Ready for Trick or Treat?

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored post but all stories and opinion are 100% my own.

Trick or treat...

One of the exciting thing about October is Halloween.
Well.. I know all the controversy about it back home but for me, it's just one day filled with costumes and walk around the neighborhood with my kids :).

So.. Are you ready?

Many of us here in Astoria, NYC, are!
I have seen some elaborated yards, ranging from super creepy-cemetery look  to super cute wicked-witched toppled down from her broom. Not to mention spiderwebs and stack of jack-o-lantern here and there. Very festive!
Love to see them all.

This year will be the third Halloween for us here in NYC. I remember the first one back in 2014, when I was in the middle of chemotherapy. Weak because of the drugs I had to take during the chemo, we only managed to walk for one block. After that, I sat on our porch with a large pail full of chocolate waiting for the kids to grab them. In 2015, I managed to have a long walk with my kids around my neighborhood. This year, we might join or at least watch the annual Halloween parade in East Village, NYC. Super excited indeed.

As for the home, we don't really do much but we have a touch of Halloween in our mini front yard. Not much but it's there :).

So now... let's see what's on the costume department :).

2014, I chose to be pinky girl, while Obi was snow white and Bo went out as a ninja.

In 2015, I had fun being a wicked witch with green face and purple hat, while Obi was beautifully donning Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony, and Bo was again a ninja.

This year, I have decided to be Fallen Angel, while Obi has chosen to be little cat and Bo will be the pirate :). I haven't really decided on the make-up but I got some ideas already. So, we'll see.

here are our choices for this year...

And Halloween is not complete without candy
Chocolate, candy, pretzels and mini Halloween-related items...
Those are our favorite :).

a lot to choose :)

Last year we had quite a moderate amount of chocolate, candy and  other Halloween items, like fake fangs, masks, and petit Halloween decoration. 

Speaking about candy, I usually make sure that we have enough, but not too much for the kids. Once in a year it will be okay, I suppose.

And now, here are a few tips for a safe trick or treat this Halloween.

Stay safe and alert

On the street, around your neighborhood, wherever you and your kids are, we have to stay alert.
Kids tend to be so excited and they don't really pay attention to the surroundings. So it's better to accompany your young children or ensure that someone old enough will take care of them.

We have to be careful when crossing the street and be extra cautious and watch where the kids going. Watch out for the traffic, too.

As it's usually going to be dark, carrying a flashlight might be handy for you and the kids.

Watch what you grab and eat

Those chocolate and sweet stuff might be super tempting for the kids, but we have to be careful with food allergies.
Many of those Halloween food products have peanuts and/or gluten. It will be best to ensure the kids know exactly what their allergies are.

What I have done so far is that we bring all the candy and chocolate home then they can eat it at home instead of while we are walking around.

Another thing that we have to mindful of is the expiry dates. Sometimes, some candy and food are from last year and pass their expiry dates. Always good to check things out first. 

Mind the weather

It's the end of October. In many places, temperature drops already. Just like here in New York City.

So, to be on the safe side, better make sure that the costumes will be warm enough, especially for the kids. We don't want them to catch cold or even nastier flu just because of that. 

Have fun

Of course, the most important thing about this annual event is that you do have fun with your kids, family and friends. With all the necessary preparation, we should all have a lovely and enjoyable night.
Staying safe during Halloween should be manageable.

So, are you ready for trick-or-treating?
Get your candy, costumes and enjoy!

Have a blast!

WW: Fall Foliage at Lake Tiorati, NY

Enjoying Fall?

Me, too!
Definitely love to drive around the Seven Lakes Drive to enjoy Fall foliage this year.

We stopped by near Lake Tiorati, New York, to enjoy the falling leaves..

so serene...

Simply can't get enough of the lovely ambience we saw along the way.

beautiful colors..

feels like taking pictures all the time :)

how do you enjoy your Fall?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun bloghopping :)

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Time flies!
Feels like only yesterday I have noted the beginning of the 8th month of the year in the calendar and now we are nearing the end of October.

We truly enjoyed the Fall foliage here in NYC.

Exploring the Seven Lakes Drive and taking pictures with the gorgeous autumn ambience.

For sure... Halloween is also coming!
And so are cold, wintery days :) 

Kids get super excited and simply can't wait to try all those costumes and accessories they get this year. I keep saying to them to be patience, as they keep asking about it every day.
Wait until the time is coming.
And anticipate it with even more excitement and spirit.

Rumi is right.
 "Patience is the key of joy"

And now...wait no more!
As Wednesday is approaching, it's time for our weekly linky party here at My Purple World with Oh My Heartsie Girls.
Ready to check out all those great links on favorite recipes, DIY, tips and tricks, and so many more that we love to see?

