Birthday Galore at the Frakarsas Family

Birthday galore at the Frakarsas

Happy happy birthday!

December is a triple special for me and my family. It’s all about birthdays, birthdays, and birthdays! Plus vacation LOL.

I believe I have been telling my dearest blog readers that I am surrounded by 3 Sagitarians. My hubby, my son and my daughter. Good thing I am a Leo ♌️ so I can handle them (if you know what I mean  πŸ˜‰).

So this time, in this super special 2020 thanks to the pandemic, we actually managed to do things differently. We celebrated 2 birthdays in Bali (yaaaaay) and 1 in Jakarta with the my big families.

We started the birthday galore with Obi, my daughter. Although I was in the middle of preparation for meetings, we still get a chance to celebrate it in our hotel bedroom in Nusa Dua, Bali. We even had the mini birthday cake with cherries and chocolate on top πŸ’.

So Happiest birthday to my baby bunny, ma mija, the brightest girl in the house (after mama hahahahaha) πŸ₯°♥️πŸ₯°. No .. I was kidding. I bet you will be even brighter, smarter, more fun and more soleha ya love. I can’t tell you enough how proud I am to see you grow this gracefully all these years. Have blessed days head, gorgeous! May Allah SWT bless us all. Always!

Then the second birthday is super duper special as we celebrate my hubby’s born day and our anniversary as well. 16 years and still so much in love, complete with everything in between! We were in Ubud, staying in one of our favorite private villas there, and had a blast!

When people ask me how I - or perhaps ‘we’ can survive our relationship this long (9 years dating & 16 years of marriage and counting πŸ₯°.), I might say I don’t now. I just enjoy the journey, - no matter how absurd and horrible it may be 😬🀭 , complete with its ups and downs;  be true to myself and try to ensure respect is on our day-to-day menu. Obviously, it’s not always a rose-colored glasses world we have, but it sure is colorful enough to make you realize how blessed and lucky you are to have each other. You don’t always have the privilege to spend your life with someone that makes you feel super comfortable being yourself. With Udi, I have been through hell and heaven and he still stands by me until this very moment. I sincerely hope I can do the same! Here’s to 16 (or 25 from the scratch πŸ˜™πŸ₯°) years and counting ya love 🌺♥️. 

Finally, the finale for this year’s birthday galore in the Frakarsas family is abang Bo’s. My first born son.

I still remember vividly when I came to Monash medical Center in Melbourne twice before I delivered my first born. It was quite an experience and an adventure for me and my hubby @frakarsa because it was only the two of us at the time and we were far away from home. Alhamdulillaaaah all was well and we celebrated the joy of being new parents merrily. But Bo has been a lovely and understanding kid since the very beginning as I have no trouble at all in raising him until now when puberty hits LOL. And he’s been traveling around since a tender age of 7 days, accompanying me to the boxing day sale then flew back home to Jakarta when he was only 39 days old!  

Now, he is still a soft-hearted and loving boy who is not afraid to show his love to mama, yours truly, Bapak et Obi. He hugs me before going to bed and says I love you to us. He helps with household chores and cooks well! And he’s our cats’ favorite!

Thanks for being a unique and helpful you, Bang.. here’s to being 14 and more brilliant years to come πŸŽ‰♥️! Bismillahirrahmanirrahiiim ♥️♥️♥️

Before his birthday, we had photo session taken during our last visit to Bali and during our stay in Conrad Hotel, Bali. I love all the result and really thank Conrad for these wonderful shots and beautiful memories we share in there ♥️πŸ’œ♥️.

So that’s our birthday galore this year. We are so grateful for all the beautiful things Allah SWT has bestowed us. May we all be blessed. Always.


  1. Bang, happy for you!
    Senangnya juga punya mama yang baik dan selalu happy seprti mba Indah. DOa terbaik untuk abang tersayang :)

  2. nggak berasa sebentar lagi tahun baru ya mbak :) selamat ulang tahun untuk putra pertamanya ya :) sehat dan bahagia selalu, tetap jadi kebanggaan keluarga

  3. wajib ya photo session di setiap acara keluarga, apalagi ada salah satu anggota keluarga yang ulangtahun

  4. Happy birthday to Mbak Indah's daughter, son and hubby. Wish them all the best.

  5. Abang Bo, Happy Birthday.
    Semoga segala harap dan doa terpenuhi. Segala mimpi terwujud.

    Selamat berlibur, kak Indah.

  6. Happy Birthday to them! I’m glad you can handle them all.

    I was born on the cusp. I think I’m more Cancer like than Gemini. The rest of my family is all over: Leo, Taurus, and a Virgo.

  7. Seru ulang tahunnya deketan begini. Dirayainnya bisa barengan. Selamat ulang tahun untuk semuanya :)

    Semogaaa selalu berkelimpahan rahmat, berkah, anugerah dari ALLAH ta'ala ya Mbaa
    Selalu tertulari semangat dan keceriaan saban baca 'happy article' dari mba Indah.

  9. Seneng sekali baca perayaan ketiga orang tercinta di bulan Desember ini. Abang Bo so sweet deh, sayang banget ya sama seluruh keluarga, perhatian banget gitu.

  10. Waah so happy yaa Kak vacation sekaligus merayakan ulang tahun yanh barengan sama keluarga btw happy birthday yaa Kak!

