Annecy in blue

"Only from the heart can you touch the sky"  

Annecy in blue, only for you

Enjoy the clear blue sky at Annecy, France

Join us on Skywatch Friday et get lost in the majestic skies above us all

Museum of Moving Image, Astoria, NYC

New York City is indeed packed with so many interesting places and landmarks to visit. 
Some of them are one of a kind, something that you can only find in the Big Apple.
The rest are something too good to miss, although most of us are easily overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of this Gotham city.

One of the places that my family loves to visit is the Museum of Moving Image, Astoria, NYC

Have you been to this museum?
I know that op-notch and world-class museums are surely the highlights of NYC, and the Museum of Moving Images is one of the them.

museum of moving image

A lot to see, to learn and to try!

I believe movies have become an important part of our lives. 
Not only do they provide entertainment and fun times,  but movies have been frequently used as effective tools for education, culture preservation, as well as social movement and other noble purposes.

So, having Museum of Moving Images situated near our house is really a privilege. 

And it's great to know that this museum is the only one in the United States dedicated to the history, art, and development of moving images, particularly in the US.

Located in Astoria, near Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High School and Kaufman Astoria Studio, this Museum is the home of approximately 130,000 artifacts related to the development of moving images from time to time.

You'll be surprise and surely excited to see those collections of cameras, microphones, wigs, statues, posters, sound and special effects and more properties used in producing moving images, including stop motions and movies. 
Surely there are tons of things to do, as well as tools and skills required, behind the scene before we can enjoy a movie or even a stop motion!

museum of moving image - behind the screen
Behind the screen - the exhibition

When we went there as a group, we were welcomed in its beautiful and spacious auditorium. There the kids (and the chaperons) were introduced briefly about this museum which was first open for public in 1988. 

museum of moving image - auditorium
The auditorium

We then followed the tour where we saw the Behind the Screen exhibition, where thousands of interesting, on-of-a-kind artifacts related to the producing process of movies from different period of time.

remember this?

The mutoscopes from 1899 and 1930s

We saw different kind of cameras and  projectors, mutoscopes (that's the first time I have heard of it :)) as well as all those various equipments for sound recording, as well as costumes (and different kinds of wigs!), models, molds and more.
All of them are displayed with their interesting history and development of those gadgets and technologies all these years.

And don't forget to see the Special Effect section!
Interesting display they have here!
We saw the full-size dummy used in the Exorcist movie, with that scary grin and horrible look just like in the movie! It's one being used to show Regan MacNeil (the girl played by Linda Blair) rotated her head 360 degrees! I know..that famous scene!

Don't forget to try making your own stop motion or try to compose a horror sound effect :).
My kids love them!

Our tour guide showed us how to do it and the kids didn't wait for too long to try making stop motion themselves. It looked simple as we have all the tools needed but I know exactly how complicated it really is, particularly if you combine all those details.

They also have movie screenings. As I read in its website, the Museum screens approximately 400 movies each year, showing a mix of classic and contemporary collections.

When I visited this museum, it was with my kids' school and it costs us $8 per person, with Charlie Chaplin's movie screening. It was great indeed! 

All in all, it was a great visit to a wonderful museum.
Not only that we learned a great deal of new knowledge and information, but it was full of fun and very entertaining as well.

So, if you get a chance, come and visit the Museum of Moving Image, Astoria, NYC.
36-01 35th Ave, Queens, NY 11106

It closes on Mondays and Tuesdays and don't forget to check its opening hours as it has different schedules.

The tickets cost $15 for adults, $7 for youth aged 3 - 17 and $11 for students as well as senior citizens. With NYC ID, I think we can get in here for free.
Go check for more information.

Have fun!

International Women's Day 2017

Cheers to all the women in the world!

Happy International Women's Day.

The International Women's Day is celebrated every March 8.

