Happy Ifthar from New York City

The Holy month of Ramadhan is here and my Rabb has bestowed upon us the strength, spirit and insya Allah commitment to continue worshiping the Almighty.

As you know, Ramadhan is a super special month for us muslim. It is the solemn month of gratitude, forgiveness, self-control and sincerity.

In thirty days, we thrive to get closer to our Creator, hoping nothing but Allah SWT's forgiveness and continued blessings.

We are now entering the last days of Ramadhan and  we were priviledged to join Ifthar held by the Indonesian Muslim Community in New York.
It's a happy Ifthar from New York City!

Do you know what Ifthar is?
Ifthar is the time when we gather to break the fasting together. Such a merry time as we share happiness and compassion with our brothers and sisters over great food, wonderful time and more religious insights.

Back home in Indonesia, Ifthar or buka bersama has become sort of a ritual or tradition during Ramadhan. We usually plan a few Ithars with different groups of friends. Usually they do it in malls and restaurants. But here, we do it at the Mosque, which, to me, is much more appropriate.

As previous years, we conducted the Ifthar at Al-Hikmah Mosque in Astoria, Long Island City. Although it belongs to the Indonesian Muslim Community, but the mosque is of course open for every muslim brothers and sisters. We have many Bangladeshis, Egyptians, Pakistanis, and even local Americans and more joining us at the Mosque.

Young and old, people were coming to the mosque to join Ifthar.

Obi together with Alaia and Bebe :)

It was indeed a great moment to strengthen our friendship with the big Indonesian family in New York. I notice that even some of them are coming from Long Island and further places.

That Saturday, my office was responsible to provide the snacks, food and drinks for ifthar. 

It's another great example of sharing as at the Mosque, every day during Ramadhan, ifthar is actually provided. People and institutions are taking turns in providing food and beverages for those who are fasting. It's our conviction that providing food and drink for them is one of the great deeds that Allah SWT loves.

So, that afternoon, my kids and I were arriving early at the Mosque to help preparing Ifthar. We usually packed the snacks for ta'jil on the spot and arranged all the food for dinner.

As we were expecting many people joining us, we prepared for 500 packages. Gladly I was helped by so many friends and colleagues from the office so we could prepare everything speedily.

happy big family

For the snack, we had caramel cake and tofu fritters. Of course, in accordance with Rasulullah Muhammad SAW sunnah, we provided dates as well. To quench our thrist, we had cantaloup drinks, that is a cocktail of sugary sirup and sweet cantaloup. Fresh fruit were also abundant.

super fresh...

So we broke our fast at dusk, when Maghrib prayer is calling. We usually just swifthly take our drink and have a couple bites of the snack and pray first. Afther Maghrib prayer, we start to have the real meal.

What's for dinner?
Delicious Indonesian food indeed.
What we had that night was gule kambing - or lamb soup in coconut milk, super popular dish indeed; sayur tumis or vegetables stir-fry; ayam kecap or chicken with sweet soy sauce; balado telur or spicy fried eggs; perkedel jagung or sweet corn fritters; and mie goreng or fried noodles and halal chicken fingers for kids. Not to mention our famous condiments, sambal or chili sauce and kerupuk or shrimp/garlic crackers.

super yuuum

You can see by the look of it how delicious the food was and considering that we fast for almost 17 hours, everything surely tastes good :). No wonder we have long queues in both men and women sides.

alhamdulillah..it's full :)

at the women's table

It was such a lovely atmosphere as you exchange news and views over great Indonesian food. I sincerely hope this tradition will be continuously upheld. It all reminded me of home and how it warmed my heart.

After the meal, we continue with Isya prayer and taraweh. Again, all is seeking for Allah's continued blessings and forgiveness, nothing more.

Happy Ifthar from New York City!

May Allah SWT grant us all nothing but the best in the years to come and insya Allah, we will meet again in the next Ramadhan.

Merci ya Rabb.

Have you joined Ifthar before?
What do you like best form this activity? 