  11. Such a beautiful birthday celebration, yeayy! Aku ikuti keseruan liburannya di IG, dan berasa aku yang ada disana juga, haha. Masya Allah, sehat2 semua ya Mba Indah Sekeluarga :*

  12. Waaah, Desember bulan yang penuh berkah untuk keluarga yah mbaaak
    Semoga bahagia terus dan sehat selalu untuk keluarga Frakarsa yaaah
    Peyuk jauh dari Banduuuung!

  13. Huhuhu kangen Bali, tapi masih covid.. wish I can go there soon. Apalagi hotel ya Conrad mauu

  14. wah bisa barengan gitu ya mbak ulang tahunnya, happy birthday buat family-nya semoga semuanya selalu sehat dan serunya bisa dirayakan bersama keluarga ya

  15. waa happy birthday yaaa, di bulan December ini juga papa mertuaku ulang tahun, pas banget di tanggal 25 pas natal hehehe

  16. yeay happy deh kalo baca tulisan tentang perayaan ulangtahun bersama keluarga, pastinya ada sesi foto beberapa kali nih

  17. Happy birthday abang, semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan, selalu jadi kebanggaan mamah Indah ya bang.

  18. Wow seru banget ultah reramean dalam sebulan! Happy birthday semuanya, sehat2 selalu panjang umur dan murah rejeki. AMinn

  19. MasyaAllah hepi banget ya Mba, barokallah usianya buat sekeluarga ya Mba. Selamat mengulang hari lahir. Semoga kebahagiaan dan kesehatan senantiasa menaungi keluarga mba Indah.

  20. Wah seru, 1 Leo 3 Sagiatrius ya mbak..tetep Leo ratunya haha. Ngeliat foto-fotonya aku jadi kangen berat pengen liburan

  21. Happy birthday, May Allah SWT bless you all

  22. Wah, memiliki anak pertama pas jauh dari keluarga besar ya. Jadi di Melbourne sama suami trus yang berdua jadi bertiga wow banget rasanya ya. Selamat mb Indah, semoga hari2 mbak semakin membahagiakan aamiin.

  23. Senang sekali deh bacanya, semoga mbak Indah sekeluarga selalu diberikan kesehatan ya.

  24. sama, mbaa, aku pun ultah bulan ini tapi semuanya terasa biasa aja soalnya deg2an banget haha cuma dirayain pakai makan2 ama keluarga inti aja :)

  25. Senang sekali bisa kumpul bareng keluarga. bahagia selalu ya mba Indah dan semoga sehat selalu

  26. Selamat ulang tahun buat orang-orang kesayangan ya mbak. Makin bahagia dan tetap sehat semuanya.

  27. Kka Indaaah..
    MashaAllah.. Barakallahu fiikum.

    Full of blessed, always.
    Ikutan happy baca tulisan kak Indah mengenai cerita masa indah bersama pasangan dan hingga kini tetap saling menjaga dalam cinta.
    Anak-anak yang sehat dan sholih sholiha.

    Semoga semua bahagia dan penuh berkah selalu, kak Indah dan keluarga.

  28. Happy birthday for your 3 sagitarians. Wish them all the best.

  29. Wah, ini birthday nya rombongan ya mbk. Alhamdulillah, selamat ulang tahun buat para kesayangan mbk Indah, semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu..

  30. wah bisa barengan gitu ultahnya ya mbk
    desember jadi bulan yg snagat spesial
    selamat ulang tahun mbak smg bahagia selalu

  31. Tentunya senang banget ya Mbak menemani perkembangan tumbuh kembang anak dan bahagia selalu untuk anaknya

  32. Waah...ada yang ulang tahun ya. Pastinya seru sekali bisa ultah bareng-bareng dalam satu keluarga. Perayaannya bisa diadakan sekaligus.
    Wish you all the best :)

  33. Mbak Indah...

    Selamat ulang tahun untuk orang-orang terkasihnya dan bahagia selalu dalam perjalanan panjangnya hingga akhir nanti bersama pasangan terkasih

    Dann selalu berbahagia menangani 3 Sagitariusnya ya, klo Leo kaya Irma & Vema, paham banget aku karakternya hahaha, orang-orang yang akan jadi sahabat yang sangat-sangat hangat dan baik, meski kadangs edikit jutek :)))
    Namun sangat dominan tegas dan realistis (((wadau, jadi bahas LEO nih hahaha)))

  34. selamat ulang tahun papa booobi, boo dan obi <3
    semoga selalu sehat bahagia sekeluarga dan tambah sukses <3

    salam sayang dari kami sekeluarga mba

  35. Woow ternyata datingnya lama juga ya Mba? Semoga selalu menjadi sakinaha mawadah warahmah ya Mba.

  36. Alhamdulillah... Bulan yang penuh kebahagiaan ya :)
    Happy birthday untuk Bo, Obi, dan ayahnya... Happy wedding anniversary juga... Orang tua saya juga anniversarynya bulan ini...

  37. Hi, mbak Indah I will say happy birthday to all of your family. May Allah always bless your family. I am a Leo, my husband, mom and father in law also Leo. So I was bussy at the end of Juli till August. It looks like mbak Indah was bussy in December, isn't it? 🀣🀣🀣

  38. Wow banget relantionshipnya dah 25 tahunan ya mbak, semoga samawa sampai kakek nenek. Happy anniversary buat mbk Indah dan suami juga utk anak2 yang ultah.

  39. Bulan yang penuh dengan kebahagiaan ya, para anggota keluarga merayakan ultah di bulan yang sama. Happy blessed day untuk Bapak Frakarsa, Bo dan Obi ya mam.

  40. Happy wedding anniversary mba, semoga langgeng terus sampai kakek nenek


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