The remarkable achievements and valuable contributions of women from every corner of the world, at every level, are cherished. Many have been achieved, as more and more women across the globe are empowered and have enjoyed better education, more decent works, more civil and political rights, and better health, among others. Women's rights are at the center of many policies and initiatives, be it at the national, regional and global level.

The 2017 commemoration of the IWD

Nevertheless, at the same time, we fully realize and recognize the daunting challenges faces by women and girls in many corners of the world, ranging from discrimination and inequality at the work field to extreme poverty and domestic violence. Too often women pay greater price and face far greater risks in many aspects of life, including at home, in the community, or in public space.

Here at the UN, UN Women, or the United Nations Entity for Gender  Equality and the Empowerment of Women, this day serves as the vivid remind of the constant struggle and continued efforts in ensuring better and dignified life for all women and girls. As the UN body mandated to ensure gender equality and empowerment, UN Women sure has a lot to work on, together with governments, civil society organizations, and women themselves, in order to realize those goals.

The theme for 2017 IWD is Women in the changing world of work: Planet 50-50 by 2030.

We had a series of panel discussions featuring many inspiring panelists, including Anne Hathaway on her capacity as the Global Goodwill Ambassador.

The Goodwill Ambassador, Anne Hathaway (photo was taken from

We also have many speakers from various business and organizations such as Google, LinkedIn, Airbnb, CONNECT and WIEGO, speaking and sharing food for thoughts on the changing environment affecting women and the challenges entailed.

Flawlessly moderated by Sade Baderinwa from ABC News, the commemoration has openly discussed about the strategies towards gender parity and further women empowerment in many fields. And how women continue to strive and stand up for her rights.

Menjadi perempuan memang penuh dengan tantangan.
Baik itu di kantor, di komunitas dan lingkungan masyarakat, maupun di dalam keluarga.
Terkadang, saya berpikir apakah apa yang saya harus lalui untuk meraih cita-cita, karir yang lebih baik dan kehidupan yang nyaman, sama beratnya dengan yang dialami rekan pria saya. dulu, tidak jarang saya membatin,"enak ya jadi laki-laki...tidak perlu repot melakukan ini itu, tidak perlu merasakan ini itu, bisa fokus pada karir ....," dan sebagainya. 

But then,  I realize bahwa menjadi perempuan adalah anugrah luar biasa!

Saya yakin dan percaya kalau perempuan memang diciptakan untuk menjadi sosok hebat yang  mampu melewati aneka tantangan dalam berbagai fase hidupnya. Mulai dari kecil, beranjak dewasa, berkarir, berumah tangga, hingga menikmati masa tua. Sejak kecil kita ditempa untuk menjadi sosok mandiri yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain, terutama keluarga dan orang terdekat, dengan kasih sayang dan kelembutan hati. 

Saya bersyukur banget diberi kesempatan untuk belajar memasak sejak kecil dan bertanggung jawab menyiapkan sarapan untuk keluarga hingga saya kuliah. Belum lagi kewajiban lain untuk menjaga adik-adik, membantu membersihkan rumah dan lainnya. Dan itu semua tidak mengurangi semangat saya untuk belajar dan terus belajar berbagai ilmu dan keahlian yang saya sukai sekaligus aktif di berbagai kegiatan dan organisasi di sekolah, kampus dan di mana pun saya berada. Saya yakin tempaan sejak kecil ini membuat kita menjadi sosok perempuan yang tidak mudah menyerah dan selalu berupaya menjadi yang terbaik. Tinggal memastikan bahwa kita memiliki kesempatan untuk terus mengembangkan diri, menjadi yang terbaik dan memberi kontribusi positif kepada dunia. 

Well, back to IWD, here's the short video from UN Women on the event this year.

So, chin up. 
Keep the spirit high.
I believe, women are naturally blessed with strength and versatility. 
Thus, women have so much potentials and opportunities to further develop and benefit from the constantly changing world.

I sincerely hope we can achieve more in ensuring gender equality and women empowerment.

