7 Tipe Penumpang Kereta Api Paling Menyebalkan

Do you love traveling with trains?
I love it!
And I kinda miss it as I have not done that for a long time now.
I know my kids will love the ride as well.
No, wait. I do take subways everyday!
And subways are train, right :).
Then I do enjoy taking trains on daily basis as well as visiting some cities in distance, like I used to do back home in Indonesia.

But, taking trains can be a bit problematic if we meet some annoying passengers.
Wanna hear more about it?
I have the list of 7 type of super annoying train passengers here!

7 Tipe Penumpang Kereta Api Paling Menyebalkan

Berbicara tentang kereta api di masa lalu, Anda tentu masih ingat akan antrean tiket yang panjang, membludaknya penumpang di setiap gerbong, hingga pedagang asongan yang ikut menambah sesak sarana transportasi tersebut.

Namun kini KAI sudah banyak berbenah diri. Berbagai fasilitas terus diperbaiki secara bertahap. Mulai dari penambahan unit kereta/gerbong, rute dan lintasannya, hingga sistem pembelian tiketnya. 

Kalaupun ada beberapa hal yang masih kurang nyaman, biasanya disebabkan oleh oknum-oknum tertentu, termasuk diantaranya ulah sejumlah penumpang yang tidak tertib dan mengganggu kenyamanan.

Untuk memastikan bahwa Anda tidak termasuk dalam kategori tersebut, berikut ini 7 tipe penumpang kereta api paling menyebalkan yang wajib Anda ketahui.

1.   Menggunakan Dua Tempat Duduk Sekaligus

Kursi Kereta - Pixabay

Sebal kan kalau ada penumpang model begini!
Some passengers like to take two seats altogether indeed.
Saat melihat tempat duduk yang ada di sebelahnya tidak ditempati oleh siapa pun, penumpang tentunya akan merasa senang karena memiliki ruang lebih banyak dan bisa leluasa bergerak, meletakkan barang-barang, bahkan tidur sambil menyelonjorkan kaki.
Padahal bisa saja di beberapa stasiun selanjutnya ada penumpang lain yang akan naik dan ingin duduk di kursi tersebut. Hal itu tentunya mengganggu dan menyebalkan bagi orang lain.

2.   Berisik (Bersuara Terlalu Keras dan Terus Menerus)

Berisik - Pixabay

Naik kereta dalam waktu yang lama terkadang bisa memunculkan rasa bosan. Untuk itu, sebagian penumpang biasanya memilih untuk bercakap-cakap dengan teman satu rombongan, mengobrol dengan penumpang di sebelahnya untuk saling belajar dan berbagi, atau menelepon seseorang.

Saat sedang bertelepon atau bercakap-cakap dengan orang lain, mereka terkadang lupa untuk mengontrol volume suara. Tentu saja, hal itu bisa mengganggu penumpang lain yang sedang beristirahat, membaca, atau membutuhkan ketenangan—misalnya saat sedang menidurkan anaknya.

So please, noise control, people!

3.   Membawa Terlalu Banyak Barang

Koper - Pixabay

Pulang kampung atau liburan dengan kereta api tentu menyenangkan. Namun jika harus membawa banyak barang, tentu akan mengganggu para penumpang lain. Terlebih jika barang tersebut diletakkan di sekitar tempat duduk, seperti di bawah kaki atau di area lorong yang digunakan untuk hilir mudik penumpang kereta.

4.   Menyetel Musik Keras-keras

Menyetel Musik - Pixabay

Setiap orang biasanya memiliki lagu favorit dan musik kesukaan. Saat berada di dalam gerbong kereta, beberapa penumpang ada yang kerap menyetel musik dengan volume keras.
Baginya, musik tersebut mungkin bagus dan banyak yang suka. Padahal kenyataannya, tidak semua orang menyukai musik yang sama. Hal tersebut justru mengganggu dan juga menyebalkan.

Not everybody enjoy your super loud song list, mind you!

5.   Terlalu Lama di Antrean Pemesanan Tiket

Antrian - Pixabay

Lining up can be problematic as well!

