd Street Bandshell and end up there as well. Registration will be open at 07:00 AM and the start time will be 08:00 AM New York Time.

I am honored to join the walk again this year. Still bearing the same group, Indonesia Ceria & Beyond, I have formally registered my group and hopefully we can have some friends coming and join me on the walk, just like 2014 and 2015. Feel free to see my story here.

And if you are willing to support my team and our global fight against breast cancer, kindly join me and please check out my team here. I hope you all can join and support me in this noble cause.

I will surely get back with more stories on this.
Stay healthy, people.
And keep the fight :)

WW: Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!

Happy 71st Anniversary of Independence to my beloved country, Indonesia.

17 Agustus 2016

Back home in Indonesia, we have so many events and activities during the celebration of the Indonesian Independence Day
How I miss those sports and traditional tournaments, flag-raising ceremonies, performances and so many more.
Here, we have the commemoration for the 71st Anniversary of Indonesia's Independence at the Indonesian Consulate General here in NYC.

One thing for sure, wherever we are, even far away from home, the love for our country will remain strong and resolute.

Happy Independence Day!

with my Ambassador and colleagues from the office :)

And we also have a special golden gift, as Indonesian badminton athletes won gold medal at the Olympics on the same day! Yaaaay..

Photo is taken from

Dirgahayu Indonesiaku
Maju terus dalam karya nyata.
Happy Independence Day Indonesia
#RI71 #KerjaNyata