Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

What a week!

We had an amazing adventure this week with ASEAN Family Day and the great American Solar Eclipse 2017.

Did you manage to see the eclipse as well?
New York City has approximately 77% coverage of the Solar Eclipse, so not in the path of total solar eclipse.
For Bo et Obi, it was the first time for them to actually see the solar eclipse and we really enjoyed our 'viewing time' at Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum.

We also had so much fun during the big ASEAN Family picnic at Astoria Park.
And at the same time, we witnessed an amazing rituals of the Aztec Indians in Astoria Park as well.

How's your week?
Are ready to share some stories and enjoy the linky party we have here?

“Welcome to our Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful Wednesday” Whats Your Favorite Fall Activity 

Linky Parties have been an integral part of Oh My Heartsie Girl successfully since 2010, and have been my way to meet some awesome bloggers and if your here, you are one of the inspiring bloggers that make our parties special!!!
Linky Parties are an opportunity for us to feature other #Bloggers and #Blogwriters and for you to share what you have going on........your blogs! This Weeks Question: Did You Watch The Eclipse
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DIY Blog Challenge Flower Power

Evija Roberts | Evija With Love //DIY Blog Challenge Flower Power | Tw | Bl | G+ | Fb | Pin | In Please lick To RepinSusan B. Mead-How do you have your cake and eat it too

Susan B. Mead | Susan // Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! | Tw | Bl | Fb | In | Pin Please lick To RepinThere Are More Makeover Tips No One Told You About

Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl // There Are More Makeover Tips No One Told You About Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In

Please lick To Repin72nd Anniversary of Indonesia

Indah Nuria Savitri | 72nd Anniversary of Indonesia | Tw | Fb | Pin | In | BL Please lick To Repin
Feature Picks From Last Weeks Entires
Debby Goes Shabby Beautiful Summer Time Hat Rack

Feature Chosen by Karren// Oh My Heartsie Girl Debby Goes Shabby // Beautiful Summer Time Hat Rack

Flamingo Toes Rustic Floral Mod Podged Shelving

Feature Chosen by Karren Flamingo Toes // Rustic Floral Mod Podged Shelving Priyam Simple Joys Weave a Basket

Feature Chosen by Oh My Heartsie Girl Priyam Simple Joys Weave a Basket Refresh Living Refinished Vintage Rocking Chair with Wood and Fabric

Feature Chosen By Evija // From Evija With Love Refresh Living // Refinished Vintage Rocking Chair with Wood and Fabric

Lamberts Lately Edible Slime Finger Paint

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Lamberts Lately // Edible Slime Finger Paint

Amy Kins Blog Fresh Peach Cake

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Amy Kins Blog // Fresh Peach Cake

Marilyns Treats Peanut Butter Cup Oreo No Bake Cheesecake

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Marilyn's Treats // Peanut Butter Cup Oreo No Bake Cheesecake Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Kittchen 5 Ways-to-Make-Avocado-Toast

Feature Chosen By Indah // My Purple Love The Kittchen // 5 Ways-to-Make-Avocado-Toast
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But Now......Lets Party......

WW: the Great American Solar Eclipse 2017

Here's some snaps we took during  the Great American Solar Eclipse 2017 at NYC.
New York City got around 77% coverage and we went to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum to see this wonderful phenomenon.
I was using my iPhone 7 plus covered with the eclipse glasses and my DSLR as well.

The one I took with my iPhone :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the links

Merdeka - Photo Session a la HUT RI


lady diplomats at my Mission

We had a lovely photo session at the office in order to welcome the 72nd Independence Day of Indonesia.

Dress code: Red and White and whatever suit them fine.

Those are the colors of our national flag, sang saka Merah Putih.
Merah or red, represents bravely we all need to fight for our independence and beyond.
Putih or white, represents the sacred feeling  of being one Nation, Indonesia.

my political division :p
I chose the red outer from Anniesa Hasibuan with its matching obi with gold jersey dress from H&M (go check it at www.h&m.com as I got it on sale).
And the necklace is also made in Indonesia.

the boys..with me Ambassadors


serious style :)

                                          Anybody has done this special photo session as well?
                                          On the occasion of your country's independence day?
                                                                               Do you enjoy it?

Big Four Zero

“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”― Jalaluddin Rumi

"Selamat Ulang Tahun, Mama Indah.
Wish you all the best ❤️❤️❤️"

Pesan itu masuk ke Whatsappku pukul 1.29 AM waktu New York City.
Atau pukul 12.29 PM waktu Indonesia bagian Barat.
My hubby sent me the text from Jakarta, as he went back home temporarily to visit our family and to take care of many stuff before we are heading back home next year.