Saat ingin memesan tiket kereta api, sebagian orang lebih memilih mengantre di loket pemesanan. Calon penumpang yang baik biasanya sudah menyiapkan kartu identitas diri, jadwal yang akan dipilih, serta uang untuk membayar pemesanan tiket.
Namun sayangnya, masih ada saja orang-orang yang belum menyiapkan semuanya, bingung mencari-cari kartu identitas diri yang entah terselip di mana, atau bahkan belum menentukan tanggal yang pasti. Akhirnya, antrean pun terasa lama sehingga membuat orang-orang di belakangnya merasa kesal.

Untuk menghindari antrean yang lama, calon penumpang kereta bisa melakukan pemesanan secara daring (online). Selain tidak perlu antre, cara pemesanan ini juga lebih praktis. Misalnya, saat pesan di Traveloka, Anda bisa melakukannya melalui ponsel pintar.
Setelah mengisi identitas penumpang, memilih jadwal dan tempat duduk, Traveloka akan mengirimkan notifikasi melalui email. Usai melakukan pembayaran via transfer, calon penumpang pun akan mendapatkan kode booking tiket kereta api sesuai jadwal yang diinginkan. Anda pun hanya perlu datang ke stasiun untuk mencetak tiket tersebut, paling tidak 2 jam sebelum keberangkatan.

6.   Bertanya Hal-hal Pribadi pada Orang yang Baru Dikenal

Percakapan - Pixabay

Mengenal orang-orang baru tentu bisa memberikan pengalaman tersendiri. Namun terkadang saat berkenalan, banyak penumpang kereta kerap terbawa suasana sehingga tidak mampu mengontrol pembicaraannya. Sejumlah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang cukup pribadi pun terlontar dan membuat penumpang lain tidak nyaman.

7.   Membawa Sesuatu dengan Bau Menyengat

Durian - Pixabay

Hampir seluruh rangkaian gerbong kereta api di Indonesia saat ini sudah dilengkapi dengan pendingin udara. Jadi, seluruh pintu dan jendela harus ditutup saat kereta berjalan.
Jika ada penumpang yang membawa sesuatu dengan bau menyengat—misalnya minyak urut, durian, atau bahkan bau badan, penumpang di sekitarnya tentu akan mudah menciumnya. Tidak jarang, aroma tersebut membuat penumpang lain merasa pusing, mual, atau bahkan ingin muntah. 
Such strong bad odors will certainly make people a bit nausea or even sick :(.
So please be considerate and avoid bringing something which have strong smell and will definitely disturb people around you.
Nah, Itu tadi 7 tipe orang paling menyebalkan di dalam kereta api. 
Jika Anda tidak ingin menjadi penumpang yang dianggap menyebalkan, sebaiknya hindari melakukan hal-hal tersebut ya. 
I hope I am not one of them!

So, happy traveling :)


WW: Empty Sky, September 11th Memorial, New Jersey

One rainy day at the solemn Empty Sky, the September 11th Memorial, located at Liberty Statue State Park, New Jersey. 

Empty Sky, New Jersey

The sign
wall with names..

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the linky party 

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Another week is here!
And NYC has gone subzero and super windy for a couple of days. 
On weekends :).

my bitmoji for this week :)

So, we just stayed at home, cooked some comfort food and binged for Stranger Things.
Really enjoyed that series.

combro to the rescue

I took the liberty to continue packing as well. And this time I concentrate on my collections of beauty products
put them all in one container :)

We have bought the Turkey Kit as well for this Thanksgiving holiday. Will do the decoration next week I guess.

Looking at the weather, the following week will be much  better.
But for sure, winter is coming.
Are you ready?
Join us on #OMHGWW Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday and get those wonderful recipes for this season!

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 Oh My Heartsie Girl How To Take Proper Care of Natural Nails 

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But Now......Lets Party....

Volunteering for 2017 TCS NYC Marathon

Let's run!

Well, try to run and jog, in my case.

I have been trying to find some exercise that I can regularly do and jogging  seems to be the best choice. I usually do it in the morning, while taking my Obi to her school. Then after a while, I feel confident to join a 5K again. Just like last year.

So, November is here and so is UN Run, or Abbott Dash to the Finish Line 5 K.
Happy to join the run with the UN team, but this year I have something new.
I decided to volunteer for the 2017 TCS NYC Marathon.