“Welcome to Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful” Wednesday’s »
This is our 42nd Linky Party in 2016 and it our purpose to share with you some great blogs that linked up with us from last week's party. And this week we have so many great fall ideas and recipes, we hope you will enjoy! Then for you to join us and share what you have going on your blogs.
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We Hope While You Party With Us, You will follow our Hostesses!
The Autumn Leaves-My Purple World 

 Dinner in the Pumpkin-Two Chicks and A Mom 

Diy-Doers-Goveaway-Final- From Evija With Love 

You Have Never Seen So Many Shoe Styles-For So Many Occasions 

Feature Picks From Last Weeks Entires

We Would Love It If You Would Pin Your Favorite - Opens In A New Window

Boo-Yah-Cute-Ghostie-Halloween-Hoop-ARt-Flamingo Toes 


  Creamy-Autumn-Pumpkin-Pasta /Strength and Sunshine 

  Pennys Vintage Faux Pumpkin  

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Disclaimer for OMHGWW 

But Now.....Open for a Week you are welcome to share all posts, YES, Linky Parties and Giveaways. Comments Are Appreciated after Linking Up!!

Let us know that you are following us so we can do the same! You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Tablescapes, Garden Ideas, Recipes, Reviews, Giveaways or Challenges, As many as you like. Tweet Our Party To Help Us Grow! And Thank you!
If you missed our party last week you can check it out Here 10/19/2016

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday

Let's Party!!….

Here's the Party Linky

Indonesian Film Week New York 2016

Heloooo everyone..

Have anything special for weekend?

Here in New York, I was blessed to get the opportunity to enjoy Indonesian Film Week New York 2016!

Super excited indeed!
Last two weeks, I managed to join the Indonesian Movie Sampling and Coffee Tasting.
And I just shared the story now ;)

Sudah lamaaaaaa banget saya ngga nonton film Indonesia. Well, at least sejak kami pindah ke New York.
Sesekali nonton di YouTube dan Netflix ( pernah ketemu 1 film laga Indonesia yang subtitles-nya Bahasa Inggris).
Dan dari postingan teman-teman di tanah air, ada banyak film Indonesia yang keren abis! Jadi pengen bangeeet nonton kaaan :)

That's why.. Saat tahu akan ada pekan film Indonesia di New York, saya tidak mau ketinggalan dong!

Langsung klik linknya and get the tickets.
Awalnya saya diinfokan oleh teman-teman di KJRI dan juga di Indonesian Film Forum NYC.

Then they sent me an email, with all the information, as quoted down here:
Indonesian Film Week New York 2016  (IFWeNY2016) is two days event to introduce and promote the Indonesian films in New York, An Introduction to Indonesian Cinema. A movie sampling and coffee tasting on October 8 & 9, 2016, will feature films with  different genres work of 9 Indonesian directors who have won or nominated in several prestigious international film festival. And enjoy our coffee and food tasting event as part of our introduction to beautiful Indonesia.
IFWeNY 2016 is supported by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia - New York "
Seruuuuu kan!

Meskipun sudah lebih dari 2 tahun tinggal di NYW, namun ini kali pertama saya nonton festival film di New York City.

Jadi ada film apa sajaaa di festival tahun 2016 ini? 

Banyak! Dan keren-keren :)

Here are some of the movies being screened:
Filosofi Kopi
Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses
A Copy of My Mind
Someone's Wife on the boat of Someone's Husband
The Fox Exploits the Tiger's Might
The Land Beneath the Fog
See.. A lot to choose indeed!

the tickets..
I only managed to watch 2 of them, Filosofi Kopi and Peculiar Vacation. Actually I also watched bit of A Copy of My Mind as well but as the movie is R-rated and I had Obi coming with me at that time, so I decided to stop watching :).

To me, Filosofi Kopi is really awesome. 
I have watched it partially in YouTube before but this full version is indeed much more beautiful. I love the plot, the stars, the cinematography...everything!
And the conflict built in that movie is so close to our heart. How the journey to find the best coffee in Indonesia brought you to the journey to find your own inner peace and lost soul! Bravoooo Angga Dimas Sasongko :). Ngga nyesel rasanya nonton film ini lagi dan lagi. Keren abis soalnya. Abis itu baristanya memang super keren hihihi. Jadi inget jaman masih ber-barista ria di Melbourne :).

As for the Peculiar Vacation and other illnesses, I found this movie quite interesting as well. Unique...very different. And the language used is Javanese instead of Bahasa Indonesia :). Yoseph Anggi Noen, the director, tried to capture the daily lives of two Javanese workers, Ning et Mur, who found love during a long drive on windy roads up to the mountains to the remote villages in Jogja. 