Tips Aman Berbelanja Online

Enjoy online shopping? Me, too :).
Nowadays, everything is at your fingertips, right? I have to admit that online shopping has to be added to my bottomless list of hobbies.
Banyaknya online shop yang ada saat ini membuat segalanya lebih mudah, bagi yang tidak punya waktu untuk berbelanja ke mall bisa langsung mengunjungi online shop favourite yang ada. Namun dengan banyaknya online shop yang ada saat ini juga tidak semuanya terkadang menyediakan barang yang diinginkan, bahkan tak jarang pelayanannya yang kurang bagus. Better be careful, supaya tidak menyesal nantinya kalau berbelanja online.
Mendekati lebaran yang tinggal beberapa lagi pasti akan banyak online shop yang mengadakan diskon, MatahariMall merupakan salah satu online shop yang juga sedang mengadakan diskon. 
Mulai dari busana muslimah terkini, baju koko untuk pria, dan lain-lain yang sanggup memenuhi kebutuhan kita semua menjelang lebaran nanti. 
Bagi kalian yang lebih senang berbelanja online, berikut ini ada sedikit tips agar aman berbelanja online :
1. Cari tahu pemilik online shop
Cobalah untuk berinteraksi dengan pemilik pada saat akan berbelanja di online shop tersebut. Sehingga kamu bisa dengan leluasa menanyakan barang yang diinginkan.

2. Sediakan waktu luang untuk cari tahu online shop
Sebelum membeli sebaiknya cari tahu dulu mengenai produk yang dijual di online shop tersebut . jika online shopnya terasa kurang meyakinkan, kamu bisa mencari tahu tentang berbagai macam ulasan tentang online shop tersebut.

3. Cek testimoni atau comment di account online shop
Jangan enggan untuk membaca comment yang ada di account online shop, dari situ kamu bisa menilai apa online shop tersebut layak atau tidak.

4. Jangan tergoda barang murah
This is one of the biggest challenge! Harga murah sering buat kita lupa diri. Jangan mudah tergiur dengan barang yang harganya murah dari e-mailada baiknya untuk mengunjungi website atau online shop yang bersangkutan untuk memastikan benar atau tidaknya promo tersebut. Bukan tidak mungkin harga murah tapi penuh 'jebakan batman' :)

5. Teliti pada saat memilih barang
Pastikan kamu lebih teliti pada saat memilih barang yang ingin dibeli, biasanya beberapa online shop akan mencantumkan bagaimana cara mengukur pakaian atau sepatu sesuai dengan ukuran kamu. Check and recheck before you check out!

6. Periksa total harga
Sebelum melakukan pembayaran, lakukan pemeriksaan sekali lagi apakah harga yang sudah diberikan sesuai dengan yang tertera, atau ada tambahan untuk biaya pengiriman. Cek jumlah total harganya sebelum kamu mulai membayar.

7. Simpan bukti transaksi
Simpan semua bentuk transaksi yang berupa struk transfer, deskripsi barang, invoice yang dikirim, serta copy email yang ada.

Got all the tips? Great! I hope you have better time shopping online now.
Happy shopping...

WW: Astoria Park Carnival

Fun carnival under the RFK bridge :)
Astoria Park Carnival, 2016

have fun..
lovely afternoon

firehouse, anyone?

oh the merry of carousel...

are you ready? 

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun bloghopping 

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Can you imagine it's the last week of June already?

July is waiting in the corner :)
Time surely flies, when you have fun ..or not.
Last weekend we had busy days, with Ifthar and birthday parties to attend to.
Obi has a lovely Sunday with her friends at Bounce n' Play.

having fun at Bounce n' Play

On Saturday, we all went to Al-Hikmah Mosque for the Indonesian Muslim Community in NY for ifthar.

preparing for ifthar...

It was a wonderful gathering indeed. Something that I miss dearly from home whenever we observe the holy month of Ramadhan.


Then on Sunday, we had a short visit at Astoria Park Carnival. Boy, it was so crowded and the kids were having fun as well. Bo tried his luck in ball games and Obi rode her pony on the carousel. It was a merry night.

at the carnival

But now, let me invite you all to our party on the blogs :)

"Welcome to The 27th Week of The Oh My Heartsie Girls "Wonderful" Wednesday's Linky Party

4th Of July Oh My Heartsie Girls
If You Would Like To Join Us as a Hostess During The Month of July ⇒ 

What Our Hostesses Have Been Up To On Their Blogs

Hostess Linky

We Hope While You Party With Us, You will follow our Hostesses!

