Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

What a week!

I have been traveling to New York City and Japan for the last ten days and I love it!
My Itchy Feet have been in action again after being stuck in tons of paper works and drafting in my office.

Beautiful day at Mt. Fuji with Mini - me

Besides strolling around some corners of Manhattan that I'm familiar with, I love the fact that I can stay one extra night in Tokyo so I got a chance to see more of Japan.
This time, I decided to go to Mount Fuji and the surroundings areas.

And I did make the right decision.

Do you like my Kimono?

Not only that the weather at that time was so beautifully balmy and perfect for a sightseeing, I did get new friends along the way as I went to Mt. Fuji with Nita, whose husband is my batch mate in MoFA, and Ragil, her friend in Tokyo. Nita drove the car with us and we really had a wonderful girls' day out!

We went to Satto Nenba and rent plus wore Kimono around the village.
Then we continued to explore Kawaguchiko, the lake of Kawaguchi, and took the ropeway (or I said funiculaire like the one in Geneva) to see the panoramic view of Kawaguchiko.
It was a perfect day!

Will share more stories on that on the next post, okay..and this time, you know you're joining my weekly linky party, right?
Hop in!

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  1. SO jealous of your time in NYC and Japan. I've never been to Japan but I've heard it's amazing. And I could never get tired of NYC.

  2. Lovely photos, Indah.

    During a stopover to LA, I did a day trip to the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple in Narita. Can I say I've visited Japan? LOL! Does that even count?

  3. WOW. What a trip! I love the first picture.
    Thank you for hosting.

  4. Dapet aja Mbak kimono unguuuuu. Cantik pula motifnya! Lucu ih! :)))

  5. Sukaaa. Suka banget sama Kimononya, unguuu. Beli kah mama Bo?

  6. Look so pretty in thats Kimono.. wah bolak-balik NYC-Japan nggak ngerasain jetlag mbak? Sehat-sehat terus ya

  7. Woow, I do like your kimono, I understand why did you picked up that kimono. Of course because almost of all colours on that kimono were your favourite colours....PURPLEEEE...I love purple colour too. I wished I could make some travelling like you do. My dreams still hanging up very high in the sky....LOL

  8. Kimono yang dipakai mba indah, lucu banget, warna ungu, sesuai dengan warna lipstiknya

  9. Kimononya kiyuuut, unguuuu... favorit ya mba. Oiya, dari danau kawaguchi bisa melihat gunung Fuji ya, apiiik ya pemandangannya

  10. Coba itu yang mini me dikasih kimono juga hihihi. Makin bikin gemes deh lihatnya :D

  11. Mba Indah suka ungu ya? Kok pas banget lagi itu kimononya ungu gitu... cucmey hihihi...

  12. Kimononya cantik banget, Mba Indah ����. Warnanya ungu, sesuai dengan warna favoritnya mba Indah

  13. Kimononya cantik banget. Warna favoritku tuh ��

  14. Lihat mba Indah pakai Kimono jadi ingat pertama kali pakai Kimono pas di Jakarta. Smoga bisa nyoba Kimono langsung di negara asalnya :). Amin

  15. Perjalanan yang menyenangkan ya Mba Indah.
    Kimononya cakep, aku belum pernah make kimono heheheh rasanya gimana Mba Indah?
    Jaga kesehatan ya Mba, jangan capek-capek

  16. baca ini jadi kangen jepang, tapi sayang sekali kemarin saya gak sepet ke gunung fuji

  17. Kimononya cantik banget mbaa.. dan selalu ya warnanya unguuu

  18. Great banget adventure nya yah kak, ke Jepang lagi, meski gak terlalu ngerti bahasa inggris tapi aku suka artikelnya yang colorful 😊

  19. Tetep ya kimononya juga warna ungu. Mbak Mini Me nya juga pakein kimono keren tuh.

  20. Wahh dari NYC ke jepang, love mbaaa..
    salfok juga sama kimononya, cakep, pas dengan warna kesukaan mba indah yah..

  21. Wah..habis jln2 ke Jepang ya mba.. duh jadi pengen segera baca oleh2 ceritanya nih...

  22. Baca cerita tulisan mama Bo ini serasa ikut keliling dunia :).

  23. Hahaha beneran apa kata Mak Irul. Baca dan lihat foto-foto Mbak Indah berasa traveling. Bisa lihat banyak tempat di dunia. :D

  24. Wah, senangnya yang jalan-jalan ke Jepang. Salah satu negeri impian yang ingin saya kunjungi. Negara dengan teknologi maju berpadu dengan budaya yang kental. I love it!

  25. Pasti seneng banget ya mbaa akhirnya jalan-jalan lagii setelah berkutat dengan pekerjaan kantor.. apalagi langsung ke dua negara sekaligus. Dua-duanya belum pernah aku datengin euy, hihihi. Semoga someday ada rejekinya buat jalan-jalan kek Mb Indah :D

  26. Salfok dengan boneka yang dipegang Mbk, iconnya mirip bangets. Itu jalan-jalan ke Jepang bikin Mupeng huhuhu.... smeoga suatu hari bisa ke negeri Oshin

  27. So beautiful kimono.
    I think the Kimono just made for you, mam Indaa~

  28. Mba Indah bikin envy ke Japan euy :) kepengen juga nih pake kimono kyk mba hahaha

  29. Ke pemandian air panasnya juga gak mbak? Di sana katanya ada bbrp pmandian air pans terbuka ngadep gunung Fuji :D

  30. Your kimono si purply beautiful :)) nih ya miss purple bener2 deh segala apaan purpleeee semua, love it ;)

  31. You both are so gorgeous. Wish I could be there, too. 💕

  32. Ketje banget kak,,duh mupeng deh pengen kesana hehe plus pakai kimono juga,, doakan aku ya mba.

  33. You looks so pretty in purple! Such a pretty place!

  34. I agree with Alissa. Love you in purple ♥


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