Somehow, it reminds me of one of my dear blogger friends, Amma or Rahmah. Have you visited her blog, Al Chemist of Rahmah? It's a lovely mix of everyday life's post of her colorful stories. We first met in Jogjakarta, during Blogger Nusantara event. It was such a great meeting and now we even get closer in our Whatsapp group.

So, which movie do you like from the list that I have here?
I can say..I have to check out the other Indoensian movies we have.
Can't wait, can't wait!

Stay Healthy, Everyone

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored post, but all stories and opinion are 100% my own.

"Hi Mba Indah, apa kabar?
Saya Anom. Masih ingat kan mba?"
Semangat terus ya lawan breast cancernya. Sama-sama berjuang hidup sehat kita."

Satu pesan pendek masuk ke telpon genggam saya pagi itu. 
Saya memang tengah bersiap-siap untuk mengikuti making strides against breast cancer pagi itu di Central Park. Acara tahunan ini memang selalu masuk dalam agenda saya selama ada kesempatan dan sehat.

Aaah, Mba Anom.
Thank you for such a warm message.

Mba Anom sempat menjadi salah satu staf lokal kami di Perutusan Tetap RI di New York, tepatnya sebagai sekretaris untuk Politik II, bagian saya.
We shared a lot of moments together, the ups and downs of the Mission.
Mba Anom sendiri memang sudah lama bergabung dan bekerja di Mission. 
Mungkin sekitar 20 tahun.
That's quite a long time indeed.

Dan Mba Anon juga survivor kanker lhooo.
She is indeed a fighter!
Sebelum saya positif didiagnosa menderita kanker, Mba Anom banyak bercerita mengenai suka-dukanya melawan kanker leher rahim yang menyerangnya 3 tahun lalu.
Semuanya berawal dari rasa tidak nyaman dan perut yang sakit sehingga mba Anom memeriksakan diri ke dokter. Setelah melewati prosedur dan rangkaian pemeriksaan yang panjang, ternyata Mba Anom memiliki kanker di rahimnya.
Mba Anom pun menjalani rangkaian operasi dan kemoterapi.
Selama kurang lebih 6 bulan selama menjalani kemoterapi, Mba Anom izin dari kantor karena dokter menyarankannya untuk tidak bekerja dan menghindari kontak dengan orang banyak karena kondisi tubuh yang tengah lemah dan imunitas yang turun.

But those were the past now.
She is strong and healthy again, happy to be with her lovely family, especially during her retirement.

Waktu saya menjalani prosedur yang serupa, kami saling menguatkan dan berbagi  banyak tips serta informasi. Meskipun kanker yang saya derita berbeda dengannya, namun beberapa prosedur sama dan efek dari obat anti kanker maupun kemoterapi yang kami jalani pun mirip. I really appreciate that, Mba!

Mba Anom pun sekarang sudah menikmati masa pensiun bersama keluarga tercinta. Saya lihat di profil facebooknya belum lama ini Mba Anom beserta anak-anak dan keluarganya asyik menikmati Disney Cruise. Senangnya! Seru bangeeet pasti.
I have been wanting to try Disney Cruise as well but I guess it will take a while before I can actually do that. But waiting until my retirement will be too long :).

Bicara soal pensiun, saya dan suami sempat diskusi panjang lebar tentang rencana ke depan. Iya..masa pensiun. 
Memang udah usia berapaaaa sih kok sudah memikirkan pensiun :).

Are you ready for that?

Pensiun somehow terdengar agak 'menyeramkan' buat saya.
Entah kenapa. Mungkin karena merasa belum siap. 
Atau mungkin karena banyak hal yang bayangkan.
Dan justru selagi masih muda, kita harus mempersiapkan masa depan dengan baik, termasuk dari segi keuangan. 

Saya terbayang menikmati masa tua dengan keluarga tercinta sambil menuntaskan hobi bertualang mengelilingi berbagai pelosok negeri dan mengabadikan keindahan ciptaan-Nya. Sambil melihat anak cucu dewasa dan menaklukkan dunia sekaligus menjadi hamba-Nya yang bermanfaat bagi sesama. Aaah..malah jadi mulai mendaftar negara mana saja yang akan dikunjungi dengan Udi hehe.

Sebenarnya banyak skema menarik yang ditawarkan di kantor maupun di luar kantor untuk persiapan pensiun. Semuanya harus dilihat satu per satu dan tentunya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan prioritas kita. Salah satu yang menarik untuk dicek adalah Produk Asuransi dana pensiun untuk karyawan AIA Financial Indonesia

Ada yang sudah pernah melihat apa saja yang ditawarkan?
Any notes on that?

Sepertinya  Produk Asuransi dana pensiun untuk karyawan AIA Financial Indonesia memang memiliki beberapa keunggulan. Care to know more? kita sama-sama cek yuk :).

Well, for sure..we better get ready for everything. And our health will be the start.
Stay healthy, everyone..