New York Aquarium, Coney Island

"Ma, do you know that great white sharks can smell blood in the water up to three miles away?" exclaimed Bo while looking at the Shark sign
"And ooh ma.. Look at that tiny jaw. With sharp teeth! Touch it!" Said Obi while brushing her tiny fingers to the replica of piranhas' powerful jaws.

Bo et Obi happily bombarded me with questions and answer them themselves while we were walking along the Ocean view room at New York Aquarium, Coney Island, that day.

And how we all look forward to have a lovely summer.

Here in NYC, kids have been enjoying their summer break since June 26. And since we have no summer classes this time, my hubby and I are working on making sure that the kids, and their parents as well :),  have an enjoyable, yet rewarding summer break.

Not that easy though..particularly as I still have to work full time and the UN, somehow, is still packed with meetings.

Nevertheless, whenever we have day-off and weekends, we try to go out with the kids.
During the Lebaran week, we managed to go to the Coney Island. 
Well, first destination here is the New York Aquarium.

Have you been here before?

New York Aquarium is part of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). As and ID NYC holder, my hubby and I can get 1-year free membership of the WCS which includes, among others, the New York Aquarium, Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo and Queens Zoo. So can visit those places for free. Cool, right.
As for the kids, as they do not have the ID yet, we still have to pay for their admission.
It usually costs $12 per person older than 2 years, but that day it was only $10.

New York Aquarium is undergoing a major change after the devastating storm Sandy.
They are rebuilding and transforming this place but we still have a lot to enjoy.

Coming from Indonesia, the largest archipelagic state, we pretty much miss the ocean and all its interesting creatures. And at this point of time, New York Aquarium is a prefect place to see those beautiful underwater world and spend some quality time with the kids, while at the same time getting closer and getting to know more about nature's wonder.

There are a few places you can visit and enjoy with your kids.

First, the Glover's Reef. 
This is part of the Ocean View Room, our first stop right after entering the aquarium.
And kids (as well as adults) will surely enjoy those great variety of fish and ocean critters from Atlantic, Pacific, Caribbean Oceans and more. Nemo or clown fish are abundant, so is Dory :). Not to mention mantarays and piranhas.

I really love this part as we get to see different types of fish from many corners of the world. My kids got so excited when they saw them so close, found out that piranhas are small yet have super strong jaws.

mantaray, electric blue and more exotic fish

For me who constantly missing the amazing underwater world of Indonesia, this spot is like a tiny home-sweet-home. I let myself immersed in those calming blue water and colorful schools of fish swimming freely right in front of my eyes. I wish I could join them.

the real 'aquarium' in Bunaken, Manado, Indonesia.

Then we also visit the Conservation Hall. And outside the Ocean view room, we have 2 sea cliffs, for walrus and penguins.
Love to see those cute penguins, critters in tuxedo :).
And they make cute noises as well.

What attracts most of my kids' attention is of course the Sharks temporary home. Bo has been smithen by sharks since he was on the 3rd grade. He has a lot of book about sharks and quite knowledgable about this amazing creatures. No wonder he was so happily flipped to see giants sharks in the nearby tank, together with giant mantarays.

the sharks behind the glass...

Before heading home, we watched the show at Aquatheater.
It was so much fun indeed. A 30-minute show with two intelligent sea lions who demonstrated great talents, including dancing, counting and mimicking. Super fun!
Bo et Obi really love the show.

up close and personal :)
You can also enjoy the animal feedings, scheduled at 10.30, 11.45, 1.30, 2.45, and 3.50 PM near the sea cliffs. We missed it because we wanted to see the aquatheater first. They also have 4-D theater featuring Spongebob Squarepants movie. I guess we have to go back here to watch it :).

And don't forget to grab some lovely souvenirs from the aquarium.
This way we can support the the NYAquarium project of rebuilding and transforming this oldest running aquarium in the US.

So, what are you waiting for?
Visit New York Aquarium, Coney Island and have a fantastic time with your loved ones.
We pretty much sure will go back here again :).

New York Aquarium
Surf Avenue and West 8th Street
Coney Island, Brooklyn
(718) 265 3474
For more info, visit

Golden Sky

Golden sky.

R.F. Kennedy Bridge, Manhattan skyline and East River are perfect combination for a perfect sunset.

