WW: Lebaran Day - Eid Mubarak

Wishing my family and friends who celebrate it 
A Wonderful Eid!

Eid Mubarak from all of us
It's the time to enjoy  solemn and blessed days with our loved ones and may Ramadan bring the best of us for the next 11 months ahead.

Here are some snaps for this joyous day.

We started it with sholat Eid al-Fitr at Al-Falah Mosque near our house in Lampung.

the male section at the mosque..

my daughter Obi and I...

Then we visited our neighbors as well as visited our loved ones who have passed away. Al-Fatihah for all of them.

My dearest papah..

at my father-in-law's grave.. 

My dearest Grandma or nenek..
Then what's next? 
Visiting one family gathering to another, eating all those yummy food and doing our traditional saweram, or giving money to our nieces and nephews. 
It was fun & hilarious!

My favorite sambal goreng hati

lapis legit, everyone?

Opor, kari, and more

all the girls..


let's see who gets the most!

Then on the 3rd day, we went to the island!
It's snorkeling time..

Sari Ringgung Beach

At Tegal Mas Island..

My brothers and I...

Again, Eid Mubarak, wherever you are!
So, what's your Eid story? 
Share with us!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun linking up!


  1. Jadi lapar lagi dan pengen masakan Lebaran lagi. Rendang masih ada, sih, alhamdulillah, jadi masih ada aroma Lebaran. Hihi.

  2. Eid Mubarak too, Mam. Di Joy and full stories to celebrste this day. I like' look eaten on The table. Made me hungry. Ha ha. I like' opor, rendang, and sambal kentang. Di lapis legit too.
    How much money to saweran? Bikin ngiler, ha ha.
    My day when lebaran judt sleep. Oh. I was very tired because not sleep enough. But I like' after that in day three, going to my friend in Cibiuk. Not for snorkeling, ha ha. Just eatmany food and sambal Cibiuk.
    Di, I think, lebaran made our happy.

  3. Yang beda hanya lapis legit. Beneran gak kepikiran menyediakannya pas momen lebaran. Padahal saya dan anak suka banget sama lapis legit. Besok besok harus beli ah hehehe jadi ngiler

  4. Eid Mubarak, Purple World. God Bless the world.

  5. Haduhhh, lihat lapis legitnya bikin laper lagi mbak. Sambel goreng nya terlihat yummyyyy, pengen ngambil sesendok, hihii

  6. Alhamdulillah bisa melaksanakan idul fitri bersama keluarga. Selain itu juga bisa berwisata dan nyekar ya mba :)

  7. Lebaran kemarin ga masak sambel goreng ati padahal biasana ga pernah absen tapi karena aku mau mudik hahaha jadi takut ga kemakan akhirnya blas ga masak samsek aku mba :D

  8. Wow...pikniknya pun asyik ya...snorkeling! Keren banget alam bawah lautnya Lampung ya mba... Pengeeeen...

  9. I heart that photo of you and Obi! So beautiful. You had a lot of great people around you!

  10. You have a large and beautiful family! I agree with Alissa. That picture of you and Obi is delightful!

  11. You had so much fun on Eid Mubarak Day, mbak! And I'm envy your snorkling time, since I couldn't do it anymore huhuhu

  12. Huaaa lapis legitnya menggoda Mbak.. Daaann yg pasti moment saweran tuh ya yg paling dinanti 😁

  13. Senangnya bisa dilengkapi dgn tamasya bersama keluarga..aku ngiler sama sambel goreng ati n lapis legitnya hehe..

  14. Sama kyk org Jkt (Betawi) ya mbak, kalau abis sholat Id nyekar ke makam kerbata yang sdh meninggal.
    Kalau di Jawa biasanya nyekarnya sblm Ramadan atau sblm Idulfitri.
    Senangnya bisa berlebaran sama keluarga besar, tradisi di Indonesia yang bagus banget terutama buat menjaga silaturahmi antar kerabat yang terpisah jauh2 ya

  15. Kumpul keluarga di hari Idulfitri memang menyenangkan apalagi bisa foto keluarga bareng ngumpul semua. Momen yang priceless banget.

  16. Mba Indah dan keluarga terlihat sekali happy bisa berkumpul bersama, makan bersama dan libuan bersama juga ya.. semoga momen kebersamaan ini akan terus ada ya mb.. btw, salfok deh sama kaftahnya.. motif tetro gitu

  17. Happy eid mubarak mba. Senyumnya merekah banget. Momen lebaran memang berkesan banget yaa. Kumpul bersama keluarga, liburan dan makan makan hehe

  18. seru banget foto2 lebarannya mbak indah dan keluarga.. senang liatnya bisa kumpul gini ya.. foto makanannya pun bikin ngiler, maaf lahir bathin ya salam buat keluarga

  19. Kak Indah mirip banget...
    Ternyata di Lampung makanan Lebarannya mirip-mirip sama di Jawa yaa..
    Dan nikmaaatt nya tiada terkiraa...

    Barakallahu fiikum, kak Insav sekeluarga.

  20. bisa lebaran bersama keluarga besar terasa indahnya yaa mbaaak, belum lagi makanannya beraneka ragam...

  21. Selamat Hari Raya, Indah! The food looks amazing! Beautiful photos, my friend!


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