Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Happy Ramadhan once again to all my dearest Moslem brothers and sisters wherever you are.

It has almost been 5 days now and as always, the first week will be the toughest, particularly as we fasted for around 16.5 hours. But again, as we have set our heart on it, it should be manageable to curb your hunger, thirst, as well as managing your patience, forging pure heart and soul.

I am happy that my kids are learning it well, as Bo et Obi joined our fasting days and did good so far.

One of the best thing of Ramadhan is the fact that we spend more quality time as one big family, over the meal, extra prayers and dua.

And now, let me invite you to our weekly linky party with OMHGWW :)

“Welcome to our Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful Wednesday” Linky Party of 2017 an opportunity for us to feature other #Bloggers and #Blogwriters and for you to share what you have going on your blogs!

All Features Are Pinned-And Shared on Social Media!!

Our Special Kind Message
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. ~ Washington Irvinghat I
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Our Hostesses Share Our Party On Their Blogs~ Hope You Will Visit and Get To Know Them! From Evija With Love Bathroom Makeover Part 1

Evija Roberts | Evija With Love // Bathroom Makeover Part 1 | Tw | Bl | G+ | Fb | Pin | In Please lick To RepinSusan B Mead Writers Contest

Susan B. Mead | Susan // Writer's Contest | Tw | Bl | Fb | In | Pin Please lick To Repin
A Complete Makeover-Oh My Heartsie Girl

Karren | Oh My Heartsie Girl //A Complete Makeover-Oh My Heartsie Girl Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In Please lick To Repin
Indah Nuria Savitri | Martabak | Tw | Fb | Pin | In | BL Please lick To Repin
Feature Picks From Last Weeks Entires
Rain on a Tin Roof DIY Outdoor Daybed 

Feature Chosen By Evija // From Evija With Love Rain on a Tin Roof // DIY Outdoor Daybed Creating a daybed for our screened porch Please lick To Repin FLoral Divider The Softer Side of Patriotic Decor A Bathtub filled with blue, pink and white flowers 

Oh My Heartsie Girl Feature Pick Pennys Treasures //The Softer Side of Patriotic Decor The Softer Side of Patriotic Decor A Bathtub filled with blue, pink and white flowersPlease lick To Repin FLoral DividerFlamingo Toes Hello-Summer-Retro-Style-Hoop-Art 

Feature Pick Chosen by Karren// Oh My Heartsie Girl Flamingo Toes // Hello-Summer-Retro-Style Hoop Art Creating Art with embroidery with fabric and thread is just sweet!Please lick To Repin
FLoral DividerHello Nature Grilled-Pudding-Dessert-Burrito 
Feature Chosen By Susan/ Susan B. Mead Hello Nature // Grilled-Pudding-Dessert-Burrito We all use a BBQ to grill our meal how about being creative with desserts from the grill Please lick To Repin FLoral DividerRepurposed Washer Tub Into a Planter or Faux Firepit 
Pennys Treasures // Repurposed Washer Tub Into a Planter or Faux Fire-Pit Penny used a stainless washtub and turned it in a shabby faux Fire Pit Please lick To Repin FLoral DividerWonderfully Made Napkin Decorated Pallet Wall 

Wonderfully Made //Napkin Decorated Pallet Wall A wall decorated by using decorative paper napkins....Beautiful! Please lick To Repin FLoral DividerDuct Tape and Denim 4th of July Banner 

Feature Chosen by Oh My Heartsie Girl Duct Tape and Denim // 4th of July Banner Use those jeans your ready to throw away to cut up and make into a fun patriotic bannerPlease lick To Repin
FLoral DividerLiving Lavida Holokoa // Shrimp Ceviche Cups 

Feature Pick Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Living Lavida Holokoa // Shrimp Ceviche Cups Shrimp Ceviche Cups are made with pastry puffs and cooked shrimp tomatoes, red onion, avocado and a squeeze of limePlease lick To Repin
In The Bag Giveaway-Oh My Heartsie Girl Ends June 23rd 

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You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Garden Ideas, Tablescapes Outdoor Decor, Recipes, Reviews, Giveaways or Challenges... As Many Links As You Would Like To Share Only One Rule ~ All we ask is that you Use #OMHGWW in Your Comment or add #OMHGWW to a Tweet Tweet Our Party To Help Us Grow! And Thank you!
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But Now......Lets Party....

WW : Niagara Falls, New York

Completing our journey to the Niagara Falls, we visited the American and Bridal Veils Falls at the US side.

It was cloudy that day, but it didn't stop us from enjoying this wonderful Park.

It's the same majestic feeling of looking at those rumbling Falls and clear water.

Crossing the border is only around 15 minutes from our hotel in the Canadian side, so we stopped at the US side on our last day of the trip.

         Join us in (almost) Wordless Wednesday  and enjoy fabulous links!


Martabak Mini - Pan-fried Stuffed Flatbread

Hello again!
Time for more recipe from home.
As Ramadhan is here, it's always good to cook some savory bites for Ifthar, the time where we can break our fast.

And Martabak is another famous all-time dishes in Indonesia. 

I'm not pretty sure how to translate martabak in English. Perhaps it doesn't have the exact word for that but what I can think of is the flatbread. It might not be the same but as you will see this food later, tell me what you think is the best name for it :).

Back home in Indonesia, many love the sweet martabak, like tick pancake with chocolate, crushed nuts, and cheese fillings. Almost in many big corners in the streets of Jakarta, we have this special food cart selling sweet martabak.

But my family loves the savory one.
It is surely different from the sweet version but it tastes heavenly. Some say that this typical food is originated from the Middle East, but get some adjustments when arrived in Asia, particularly in Indonesia.

