WW: Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird!

When I saw that words right in front of Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali, I knew I would get an enjoyable experience in this place. 

Just recently opened around a month ago, this place certainly has a lot to offer, particularly to those looking for real coffee and the perfect match for you. 

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Knowing that coffee is not just a story in a cup, here you can enjoy the journey of discovering the real coffee for you and exploring the limitless world of caffein - induced nirvana.

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

I was privilege to meet Lou, the coffee master who is also the owner of this place and the winner of coffee competition she attended before. We really had a lovely chit - chat while discussing her wonderful coffee lab, the brewing process, the beans she acquired from different corners of the world and more. She certainly has a lot of tools, including Kalita, Chemex, 

The place is super cozy as well. Bright light place with nice bench and lovely toilets. We can also get some healthy food and grains here, plus super delicious kaastengel or cheese cookies and nastar or the pineapple cookies.

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Together with some friends from Jakarta and Bali Local Guides, we had the meeting here and enjoyed our coffee journey. 

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Check our some photos I took during our visit to Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali.

We certainly had so much fun that day and for sure, we'd love to come back.

Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali
let's try!

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali

Come Enjoy the Coffee and Be Weird at Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali
the talented Ms. Lou

we certainly had so much fun here..

Here's the exact location of the Coffee Lab.


 Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party.


  1. Datang ke kedai kopi atau coffeeshop paling nyenengin kalau ketemu ownernya atau seseorang yang ahli kopi seperti Lou. Jadi kita nggak cuma datang, minum, lalu pulang, tapi dapat pengetahuan berharga tentang dunia kopi, ya mbak.

  2. Aku suka rak dengan barisan cangkir warna-warni dari keramik itu, Mba, Sedap buat nyeduh kopi di saat cuaca dingin seperti di Depok dan ditambah camilan ya mba

  3. Bhuuaa tempat ngopinya asik tuh, ada kulineran cemilan Bali juga.
    Noted alamatnya , barangkali nanti mampir ke BAli lagiii.

    Btw, jadi kapan kita ngopi bareng lagi di Bandung, mau aku culiiiik jadinya akhir apa awal bulan hahhahaa..

  4. Waduh jadi makin kepengen jalan ke Bali nih mbak. Cafenya bagus, modern minimalis gitu. Saya kok naksir cookiesnya sik

  5. Gak salah emang Bali sebagai pusat turis dunia di Indonesia. Mereka sudah amat berpengalaman apa yang dimaui para pelanggan mereka. Seperti Core Coffee Lab and Retail Bali ini, membayangkan saya kongkow dengan suami tercinta disana sudah bikin bahagia :)

  6. Asiik seru banget mbaa. Klo ke kedai kopi seneng ya pas ngobrolin tentang rasa, tentang kopi. Kayaknya nggak ada abisnya gitu, yg aku rasain๐Ÿ˜† serupuuut2 nikmatnya. Balii vibesnya pula ๐Ÿ˜

  7. Kedai kopinya nampak sederhana tapi rapi dan resik ya. Jd pengen ngopi

  8. Minum kopi bareng teman emang menyenangkan ya mbak, apalagi kalau tempatnya cozy dan coffee baristanya ramah dan berbakat menyajikan kopi yang enak.

  9. This place is full of coffee equipment and I would like to spend my time to find out each function of those equipment.

  10. Selalu menyenangkan ya menghabiskan waktu di coffee shop. Meski untuk meeting rasanya aroma kopi tetap bisa bikin relaks.

  11. Wow, para pecinta kopi pasti seneng banget berada di tempat ini. Bisa ikutan mencicipi aneka kopi yang beragam rasa dan aromanya. Tempatnya juga cozy abis. Nongkrong bisa betah berlama-lama bareng teman disini.. :)

  12. Wah ternyata lokasi nya di Seminyak ya. Bisa nih jadi referensi ngopi kalau pas ke sana. Apalagi Ms. Lou kayaknya ramah ya

  13. Kopi memang bikin orang santuy...hehe, tapi ini jadi weird ya..??
    Seneng banget sekarang sudah mulai new normal. Aku pas anter anak-anak PTM jadi bisa nongki di cafe lagi..
    Dan ini menyenangkan.

  14. Kenapa ya, paling seneng datang ke kedai kopi yang memang brew dan pengolahannya di depan kita langsung. Mana itu alat alatnya estetik semua ya hihihi, pengen bawa pulang lah buat ngupi ngupi di rumah.

  15. Wah seru mbak kalau ketemu owner sekaligus yang bisa menjelaskan tentang kopi di kafenya.
    Minum kopi sama teman2 sambil mendengarkan sejarah kopi dan melihat bagiaman kopi diracik memang asyik yaa :D

  16. Mantap nih, yang punya cewek yaa... mirip kayak Strada di Semarang nih. Pemiliknya mbak2 yang sampai sekolah barista keluar negeri. Niat banget ingin mengenalkan beraneka ragam kopi berkualitas kepada pelanggannya.

  17. Penataan ruangannya asik ya Mbak, suka banget. Saya gak bisa minum kopi tapi suka banget dengan aromanya. Jadi, kalau diajak ke kafe kopi saya tidak pernah menolak meski harus pesan menu lainnya, hehehe
    Btw, itu camilan kastengel dijual juga kah? atau pajangan aja mbak?

  18. Kafenya sederhana tapi nyaman ya apalagi bisa ketemu Lou dan mengobrol banyak tentang kopi.. Ahh mauu. ..

  19. Pas banget ini mbak Indah bisa ketemu lgs sama Ms. Lou. Pastinya banyak cerita kopi yang menarik untuk dituliskan kembali. Dan ya, tempatnya sangat hommy, kastengelnya aduhai melambai-lambai minta dicemil.

  20. So happy mba, when visited coffee shop and met the owner too.
    Can disscuss about the taste and journey when develop the coffeeshop
    Is there only provide black coffee?
    I currious about the menu's

  21. Konsep kafe yang unik sekali. Dan rasanya seperti datang ke rumah sahabat dekat ya kalau lihat cerita Mbak Indah. Nyenengin banget sih.
    Dan buki dong kalau kita tuh orang-orang yang baik dan ramah. Juga inovatif.

  22. Paling senang melihat proses pembuatan kopi. Sedikit terlihat rumit tapi mengasyikkan. Apalagi membaui aroma kopinya. Rasanya menenangkan


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