Every birthday, he sweetly tries to be the first one sending me those birthday wishes, prayers, and hugs
Simple gestures, yet it touches my heart.
And I'm forever grateful for that, munch.

Walaupun saya sukses sudah tidur dengan manis saat pesan itu masuk, setelah seharian penuh sibuk dengan pekerjaan di kantor.
Yang pasti, dia orang pertama yang saya telpon di hari itu.

Tahun ini saya genap berusia 40 tahun.
Empat puluh tahun.
Big Four Zero.
So what?
Mungkin banyak yang bertanya memangnya kenapa kalau sudah berusia 40 tahun?
Obviously I am not the only one celebrating this 40 year birthday.
But I guess, it is an important turning point to have a good self-reflection.


Apa pula itu bah!

Refleksi diri.

Semacam pijat refleksi yang enak itu?
Bukan, bukan refleksi yang satu itu, yang sampai sekarang selalu saya rindukan karena waktu di Indonesia terbukti mampu menenangkan dan menyenangkan jiwa raga.

It's more like spending time to have a frank dialogue with yourself.
Frank dialogue with yourself.

Untuk buka-bukaan dan telanjang di depan diri sendiri.
Untuk jujur pada hati nurani.
Untuk berani 'ngaca' dan perbaiki.
Untuk tanyakan pada diri seperti apa hidupku ini.
Untuk kembali minta ridha-Nya yang suci.

What have I done?
Have I contributed to my family, my country, my community, my world?
What did I do wrong?
What good things I have done?
Can I do this and that?
What's on my lists?
Am I really me?
What makes me happy? What makes me sad?
What's next?

Saya punya banyak pertanyaan.
Banyak sekali.
Namun tidak selalu ada jawabannya.

Saat mencoba jujur, saya seperti  naik roller coaster.
Diawali dengan PD bakal berani naik, terus was-was ketika tau akan naik tinggi lalu turun, terus berpikir ulang apakah saya yakin mau naik, mulai menyesal karena ternyata rasanya ada ngga enaknya juga dan tidak bisa lagi minta turun, terus karena ngga ada pilihan lain, jadi menyiapkan diri untuk segala kemungkinan.
Lalu.... pasrah ketika kereta meluncur turun dan saya hanya bisa mengikuti euforia kegilaan yang awalnya saya pilih, menjerit sekuatnya, dan coba nikmati.
Dan terakhir...ternyata saya baik-baik saya dan bahagia.
Atas izin-Nya.

Hidup pun seperti begitu.
Dari semua pilihan yang kita ambil, selalu ada masa roller coaster yang idealnya membuat kita kuat.
Yang tunjukkan bahwa kita mampu lewati tantangan dan cobaan.
Yang meski disesali, harus selalu ada jalan keluar.
Atas izin-Nya.

Di usia ke-40 tahun, Allah SWT begitu baiknya memberi saya hidup yang penuh warna.
Keluarga penuh cinta dengan segala 'kelucuannya'.
Pekerjaan yang menyenangkan meski kadang melelahkan, namun justru menjadi ajang belajar dan menemukan potensi diri.
Teman-teman luar biasa yang kerap menjadi inspirasi, baik lewat WAG, temu muka, pekerjaan, bahkan lewat kompetisi dan negosiasi.
Hobi asyik yang bikin sehat.
Dan segala kemudahan dan rezeki dalam hidup yang saya dan keluarga saya nikmati hingga kini dan semoga nanti.
Kesempatan untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik, lebih bermanfaat, lebih penuh cinta, lebih berbahagia.
Menjadi diri sendiri.
Menjadi orang yang lebih bersyukur.

Apakah saya kemudian menjadi orang yang lebih baik?
Istri, ibu, anak buah, pekerja, teman, saudara yang yang lebih baik?
Frankly, saya tidak tau.
Dan saya pun (mungkin) tidak perlu mendapat jawaban dari pertanyaan itu.
Saya hanya yakin bahwa saya akan selalu berusaha untuk  menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Apapun jalan terjal yang harus dilalui.

Saya pernah capek dengan semua yang saya jalani, lho.
Jenuh dengan orang-orang yang saya temui setiap hari.
Letih dengan ritual penting buat orang (sok) penting yang harus saya jalani,
Tidak puas dengan hasil kerja sendiri meski sudah gila-gilaan menyelesaikannya
Dan iri dengan kebahagiaan orang lain.
Yang seringkali terlihat sederhana, with no efforts, tapi begitu bahagia.
Lepas dan bebas.