My place for an amicable moment and sending my endless gratitude to the Almighty.

under the bridge

Join me and sky lovers in Skywatch Friday and enjoy those beautiful skies from different corners of the world

Mau Bonus Voucher, Cashback and More? Coba ShopBack aja

Mau bonus cashback? Voucher gratis? Aplikasi mudah di smartphone? Belanja online di laman favorit dan terpercaya?

ShopBack-in aja!

Pernah perhatikan short description saya ngg? Itu tuh.. Penjelasan pendek mengenai Mama Bo et Obi yang ada di pojok kanan blog saya yang ungu-ungu ini.

When I was asked how I would briefly describe myself, this was what came to mind. Dan salah satunya adalah "shopping freak."
Also known as - kalau kata suamiku - maniak belanja.
Serem dengernya? Ngga juga :).

Saya memang hobi belanja.
Entah sejak kapan saya merasa bahwa belanja - belanji itu lebih dari sekedar mencari barang yang dibutuhkan. Belanja  terbukti menjadi terapi yang menenangkan jiwa, memberi rasa bahagia, membakar kalori, dan membuang energi negatif. At least for me!

Dan di jaman serba canggih dan cepat di mana status dan video snapchat diupdate setiap 5 menit sekali dan #pathdaily muncul setiap menit, belanja online adalah salah satu cara paling ideal untuk memastikan barang yang kita butuhkan pasti didapat.

Berhubung doyan belanja, maka sudah menjadi template kalau saya selalu mencari cara paling praktis plus diskon paling besar dan bonus asyik lainnya. Siapa yang menolak diskon besar-besaran, free shipping, gift with purchase dan cashback?
Well, not me, girl...Na'ah!

Sejak menetap di the Big Apple di tahun 2014 lalu, hobi saya yang satu ini memang semakin menjadi. Bagaimana tidak? Sebagai customer, saya asli dimanja. Mulai dari sale yang tiada henti, bonus ini dan itu, program rewards dan VIP treatment yang benar-benar bermanfaat, pengiriman gratis, sampai pelayanan purna jual yang aduhai and notifikasi email yang sekedar mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesetiaan kita berbelanja di satu tempat tertentu. Bahagia nggaaa sih :). Dan salah satu bonus paling asyik adalah cashback, alias potongan harga yang kembali menjadi milik kita setelah pembelanjaan tertentu.

And I was so lucky to find out that the same system has been adopted backhome as well. Yaaaaay...

Meskipun terpisah ribuan km dari tanah air, namun aktivitas belanja online saya di Indonesia jalan terus. Apalagi karena mama, adik-adik dan keluarga besar pun ada di Jakarta dan Lampung. Plus saya sering sekali mencari barang-barang khas Indonesia untuk dikirim ke NYC. 

That's why I'm so overjoyed when I know that I can get all the practicalities of online  shopping plus cashback through ShopBack.

jangan lupa check ShopBack yaaa :). Ini tampilan websitenya 

Sudah pernah denger ShopBack kan?
Sudah dong.

ShopBack asyik lho....karena ini adalah cara baru, cerdas dan hemat belanja online di Indonesia.

Bagaimana tidak asyik? karena setiap belanja online di berbagai laman or e-commerce kesukaan kita melalui, maka kita akan mendapat bonus Cashback hingga 30%. Bonusnya bisa ditransfer ke rekening pribadi pula.

Bonus sampai 30%. Catat ya.
Lumayan banget kan.

Dan jajaran e-commerce yang tergabung di sini benar-benar toko online favorit yang menjual segala kebutuhan. Coba lihat, antara lain ada Tokopedia, BukaLapak,, Lazada, Matahari Mall, eBay, AliExpress, Blibli, Groupon, Bilna, Agoda,, Zalora, dan masih banyak lagi. 

banyak kan pilihan tokonya :)

Dari jajaran e-commerce yang tergabung di sini, kita bisa melihat semua toko, pilihan staf, sampai toko online yang menawarkan cashback tertinggi. Praktis kan.

Banyak kebutuhan kita yang pastinya bisa terpenuhi. Mulai dari aneka kebutuhan sehari-hari sampai keperluan selama liburan dengan keluarga. You name it, you got it. Mulai dari pulsa, perangkat alias gadget,  smartphone,  dan teman-temannya. Untuk liburan bisa pilih tiket pesawat, pesan hotel, voucher makan, sampai makanan ringan cemilan favorit untuk persediaan di jalan. Fashion lebih lengkap bahkan. Belum lagi makeup (lipstick manaaa lipstick) sampai kebutuhan ibu dan balita seperti popok, susu, mainan anak dan masih banyak lagi. Bahagia ngga sih kalau begini :).

