A Visit to Montauk Beach, Long Island

Here are some snaps from our  trip to the end of Long Island we made some times ago.
Have you heard of Montauk before?
We have the famous lighthouse here and the beach is lovely as well!
Read more story about it:  Montauk, Point Lighthouse, Long Island

Montauk beach

As New York City is enjoying the raging storm at this point, a mix of heavy rain, snow, and freezing wind at this very point,  my family and I really miss going out, especially to the beach. Then I just  remember our trip years back to Montauk Lighthouse and Montauk beach.

It took us around 4 hours to go there.
And as I previously said, Montauk is really located at the end of Long Island.
So as far as we can see, it is vast ocean out there.

Here are some snaps we took from our tip to Montauk.

the view from above..

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy those beautiful skies from different corners of the world


  1. Beautiful snaps, and a great location! Cool that you could walk up into the lighthouse.

  2. These photographs made me miss Block Island even more than usual. We vacationed there for years, but left it for warmer waters in the tropics for vacations now. I miss the beautiful rocks and beaches of the Northeast, but not the cold water. I've never been to Montauk, but I believe Block Island is across the sound???

  3. A stunning place! I've never been up by a lighthouse.

  4. Looked like a cool, but quite pleasant, day to be out. Neat photos.

  5. Indahnyaaaaa, selalu suka dengan foto-fotonya :) Dingin ya di sana? Di Bandung juga sedang dingin, tapi paling cuma 19 derajat saja dan bulan depan kemarau. Hore! :)

  6. Keren banget mba. Selalu suka dengan foto-foto mba Indah

  7. I have never been to a lighthouse before, but I'm sure it is beautiful to see the view from the top of the light house. Is that an old lighthouse?

  8. I have been here as well..and lovely place to spend with your family..

  9. I like the window shot. I've never been to Long Island, but one of my ex's was from there.

  10. What a neat place to explore! I would most definitely love to explore this old lighthouse!


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