I have to say we have many types of savory martabaks as well. The difference is on the fillings and the sauce. One might have either meat, mutton, or chicken fillings, mixed with eggs and boiled potatoes.We can eat it with a special sauce, made of palm sugar, tamarind, garlic, and chili, or rather a runny curry sauce or even just with pickled cucumbers and shallots.

my simple version of martabak :)

What I am about to share with you is the super simple one. Something that we can swiftly manage to cook at home but still have the exquisite taste of the famous martabak. I don't make the pastry myself as I use the ready-made spring rolls pastry. It's yummy and safe so much time :).

Are you ready?

Let's start with the ingredients:

Minced chicken - 250 gr. Feel free to substitute it with beef, mutton or no meat at all.
Spring roll pastry - easily found in oriental or asian market.
Soy sauce - 1 teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce - 1 teaspoon
Sesame oil - if desired, 1 teaspon
Salt - as needed
Pepper - as needed
Nutmeg  - as needed
Sugar - as needed
Eggs - 4
Potatoes - 2 big ones
Shalots - thinly sliced
Onions - finely chopped
Spring onions - thinly sliced

How to cook:

First,  we boil the potatoes until they are soft enough. Peel the skin and cut them into small cubes.

Then for the filling, mix the minced chicken with soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, nutmeg powder and sugar as you like it. If desired, you can also add sesame oil. Then whisk the eggs, add the cube boiled potatoes and mix them all with the spiced mince chicken until the mixture is well mixed and thick/sticky.

Get your skillet cooking pan ready.
Now, to cook it, you can either pan fry it or deep fry it. I usually do the pan fried version because it's less oily. 

So take a spoonful of the filling into the pastry and fold it into a nice square. Put it on the skillet, which has been preheated with oil or butter. Cook it until it's golden brown. I usually use low heat and turn it over several time until it is well cooked. Sometimes, to get a crispier pastry, I put the pastry on the skillet first, let it cook for 2-3 seconds, then put a spoonful of filling and quickly fold it into square with the help of spatula. Cook it until it's golden brown.

You can it it with chili sauce or fresh chili.
Or if you do have some extra time, you can also prepare acar or cucumber, carrots and shallot pickles using apple vinegar, salt and sugar. Acar will be the perfect garnish for this martabak.

Hope you enjoy this simple recipe.
Cocok banget lho buat menu berbuka puasa karena buatnya mudah dan cepat. Buat kami yang tidak punya kemewahan jajan di warung atau makanan bukaan kaki lama yang banyak bermunculan di tanah air (duuuh rindunya :)...), maka resep sederhana ini bisa jadi obat kangen untuk jajanan enak di Indonesia.

Happy Ramadhan to those who observe it and happy cooking to you all .


Check out more of my stories at #Steller :)

Marhaban yaa Ramadhan

Welcoming the holy month of Ramadhan is always such an emotional moment for me.

Ramadhan, one holy month, when the door of Jannah, heaven, is open and so is Allah SWT's forgiveness. The only thing we need to conquer is our biggest enemy, our own self.

Entah kenapa saya suka mendadak cengeng menyambut bulan suci Ramadhan.
Dada mendadak sesak karena bersyukur banget bisa bertemu lagi dengan bulan suci.
Juga rindu keluarga besar tercinta, terutama Mama.
Dan tanah air tersayang yang selalu penuh dengan cerita khas dan unik saat umat Muslim menjalankan ibadah wajib setiap tahunnya.

Kalau ingat betapa hidup penuh dengan misteri, di mana maut menjadi salah satu rahasia terbesar-Nya, kita memang tidak pernah tau kapan kita akan berjumpa lagi dengan bulan penuh berkah ini. Apalagi saya yang pernah dekat dengan maut saat mendapat pelajaran dari-Nya.

Karena itulah kesempatan untuk bisa lebih khusuk tundukkan kepala, perbanyak sujud, dan mohon ampunan-Nya  tidak mau saya lewatkan begitu saja. Sebagai manusia biasa yang penuh alpa dan jauh dari sempurna, rasanya mendekatkan diri pada-Nya hanya di bulan suci ini pun tidak akan mampu menghapus dosa yang begitu bertumpuk. Tapi kita manusia, hamba-Nya, harus selalu berupaya untuk mengejar surga-Nya, untuk tunduk dan taat akan perintah-Nya. Yang pastinya akan membawa kebaikan baik di dunia maupun akhirat nantinya.

New York City dengan segala gemerlapnya bisa membuat siapa saja, termasuk saya, lupa akan hakikat hidup yang sebenarnya. 
Betapa hidup ini hanya dari-Nya dan untuk-Nya.

Marhaban yaaa Ramadhan.
Bantu aku menjadi hamba-Nya yang lebih baik.

I can never thank my Rabb enough for the endless blessings bestowed upon me and my family all this year. Every day, since the first second we open our eyes and till the day ends.
So when we are once again given the special time to purify our hearts and souls, we should definitely take this chance.

To all my moslem family, brothers and sisters, 
wishing you all a blessed and wonderful Ramadhan.

Sea of clouds

I haven't really get a chance to write full stories of my last trip to the Caribbean. 
Not to mention our last spring break road trip ;).

But for sure, happy to share some of the photos I took during my Caribbean trip.
And this sea of clouds is one of them, taken while I was leaving Barbados heading to New York City. 

Although I managed to visit at least three beautiful beaches at Barbados, it was not complete as I have so many things I want to do in this wonderful country, including its underwater world. But right now, I am happy to enjoy its shore lines and deep blue sea.
From above.

Feels like swimming in the clouds, touching them :).
Do you like watching the sky as well?

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy wonderful skies from different corners of the world