NYC Marathon.

The famous run in the city.
And probably in the world as well.
Thousands of people from all over the world joined this world-class marathon, hosted by the Big Apple. 
Since at least 70 thousand people participated, the organizer also needed many volunteers to ensure that this event was run smoothly.
Well, people might think that it was just a run, but having so many people, running for 26.2 miles for hours (at least 3 - 4 hours, except for the  winners :)), drop dead tired and still something simple like showing directions and distributing drinks or medals can be problematic. 

So, there I was. 
Joining the other volunteers to help the event a success.
My role is to stay at Finish Walk Off Zone 3.
At the very last part.

My credentials :)

As I quoted from NYRR.com, my spot will "Zone 3: Central Park-West Drive from 72nd - 77th St." And I will "direct over 50,000 runners to exits of Central Park. Congratulate marathoners, offer support, and cheer them on the way to their family and friends. Please note, this is a long shift that requires you to be standing up. Please register only if you can commit to completing the shift in its entirety."


I have read all these requirements but I didn't really know what I signed up for LOL.
Well, it was my first time and I felt like I was ready for anything.
I was :).

So there I came down to the School for Ethical Culture at Central Park West.
So full of energy and super excited, I didn't read the announcement well and ended up walking along the closed zone for the marathon LOL.
Silly me!
But the good thing is, I managed to see and cheers the kids who were running for the marathon first!

After arriving at the School, I went directly to my designated class, where I meet my friends and make new friends, plus meeting our team leader Emil.
Emil has been volunteering for 35 years!
Yes, you heard me right, 35 years!
He is such a nice guy and he deserves to get that platinum medal.

Dear Emil..

Together with other leaders and coordinators, including Jeannelle,  Emil again explained  again what to do and what not to do.


They explained further where we are going to be placed and what to expect, including some people suddenly collapsing in front of you or cursing you because they still have to walk a few miles after finishing the marathon.
This is important, because they need to ensure that the muscles and the legs shave enough 'cooling down' after running and jogging for such a long race. Otherwise, it will be dangerous!
This is a serious event and they have been doing it professionally.
I am again blessed to get the opportunity to be part of it. 

We were signed from 10.30 - 6 PM.
So at 10.30, we all went out of the School and walked along our zone, from 72nd to 79th street at Central Park West.
There are a few spots along the way and I took the post-race poncho spot, who need persons with loud voice. That is so me :).

post race ponchos..stay on the left lane :)
So I was there.
Six to seven hours standing.
Cheering the marathoners who have been done tremendous jobs.
and don't forget, directing those who want to take their ponchos (those having the poncho wristband) and those who want to pick up their bags.
It might sound super simple but having thousands of super tired people swarming at the same time can be challenging. In the beginning, it was only a few runners, but from 2 - 5 PM, those are the peak time where we have marathoners coming.

with XY and  Jiamin, plus Keith, my new friends at the spot :)

Besides cheering and directing, I helped spotting those who need medical attention and calling the medical team to those who need it. I also, surprisingly, helped the marathoners open their water bottles or pretzels. I gave my after bottles to some marathoners as well and help  directing them to the family reunion zone based on their last name.
I can imagine how tired they were after running that long!.
I saw those who were shaking but firmly wanted to continue walking.
I witnessed those who got sooo emotional holding their medals or walking slowly, hand in hand with their loved ones.
I saw those cheerfully calling their family and told them that they were okay and they made it! I also heard those who got angry with their friends who couldn't get into the zone and had to wait at family reunion zone.
See.. it was quite an experience.

good job, people!

And I did it!
So proud to be one of the volunteers for this event.
Although I was only standing there till my legs were killing me (after running 5k and storming factory outlet the day before :p), screaming on top of my lungs to cheer them and eventually use the bull horn,  I was so emotional when I got my volunteer pin as the appreciation for what I have done that day!


Aren't we all the winners that day!

So, that's my story about volunteering at the 2017 TCS NYC Marathon.
Truly an experience of a life time!
Happy to do it again next year, although I am scheduled to go home this July.
Well, you never know...I might be around the area and be able to join the event again, right!

Stay healthy, everyone :)