Selain itu, ShopBack juga aman dan terpercaya. Ini penting banget buat saya yang hobi online shopping. Do you notice that Shopback telah bekerja sama resmi dengan ecommerce lokal maupun luar negeri. Mau buktinya? Shopback juga  bekerja sama dengan banyak e-commerce ternama dan sudah diliput banyak media besar dan terpandang di Indonesia. Jadi from the reputation department, you don't have to worry.

Another important thing is thatShopBack  mempromosikan  produk Indonesia. Keren kan? Dengan begini, makin banyak produk Indonesia yang terkenal di manca negara, karena ShopBack sering mengadakan promo untuk mempromosikan dan mendukung penjualan produk karya anak bangsa. Sudah cinta tanah air, dapet bonus lagi.
Tambah bahagia.

Kalau sudah begini, masih perlu diyakinkan lagi kenapa harus coba ShopBack? Alright, sit down tight and check this one out. First and foremost, yang pasti belanja lewat ShopBack jatuhnya lebih hemat dan asyik karena bonusnya itu lho, tambahan uang cashback up to 30%. Sampai dengan 30%, I tirelessly repeat.

Selain itu, aneka promo, diskon, voucher, kode kupon dan berbagai bonus dari ecommerce kesayangan kita itu bisa digabung dengan bonus cashback dari ShopBack. Hasilnya? Hemat kuadrat :).

Kemudahan lain yang bisa dinikmati dariShopBack  adalah aplikasinya yang asli shopper-friendly.  Selain dari desktop or your smartphone, aplikasi ShopBack sekarang pun sudah bisa dinikmati di Google Play Store. Untuk iOS pun sudah ada, at least at the global level, seperti yang saya pakai saat ini. Dan segera aplikasi ShopBack Indonesia untuk iOS akan segera diluncurkan. Dan pssst,  mereka yang menggunakan aplikasi mobile ShopBack, bisa menikmati promo eksklusif juga lho.

check it out :)

So, cara belanjanya bagaimana?
Pertama daftar dulu dan buat akun :). 
Untuk lebih mudahnya, bisa menggunakan shortcut seperti akun Facebook. Daftar gratis dan dapat Rp 20.000,- juga.

daftar yuuuk :)

Selesai mendaftar, mari kita belanja.
Mudah banget. Dan ada tutorialnya juga.

Add caption

Untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap mengenai ShopBack dan segala keuntungannya, langsung dicek aja di....

Jadi, sudah siap dimanja sambil berbelanja?

Saya sudah.

So, mau belanja hemat, lengkap dengan aneka bonus tambahan?

ShopBack-in aja!

WW: Pretty Flowers

Look what I got while walking around Astoria Park 
(and don't ask me what I'm looking for :).

All photos are taken by iPhone 6S plus and Ztylus lenses

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

How's your summer?
I hope it's as wonderful as you want it to be.
New York City is burning hot and humid, so I guess I have to manage our outdoor activities to avoid the extra heat. Good thing I still have a few meetings that keep me confined in an air-con room. Hah!

But this week has been uber cool as my hubby and I watched Coldplay. 

Yes, Coldplay! 
How We loved their concert. Top-notch, platinum class musical performance that my hubby and I truly enjoyed.
Will share more details right away.

enjoying Coldplay to the max...

But now, time to party!

"Welcome to Oh My Heartsie Girls "Wonderful" Wednesday's Linky Party the 29th Week in 2016

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday

1-Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls for collage 7-20-16
We Would Love To Have You Join Us as a Hostess During The Month of August ⇒ 

What Our Hostesses Have Been Up To On Their Blogs

Hostess Linky

We Hope While You Party With Us and will Visit & follow our Hostesses!