Ah, manusia. Memang tidak pernah puas ya.
Termasuk saya.

Tapi jujur, semua ini justru membuat saya mencari-Nya.
Saya bukan orang yang religious.
Dan saya tidak mau,- tepatnya tidak bisa,- pura-pura menjadi orang yang religious. 
Saya mau jadi orang baik yang taat pada pilihan agamanya.
Bukan karena paksaan.
And I know it's probably one of the best way ahead.
It is.
Dan saya mau serta harus terus belajar untuk menjadi Indah yang lebih baik.
Untuk tau jalan dan skenario terbaik dari sang Gusti.
Untuk menjadi hamba-Nya yang tau berterima kasih.
Untuk selalu sabar, ridho dan ikhlas untuk segala pengaturan-Nya.

Segitu aja self-reflection-nya, Indah?

Sebenernya masih banyak sih, tapi nanti aja deh tulisnya :).
In another chapter.
Sekarang saya mau menikmati hari nan cerah di New York City dengan mama dan Bo et Obi. Boleh ya.

So, how do you like being 40?
I will definitely enjoy the road ahead.
Happy 40th birthday, Indah.


Salam hangat dari Astoria, New York, yang sumuk tapi bikin happy, karena saya jadi bisa pakai baju barong Bali ungu kesayangan yang sudah bolong itu :).

Along the Border - Mota'ain, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

I am still celebrating Indonesia's Independence Day this month.
So, allow me to post some pictures I have taken during my trips in my beloved homeland.
This time, let me take you the Eastern part of Nusa Tenggara, particularly along the border of Indonesia and Timor-Leste.

Along the road in Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara

As I have shared in Wajah Indonesiaku: Perjalanan Menyusuri Daerah Terluar RI #1 (I wrote it in Bahasa Indonesia, hopefully I can share it in English one day), I was lucky to be able to explore the other parts of my country.

I am always amazed by the clear blue sky above my head.
Reminding me how blessed we are to live in this beautiful earth.
I can't help but sending my prayers and gratitude to my Rabb for all this breathtaking beauty.

I wrote the story about Tanjung Bastian, Atambua, NTT, before.
Its unique coast line and clear blue sky is such a refuge for me.

I wish this beautiful place will remain pristine and beautiful!

Join me on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the magnificent sky wherever you are

72nd Anniversary of Indonesia's Independence

Happy 72nd Anniversary, Indonesiaku

August 17.
That's when Indonesia celebrates its Independence Day.
After being colonized by Dutch for approximately 350 years, finally, Soekarno and Muhammad Hatta proclaimed our independence on August 17th, 1945.

This year is my 4th year celebrating our Independence Day in New York City.
You know well how different it feels to celebrate such auspicious day when you are away from home.

This year, we have the morning celebration at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in NYC.
Certainly, my family and I went there to attend the celebration.
Although early in the morning I have the kick-off breakfast for Making Strides against Breast Cancer at Marriott Marquis Hotel Times Square, but I managed to meet my mom and the kids before heading to the Consulate General.
We made it right on time, when the ceremony was about to begin.

The morning celebration is open to all Indonesians and friends of Indonesia who would love to attend.
Back home in Indonesia, we have the ceremony all across the country.
We usually have the flag-raising ceremony, including in the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, but in NYC, as we are doing it inside the room, we have different protocol arrangement.

After solemnly celebrate the Independence Day, we continued the gathering with photo sessions and enjoying the refreshment.

with the big family of Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the UN and the Consul General

My mom, Obi, and I wore the red ensemble adorned with Tapis Lampung, the traditional hand-woven fabrics from my hometown Lampung. The traditional pattern of pucuk rebung is the one we chose. My mom and Obi wore dresses while I wore kebaya kutu baru as my top.  Kebaya is also one of our national dresses.

In red, beautifully adorned with Tapis Lampung.

We certainly have the traditional Nasi Kuning with all its condiments (read the RECIPE here :)) and some other Indonesian traditional munchies. 

I was so busy catching up with friends and colleagues, I didn't take really take picture of those yummy food. But most importantly, we all gathered with the same spirit to continue our fight for our country, wherever we are

 We all are grateful to have the independent Indonesia and amidst the fact that we have been independent for quite sometimes, we still have a lot of home works at home.
We will continue to strive for a better future. 
For a better Indonesia.

Dirgahayu Indonesia
My beloved homeland, always.