Divider 989321gyey13hzit Karren Haller | Oh My Heartsie Girl | Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In
Christine Mello | Must Love Home | Tw | Bl | In | FB | Pin
Evija Roberts | From Evija With Love | Tw | Bl | G+ | Fb | Pin | In
Donna Wirthlin | Two Chicks And A Mom | Tw | Bl | Fb | Pin | In
Ashleigh Wright | Simply Wright | Fb | G + | Pin | In | Bl
Susan Mead | Susan B Mead | Tw | Bl | Fb | In | Pin
Kelly LaFollette | Raising Samuel's Home-School | Tw | Fb | In | Pin
Indah Nuria Savitri | My Purple World | Tw | Fb | Pin | In
Maxine White | Studio Paint Design | Tw | Fb | In | Pin | BL
Amy Lyon | Country Mouse City Spouse |Tw | Bl | In | FB | Pin
Our Hostesses Picks From Last Week's Entries

Inspiration for Moms DIY Beverage Station ( Re-Pin It )
Kennery Ideas For The Home An Easy Coat Rack ( Re-Pin It )
Mia Bella Passions Lime Custard Mini Cakes… ( Re-Pin It )
Marilyn’s Treats Summer Snack Mix ( Re-Pin It )

Giveaway, is Open to US/WW & Ends 6/30 Enter Often
Congratulations To Our
Last Months Winner Tammy Carlson
Disclaimer for OMHGWW 
But Now.....Open for a Week you are welcome to share all posts, YES, Linky Parties and Giveaways. Comments Are Welcomed after Linking Up!!
Let us know that you are following us so we can do the same. Tweet Our Party To Help Us Grow! Thank you!
But Now.....Let's Party!!…. 

Party Linky

Let me introduce you to Zia

Have you cherished life?
Do you life your life blissfully?
Have you taken some moments to capture the magic of life and immortalize it in your mind, then share it through your writing?

I have.
Well, I started doing it recently through my blogs and more. 
I know life doesn't always bring you rainbow, it brings you lemons, too. But embracing everything God bestows us will give you peace. Those moments, its up and down, should be cherished.
And writing about it brings you solace.
At least for me.

Another treasure I cherish in life is friends.

Friendships indeed sweeten our lives and open so many beautiful doors of great moments, opportunities and better lives.

So is in blogging.

When they say the more, the merrier, I can't agree more. I am so happy to meet all new bloggers through my circle of arisan.

Then let me introduce you to Zia.

S. Fauzia Subhan is her complete name.
As you see here, she's a mother, teacher, writer and blogger. Quite a compilation of profession indeed.

Introducing...Zia, taken form her Google + profile :)

Being a wonderful mom, Zia has proved how versatile a woman can be. 
Multitalented, cheerful, and active, those are some of the qualities that I know for sure Zia has.

What strikes me first while browsing along her blogs is her tagline. 
Wanna know what that is?
Exactly...the one that I quoted in my picture above.

"Life is to be lived, enjoyed, and cherished. So go out, live it, write it, and share!"

It hits me right in the head and makes me think and rethink about my blessed life. 

Have I lived it to the fullest?
Have I enjoyed it?
Have I cherished it?
Have I shared the happiness I feel?

It intrigues me and it makes my browse her blog for more insights.
In http://www.zeelhouette.com/, Zia shares her heart out in English, while in Bahasa Indonesia, Zia writes a lot about her colorful life in http://www.ruangbacadantulis.com/

her latest posts, taken from ruangbacadantulis.com

I guess she started blogging in 2012, as I peeped on her archive.
In the beginning, Zia wrote a lot about educational world in Indonesia, including some scientific essay about child's development. Well, as a teacher, those prepositions given were pretty much valid. 

Zia certainly wrote a lot about education and her sweet relationships with her kids. Sharing a few fantastic tips about how to cherish your life with your beloved kids, including in teaching them about the sanctity of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. And how to find your happiness! I am always touched to read her posts about family. Really warms my heart.

cheers :) 

And of course, the roller-coaster life of a mom, with daily handy tips tutorials on wearing hijab, for example, as well  beautiful places to visit in Indonesia and many more. 

And apparently, we share the same passion for photography. I also enjoy her photos. Judging from those, She is a talented photographer. Her B&W collection is truly enjoyable, with some precious moments beautifully captured through her lenses. 

Psst, I also found some beautiful poems written by her :). Wanna know more about it? Go check it out yourself on her blog. 

Zia is also active in many social media platforms, so feel free to get up close and personal with her through these following:

Twitter: @ziasubhan
Facebook: Fauzia Subhan
IG: ziasubhan
Pinterest: ziasubhan
Linkedin: S. fauzia Subhan

let's get up close and personal with Zia, all taken from the abovementioned platforms

And last but not least, we both love autumn.
I have been smitten by the beauty of nature when the leaves turn golden and red, when the wind gently blow them to the ground. Aaah..how I love autumn. And so does Zia.
I guess that's why her blog is pretty much dominated by the autumn leaves.

See, there will always be beautiful things you learn from another. 
And this is what I cherished from having new friend.