To all the women in the world!

WW: Luzern in a glimpse


Let me take you to Luzern, the German-speaking part of Switzerland, famous for its gorgeous natural landscape, Kapellbrücke, the Lion Monument and more historical landmarks.

Will be back with more stories, while you are catching Luzern in a glimpse :).

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy more great links at Wordless Wednesday headquarters!

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls


Good to be back...

Coming back to NYC, my week has been very colorful.

Packed with meetings and social gatherings, my visit to Geneve has been super tiring yet rewarding. As I said, the meetings were very intense as it is the main session of the Human Rights Council.

the 34th session of the Human Rights Council 

Nevertheless, we had a wonderful multicultural party at the end of the first week of the Human Rights Council and we were more than happy to display the beautiful traditional clothes of Indonesia. I proudly wore Tapis Lampung, from my beloved hometown.

On top of that, I managed to visit Luzern, one of the beautiful cities along the German side of Switzerland. More stories on this trip will indeed coming!

And now it's March already! Are you ready to have more fun with me and all the co-hosts in our weekly linky party? 

“Welcome to our Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful Wednesday” Linky Party of 2017 and we hope you enjoy our features for great blogs that linked up with us from last week’s party.

We’re happy to have you join us to share what you have going on in your world!!

A Word of Kindness To Start Our Week
We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects. ~ Herman Melvillereat
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 Last Week on Wonderful Wednesday » Here 2/28/2016 « :Be Notified When This Party Starts Each Week Click Here You Can Unsubscribe Anytime:
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DIY Vintage Herb Garden (Pin To Your Favorite Board)
Christine Mello | Light And Savvy // DIY Vintage Herb Garden Tw | In | FB | Pin My Purple World Thai Phuket Restaurant In Geneve
Thai Phuket Restaurant In Geneve (Pin To Your Favorite Board) Indah Nuria Savitri | Thai Phuket Restaurant in Geneva | Tw | Fb | Pin | In | BL
Searching for Significance  

Searching for Significance (Pin To Your Favorite Board) Susan Mead | Susan B Mead // Searching Significance | Tw | Bl | Fb | In | Pin
Two Chicks and A Mom 

Chicken Broccoli Casserole (Pin To Your Favorite Board)
Oh My Heartsie Girl-5 Ideas For A More Inviting Living Room 

5 Ideas For A More Inviting Living Room (Pin To Your Favorite Board)
Karren | Oh My Heartsie Girl // 5 Ideas For A More Inviting Living Room Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In From Evija With Love  

Thrift Store Swap Shopping (Pin To Your Favorite Board)
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Feature Picks From Last Weeks Entires
FLoral Divider Penny's Treasures Spring Wreath and Porch 

The Turquoise Home Easy DIY Throw Pillows 

Feature Pic by Indah // My Purple World The Turquoise Home // Easy DIY Throw Pillows (Help Us Share By Re-Pinning) FLoral Divider 
Feature Pic by  Homestead Distressed and Painted Furniture Inspired By Balayage Feature Pic by Evija // Evija With Love (Help Us Share By Re-Pinning) The Homestead // Distressed and Painted Furniture Inspired By Balayage FLoral Divider Find it Fix It or Build It Diy Coffee Tabel for $8 In Lumber 

 Feature Pic by Christine // Light and Savvy Find it Fix It or Build It // Diy Coffee Table for $8 In Lumber

  Feature Pic by Donna // Two Chicks and a Mom My Suburban Kitchen // St. Patricks Marshmallow Pops (Help Us Share By Re-Pinning) FLoral Divider Living on Cloud Nine Shamrock Cookie Cups 

 Feature Pick by Karren Oh My Heartsie Girl Living on Cloud Nine // Shamrock Cookie Cups (Help Us Share By Re-Pinning) FLoral Divider The Scrap Shoppe Crystallized-Egg-Vases  

Feature Pic by Karren Oh My Heartsie Girl
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