Divider 989321gyey13hzit Karren Haller | Oh My Heartsie Girl | Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In
Christine Mello | Must Love Home | Tw | Bl | In | FB | Pin
Evija Roberts | From Evija With Love | Tw | Bl | G+ | Fb | Pin | In
Donna Wirthlin | Two Chicks And A Mom | Tw | Bl | Fb | Pin | In
Ashleigh Wright | Simply Wright | Fb | G + | Pin | In | Bl
Kelly LaFollette | Raising Samuel's Home-School | Tw | Fb | In | Pin
Indah Nuria Savitri | My Purple World | Tw | Fb | Pin | In
Maxine White | Studio Paint Design | Tw | Fb | In | Pin | Bl
Amy Lyon | Country Mouse City Spouse |Tw | Bl | In | FB | Pin
Kelsey Remmelts | Amen Sista! |Tw | FB |
Michelle Mink | My Belle Elle Tw | Bl | In | FB | Pin

We Would Love It If You Would Pin Your Favorite - Opens In A New Window

Caprese Tortilla Pizzas 

Feature Pick by Ashleigh Wright // Home Cooking - Caprese Tortilla Pizzas Recipe What a great way to use fresh garden tomatoes and fresh basil, simple and delicious! Pin It

Stained Glass Greetings Card 

Feature Pick by Joanne Rawson // Paper Seedlings-Stained Glass Greetings Card This card was created using a die that punches out the frame then used the die 3 more times to create the color background for the stained glass effect. There are so many possibilities and I can see this being used at Christmas. Pin It
Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwich Recipe

Feature Pick by Michelle Mink // Growing Up Gabel-Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwich Recipe These sandwiches were made with slow cooking, searing a roast and simmering beef broth and red wine. I would love to add some fresh garlic for even more flavor. A great meal after being gone all day. Pin It
Rusty Cabinet Clean Up

Feature Pick Maxine White // The Log Book-Rusty Cabinet Clean Up Becky didnt realize what a task it would be until..... {It’s when I understood that look my husband gave me when he first saw my beautiful piece of “metal junk”.} But as you will see the project turned out beautiful. Pin It
Bistro Avocado Chicken Salad

Feature Pick by Kelsey Remmelts // Living Lavida Holoka-Bistro Avocado Chicken Salad This Chicken Salad Sandwich would be a hit, made with fresh ingredients it would be prefect on a day you dont want to heat up the kitchen or take on a picnic. Pin It

Fun Olympic Craft for Kids and Parents

Feature Pick by Kelly LaFollette // The Real Coake Family-Fun Olympic Craft for Kids and Parents These fun medals were made using Sculpey Ultra Light Polymer Clay and her daughter helped her make them. And KC has created a kit you can buy with everything you need to make some memorable moments in your kids lives. Pin It

Farmhouse Style Summer Home Tour 

Feature Pick by Christine Mello // Clean and Scentsible-Farmhouse Style Summer Home Tour This is a fun farmhouse summer tour and as you can see lots of fun ideas, comfortable spots to relax, and wonderful ways to decorate.

 Finding Dory themed party cookies Finding Dory themed party.

Feature Link Picked by Indah Nuria Savitri // Of Mice and Ramen - Finding Dory Themed Party Cookies What a fun way to celebrate a Birthday or celebration than choosing themed cookies for the little ones. Pin It 
Kids Friendly Layered Superhero Drinks and Summer Fun 

Feature Pick by Karren Haller // Nap Time Creations -Kids Friendly Layered Superhero Drinks and Summer Fun #4 "It's Summer"...Time for creative ideas to keep the kids busy, and moms sanity. Drinks to keep them cool, projects to keep them busy, and a great way to carry all your beach towels to the pool!! Pin It 
Cherry Almond Crumble Tart 

Feature Pick by Karren Haller // Delighful E Made- Cherry Almond Crumble Tart Erin always makes some very eye appealing desserts and this one looks yummy, made with fresh cherries a bit of almond flavor and a crunchy topping, perfect for summer BBQ's and special occasions, wouldn't you want a bite? Pin It 


Feature Pick by Donna Wirthlin // Honey and Birch-Greek Orzo Salad This orzo salad looks so delicious with kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes, cucumber chunks and a wonderful dressing using sour cream, feta cheese and flavored with a bit of dill. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!! Pin It Divider 989321gyey13hzit

And now, join us as well in this and try your luck!
Giveaway, is Open to US/WW & Ends 8/5 Enter Often
PayPal Code

Congratulations To
Last Months Winner Tammy Carlson
Disclaimer for OMHGWW 

But Now.....Open for a Week you are you are welcome to share all posts, Tablescapes, DIY projects, Summer Ideas, Gardening, Recipes and YES, Linky Parties and Giveaways. Comments Are Welcomed after Linking Up!!
Let us know that you are following us so we can do the same. Tweet Our Party To Help Us Grow! Thank you!
But Now.....Let's Party!!…. 

Party Linky

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